Touchdown ☠ 002

Sep 21, 2009 16:59

Who: Travis Touchdown and Senji Kiyomisa
Where: Espoir
Style: Either
Status: Closed

[ooc: Takes place the day after this.]A roar ripped through the silence of Espoir as a motorbike raced down the uneven path, leaving a trail of dust at its wake. Travis revved the engine a few more times, shifting his weight backward so the front wheel would jump ( Read more... )

kiyomasa senji, !location: espoir, travis touchdown

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Comments 36

deadcenter_crow September 21 2009, 19:16:09 UTC
Hands in his pockets, he made his way to the field where he was supposed to meet this other guy. Things weren't all that bad here really. He was kind of liking it suddenly. Maybe he should have put up that crap about people not wanting to fight here earlier. He might have gotten these results sooner.

Arriving there he found the guy and grinned. He wasn't early. He liked that. The motorcycle was pretty nice too.

His long black coat was rolled up at the sleeves. All the way to the elbows. As usual, he hadn't bothered with a shirt. Why do that? It wasn't like he usually needed one. His grin grew as he stopped there to look at the guy.



scoreatouchdown September 22 2009, 19:36:22 UTC
Travis turned, shifting his attention from the distance to the newcomer. Looks like his opponent had finally arrived. He pushed himself off the bike and eyed the man, walking partway towards him. Travis cocked an eyebrow, he couldn't tell if the guy was trying to show off what with him baring his chest the way he did. Did this guy think he was the shit or something?

He acknowledged the other man with a mere nod. It was hard to tell what this guy was planning to use as a weapons. Travis assumed that he was unarmed... unless he was going to use his fists during the fight. Maybe the guy was all bark no bite. He seemed like the type, after all.

Reaching behind his belt, he grabbed his beam katana and twirled it around his thumb. He stopped it on it's fourth rotation and held tightly held on to the grip.

"You ready for this?"


deadcenter_crow September 22 2009, 19:58:01 UTC
Senji glanced at the weapon but otherwise didn't give it much thought. He was still bruised from yesterday. Couple cuts here and there. But otherwise, he was just sore. That feeling excited him. Yesterday's fight with Nero had been damn good. Hopefully, this wouldn't be a disappointing follow on.

Slipping his hands from his pockets, he revealed that his thumbs had rings on them with sharp spikes. His posture was relaxed.

"Been ready since yesterday."

He laughed and nodded to him. "You wanna hit first or should I? I don't give a shit about who goes first."


scoreatouchdown September 23 2009, 19:31:57 UTC
Now that Travis was much closer to the other man he noticed that he seemed unfazed, not that it mattered all too much. He also noticed how he looked all banged-up. That message he sent out must've ticked off some other people as well.

The man didn't take up a stance as he revealed his weapon. He was going to use his fists? Travis couldn't even see how he would be able to dodge the attacks his beam katana when they began fighting. The last person he fought who used their hands was Jeane but she was nimble, quick on her toes. This guy didn't look like he could move as fast as she used too. A sigh escaped the assassin's lips. Looks like this wouldn't take too long, after all.

His finger searched for the button and pressed it, the beam revealing itself from the hilt. "Frankly, I don't give a shit, either."

With that, Travis charaged towards his opponent. He brought his beam katana upward before slashing it horizontally, aiming for the other man's side.


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