grell sutcliff ✇ 004

Jul 26, 2009 21:42

Who: Grell Sutcliff and anybody who wants to chat~ ♥
Where: Somni
Style: Either ♥!!
Status: OPENGrell stood, staring into the window of a small clothing boutique in Somni. The clothes here were simply hideous, he thought to himself. No taste at all. None of the women looked as breathtaking as Madam did every time they attended one of those ( Read more... )

minako aino, road kamelot, minatsuki takami, sebastian michaelis, rena ryuugu, clovis la britannia, !location: somni, grell sutcliff, !location: espoir, schneizel el britannia

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castling_crowns July 27 2009, 02:57:36 UTC
Schneizel wasn't sure where he'd been the past few weeks. Months, perhaps. Time always seemed rather....fluid in this world, still more strange than familiar. Days could pass like hours, or a moment could take reminded him eerily of what he'd read in Charles' journals of the World of C. It was an unsettling comparison.

One thing, however, that hadn't changed, was one's need for seasonally appropriate clothing. This world didn't seem to know the meaning of moderation, and was rather enthusiastic about everything, seasons included. And while Schneizel was nothing if not used to wearing many layers even in heat worse than this, one must make concessions. Especially with this humidity. It wouldn't do to look unpresentable or--heaven forbid--sweaty, would it?

That was why he was here, in what appeared to be an upscale corner of the shopping district, seeking out something a bit lighter than the woolen blend of his current suit jacket. Perhaps a linen? As he browsed the racks, the prince caught a flash of red out of the corner of his eye. Another shopper, apparently mourning the lack of 'fabulous' clothing. Not his concern, really. Turning back to the rack, Schneizel pulled an airy shirt in crimson silk from its hanger, holding it before him and glancing in a nearby mirror thoughtfully before shaking his head and putting it back.

Red had never been his color.


chainsawofdeath July 27 2009, 03:59:37 UTC
He sighed and shook his head as he continued to stare into the window. Might as well go inside and at least take a look around. Who knows, there could be something or someone~!! breathtakingly gorgeous inside!

He pulled his long red coat off and folded it over his forearm, wiping the small layer of sweat off of his brow before entering the quaint boutique. He stopped just past the threshold, noticing a tall blond putting a crimson silk shirt back on the hanger. W-Why did he put it back?! Maybe it just wasn't the right size?! Heavens, the shirt would look fabulous on him~!!

Grell grinned and brushed his long red locks out of his face and over his shoulder. He pranced over to the man and tapped him on the arm, "Sir, do you realize that color would look absolutely amazing on a man with your hair color~?"


castling_crowns July 27 2009, 04:08:59 UTC
Ah, this....gentleman(??) was certainly one of Somarium's more flamboyant residents. Schneizel was reminded vaguely of Earl Asplund's rather singsongy, teasing manner of speaking, though Lloyd certainly showed more regard for one's personal space. Then again, Asplund always was a little finicky about touch. Perhaps it was a scientist thing, though Nina certainly showed none of the same qualms...Dismissing the comparison, Schneizel turned, discretely putting a step between himself and the stranger as he faced him. Well, he was certainly a walking advertisement for the color, wasn't he? Inclining his head slightly, Schneizel smiled politely.

"Do you think so? I've always felt it made my complexion look sallow."


chainsawofdeath July 27 2009, 04:32:29 UTC
The Death God pushed his glasses up his nose and his grin widened upon seeing this man - it was none other than Schneizel el Britannia~! Though... It was obvious that the handsome prince had no idea who Grell was. He studied him for a moment: it was true that he was very attractive, but he didn't hold a candle to Sebastian~ Nobody's looks and debonair compare to Sebastian, though ♥

He leaned a bit closer, "Schneizel, right?!"

He smiled, revealing a mouthful of sharp teeth, "You're far more attractive in person than I ever thought you to be on the small Dreamberry screen~!! But... that's neither here nor there ♥ I think red looks great on anybody, Sir~ And you... though that hair color is slightly out of vogue... would look fabulous!!"


castling_crowns July 27 2009, 09:26:28 UTC
Though Schneizel's polite expression didn't waver by the least fraction, his mind immediately began sorting through all the faces he'd encountered over his previous months in Somarium, sorting for some clue to this stranger. Finally, he recalled a certain face reminiscent of the one before him, though of course with less makeup...

"Correct, Mr. Sutcliff, and thank you," he greeted the other warmly. "My apologies for not recognizing you sooner. You look far more vibrant than the last time we spoke. Somarian life must agree quite well with you."

Turning back to the rack, he removed the red shirt once more and held it at arms length, running the cuff between his finger and thumb while studying it critically. "Back to the point, I suppose it is more of a crimson than a tomato red...perhaps a different shade than what I'm familiar with would look more appealing on me. Shall we try it?"

Grell might be unpredictable, but that didn't mean he couldn't be useful. From flighty, mediocre butler to flamboyant, wild...whatever he was, to...weapon? Who knew? Every person had a vulnerable point, a place to sink your hook. And if there was anything Schneizel knew, it was that one could never have too many lines in the water when fishing.


chainsawofdeath July 27 2009, 19:07:41 UTC
He stared at Schneizel, "How... I just..."

