grell sutcliff ✇ 004

Jul 26, 2009 21:42

Who: Grell Sutcliff and anybody who wants to chat~ ♥
Where: Somni
Style: Either ♥!!
Status: OPENGrell stood, staring into the window of a small clothing boutique in Somni. The clothes here were simply hideous, he thought to himself. No taste at all. None of the women looked as breathtaking as Madam did every time they attended one of those ( Read more... )

minako aino, road kamelot, minatsuki takami, sebastian michaelis, rena ryuugu, clovis la britannia, !location: somni, grell sutcliff, !location: espoir, schneizel el britannia

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Comments 112

castling_crowns July 27 2009, 02:57:36 UTC
Schneizel wasn't sure where he'd been the past few weeks. Months, perhaps. Time always seemed rather....fluid in this world, still more strange than familiar. Days could pass like hours, or a moment could take reminded him eerily of what he'd read in Charles' journals of the World of C. It was an unsettling comparison.

One thing, however, that hadn't changed, was one's need for seasonally appropriate clothing. This world didn't seem to know the meaning of moderation, and was rather enthusiastic about everything, seasons included. And while Schneizel was nothing if not used to wearing many layers even in heat worse than this, one must make concessions. Especially with this humidity. It wouldn't do to look unpresentable or--heaven forbid--sweaty, would it ( ... )


chainsawofdeath July 27 2009, 03:59:37 UTC
He sighed and shook his head as he continued to stare into the window. Might as well go inside and at least take a look around. Who knows, there could be something or someone~!! breathtakingly gorgeous inside!

He pulled his long red coat off and folded it over his forearm, wiping the small layer of sweat off of his brow before entering the quaint boutique. He stopped just past the threshold, noticing a tall blond putting a crimson silk shirt back on the hanger. W-Why did he put it back?! Maybe it just wasn't the right size?! Heavens, the shirt would look fabulous on him~!!

Grell grinned and brushed his long red locks out of his face and over his shoulder. He pranced over to the man and tapped him on the arm, "Sir, do you realize that color would look absolutely amazing on a man with your hair color~?"


castling_crowns July 27 2009, 04:08:59 UTC
Ah, this....gentleman(??) was certainly one of Somarium's more flamboyant residents. Schneizel was reminded vaguely of Earl Asplund's rather singsongy, teasing manner of speaking, though Lloyd certainly showed more regard for one's personal space. Then again, Asplund always was a little finicky about touch. Perhaps it was a scientist thing, though Nina certainly showed none of the same qualms...Dismissing the comparison, Schneizel turned, discretely putting a step between himself and the stranger as he faced him. Well, he was certainly a walking advertisement for the color, wasn't he? Inclining his head slightly, Schneizel smiled politely.

"Do you think so? I've always felt it made my complexion look sallow."


chainsawofdeath July 27 2009, 04:32:29 UTC
The Death God pushed his glasses up his nose and his grin widened upon seeing this man - it was none other than Schneizel el Britannia~! Though... It was obvious that the handsome prince had no idea who Grell was. He studied him for a moment: it was true that he was very attractive, but he didn't hold a candle to Sebastian~ Nobody's looks and debonair compare to Sebastian, though ♥

He leaned a bit closer, "Schneizel, right?!"

He smiled, revealing a mouthful of sharp teeth, "You're far more attractive in person than I ever thought you to be on the small Dreamberry screen~!! But... that's neither here nor there ♥ I think red looks great on anybody, Sir~ And you... though that hair color is slightly out of vogue... would look fabulous!!"


HER HAIR IS /SOMETIMES/ RED :D;; bigassmachete July 27 2009, 04:23:26 UTC
Rena was starting to wonder how she had managed to survive the summer heat back in Hinamizawa in her trademark white dress. Granted she usually only wore this outfit on special occasions and was now wearing it almost everyday. But still! That, and it was rather troublesome getting all those dirt stains out everyday.

So Rena now found herself wondering around Somni, oh the lookout for anything that might be able to cool her off. That was when she passed by someone who seemed to be also on the lookout for some new clothes. She peered over to see what kinds of clothes he was looking at.


Rena so cuet! chainsawofdeath July 27 2009, 04:39:43 UTC
Grell looked over at the young girl standing next to him. If her hair was darker, she would look a lot like Angelina did in her Cinematic Record... but that orange hair... SO out of vogue~ And red would clash with it!

He sighed and shook his head, staring back at the window. The women in this town needed to take a lesson from Angelina Durless in how to properly dress themselves. White dress? Orange hair? Heaven forbid somebody actually look like a goddess like Madam Red did...


^3^ bigassmachete July 27 2009, 05:06:01 UTC
Rena suddenly had the sneaking suspicion that he was judging her outfit with his eyes. Or maybe she was just paranoid. Either way, she was still on the lookout for something to wear.

"Have you had any luck finding anything I wonder?"


<33 chainsawofdeath July 27 2009, 05:14:22 UTC
"Ah... I haven't really looked~!! I've noticed a severe lack of... red clothing, though. Nothing at all tasteful~!" he laughed. "It's a shame that the people in Somarium have absolutely NO sense of what's beautiful!"

He brushed some hair out of his face and grinned at the young girl.


[Going back from her shop to her apartment in the shopping district, and... That red hair is unmistakable. She freezes, watching Grell from afar, and then...]

[...Walks in the exact opposite direction, trying to get away before Gay McFaggot notices her.] Fucking fruit-!


LMAO DONT EVEN chainsawofdeath July 27 2009, 04:35:01 UTC
[He happens to turn around as little Sluttly McWhoreface is creeping off in the opposite direction. Goodness, he has no idea why~! And he can't let her get away ♥]


[He waves eagerly]


*RAPES YOU WITH A SEVERED LEG* whipwing July 27 2009, 04:37:58 UTC
[STIFFENS WHEN HE CALLS HER and then mutters annoyedly to herself:] I'll shove a rotting cock down your throat, you shit-packing fairy.

[turns and calls out] I'm not your fucking darling!


*L-LIKES IT?! IDK* chainsawofdeath July 27 2009, 04:42:23 UTC
Minatsuki~ You're as adorable as EVER!! ♥ [Grins as he walks over, looking her up and down]

You know, I was just looking in the window of that small boutique over there... and there was a hideous little pink dress that reminded me of you!!


cest_la_venus July 27 2009, 16:41:02 UTC
Minako was out wandering around, in a tank top, jean shorts, a light windbreaker, and her red cowboy hat. She was wandering fairly aimlessly, but when she noticed someone out of the corner of her eye, she also noticed that he was in front of a clothing boutique, and Minako figured she might see if there was anything that interested her.

Of course, she couldn't be rude to the man standing outside it, either. "Hello," she said politely, nodding her head to him, as she got closer.


chainsawofdeath July 28 2009, 02:58:19 UTC
It was women like this that made Grell truly miss Angelina Durless, even though she was such a pathetic women when all was said and done. A red Western hat? ...Gaudy, though, the red did save it from being absolutely hideous. He sighed. Women in Somarium just didn't understand true beauty, did they?

He looked over at the young woman and gave a forced smile, "...Hello~"


cest_la_venus July 28 2009, 03:05:47 UTC
"Out shopping?" Minako asked, trying to stay polite.


chainsawofdeath July 28 2009, 03:17:42 UTC
"Of course~!! Though, I must say that Somarium doesn't quite have the fabulous clothing I'm used to seeing back home when I'd go out with Madam~!" he replied, brushing some hair back behind his shoulder.


promusexabyssus July 28 2009, 02:08:05 UTC
It was moments like this that made Sebastian so very grateful for his heightened senses. In this particular case it was his sight that he had to thank, allowing him to spot the outrageous red hair from a distance before he had a chance to get closer and risk getting spotted by the flamboyant nuisance. He also had his quick reflexes to thank as they allowed him to make an immediate 180 degree turn and walk in the opposite direction as quickly as his legs would carry him.


chainsawofdeath July 28 2009, 02:38:23 UTC
Luckily, Grell turned around at exactly the perfect moment when, lo and behold, the most beautiful creature that has ever graced the planet came into his view. ...But, he was turning around?! And quickly walking in the other direction?! Maybe he was lost? Confused? Just didn't notice the beautiful red-head staring into the window of the boutique?!


Grell would not let this chance meeting pass by!!

"SEBASTIAN~!!" he squealed as he sped toward the demon, waving excitedly. "MY ROMEO, WHERE ARE YOU GOING~?!"


promusexabyssus July 28 2009, 03:25:55 UTC
Sebastian seriously considered breaking into a run and fleeing for a moment before deciding that the act would be below him and would require far too much energy than he was willing to put into any matter concerning the insufferable Death God.

"Please, refrain from referring to me as such in a public place." He said, in a rather annoyed tone, as he turned to face the squealing man.

He vaguely wondered if he would be able to walk away from this encounter with his sanity still intact.


chainsawofdeath July 28 2009, 03:29:51 UTC
Grell stared at Sebastian, his eyes taking in the splendor in front of him... but he didn't understand why Sebby was so cruel as of late. Had something happened in Somarium? Certainly not!! Sebastian was a strong man!! And Grell wanted nothing more than to be wrapped in said strong man's arms in a loving and tender embrace ♥!!!

"Sebby... I don't understand why you are so adamant about keeping our love a secret..." he said, a confused look on his face.


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