He pouted for several minutes, still not sure how the prince was able to see through his act as a butler. Was his quality as an actress slipping?! Had he let things go since being in Somarium?! Did this man know from the start that he wasn't just a spastic butler??! ...He gripped his chest and took in a deep breath, trying to still his pounding heart. He couldn't let himself go like this, even if he wasn't in London anymore.

"You're quite perceptive, aren't you, my Prince~? Being able to see through my act like that and see the true me~!! Not many can~!" he grinned. "I don't have to put on my act here in Somarium... especially since Madam isn't here for me to serve anymore!"

He continued to go on about how wonderful of an actress he was for several minutes while he shuffled through the racks of clothing before pulling out several deep crimson shirts and thrusting them at Schneizel. They were the color of blood and oh so beautiful, Grell thought. "These will look splendid~!!"


castling_crowns July 28 2009, 07:10:53 UTC
Schneizel simply smiled in response, this curving of his lips slower, more deliberate. His eyes, normally pale, warm but distant, iced over, seemingly revealing...what? He knew from experience what that expression looked like. It was a teasing glimpse of possibility, plans seemingly laid, and chances made to be taken. The Lady Macbeth of smiles, that made one see the real choices one could make when unconstrained by rules of petty morality.

The look lasted only a moment, just long enough for the rather oblivious and self-centered Grell to finally notice, before his customary expression blinked it away, and Schneizel slipped from his coat, passing the white linen garment to Grell in exchange for the shirts before disappearing into the dressing room. Over the rustling sounds of garments being changed, he called over the door, "Did you ever find the employment you were seeking, Mr. Sutcliff?"


chainsawofdeath July 31 2009, 07:19:57 UTC
The Death God had completely forgotten about speaking to Schneizel concerning his employment as a butler in Somarium... Ah well~! He wasn't sure if he was suited to work for somebody like Schneizel, anyway. He seemed to have some morale about him and, well, that was the downfall of the person he served last.

"Yes~! I've been working for Kaname Kuran," he grinned. Things had been going wonderfully at the Kuran estate, though he had been considering leaving and moving in with Sebastian since his recent (and most joyous!!!) arrival...

"He's such a beautiful man~ Quite like yourself, I must say! Don't keep me waiting too long, Sir! I'm dying to see you in my favorite color!"


castling_crowns August 2 2009, 09:26:31 UTC
"Kaname, you say? I've seen the name in the directory, though I've never met him personally. May I ask where he resides?"

Idle conversation for idle moments. Schneizel took a moment or two longer, lingering in the dressing room. He did have to admit, the deeper shade of red was more flattering than he'd previously thought, the rich color bringing out hidden shades of violet in his eyes. It made the Britannian family genes that much more apparent, his resemblance to Lelouch both strengthened and yet somehow weakened at the same time. He liked it after all, he decided, and remained in the dressing room, adjusting his cuffs (perhaps amethyst cufflinks were in order?) while waiting for Grell's response.


chainsawofdeath August 3 2009, 06:12:21 UTC
Grell thought for a moment, "He lives in the large mansion... located near the Western wall of Espoir..."

The Death God briefly wondered what was taking the prince so long, but quickly realized that it does take time for a man to look good. He crossed his arms and huffed, growing a bit impatient. It seemed as if Schneizel had done nothing but ask Grell questions since his arrival and, though he thought this to be rather odd, he brushed it off. He was never one to hide things from others... unless instructed otherwise, that is.


castling_crowns August 3 2009, 10:54:41 UTC
"Really? What a coincidence, Mr. Sutcliff. The larger guest house behind that same mansion is where I make my home. How strange that it's taken so long for our paths to cross. But then, I doubt I would have recognized you, had you not spoken to me. Tell me, why do you masquerade as a butler?"

As he spoke, Schneizel exited the dressing room, leaning against the doorframe in a manner that was half languid drape, half deliberate pose. The color suited him well, moreso than he'd originally expected, especially when paired with his customary white slacks.


chainsawofdeath August 4 2009, 07:58:22 UTC
"I'm an actress~ And a top rate one, at that~!! It's not as if I could easily walk the streets of London looking as fabulous as I do right now, could I?! I needed a way I could blend with Angelina's environment, a way that wouldn't arouse any suspicions..."

He eyed the handsome prince leaning against the doorframe. True, his heart only had room for Sebastian Michaelis; but his eyes had room for many, many more. There was no harm in appreciating other beautiful men, right? ♥


castling_crowns August 4 2009, 08:06:01 UTC
"Of course," Schneizel agreed amiably, "the common people simply don't understand true beauty when they see it. It's a shame, really. Angelina was your previous mistress, correct? I wonder, Mr. Sutcliff, why would you choose to serve anyone? You're quite obviously far more than a mere butler..."

As he spoke, Schneizel shifted, well aware of Grell's eyes on him. He'd play this game as long as it took to get the answers he desired, and perhaps get a new wardrobe in the process. Pulling away from his post, Schneizel headed for the three-way mirror in the corner to further examine the cut of this shirt.


chainsawofdeath August 4 2009, 08:20:35 UTC
His eyes followed Schneizel as he walked over to the mirror. It was amazing what such a stunning color could do for somebody. It did make those prostitutes look simply to-die-for~ Grell thought that this may become quite an interesting friendship. Schneizel sure was one to ask questions, but he never volunteered any personal information of his own. He smirked to himself: There are ways to know about a person besides getting them to talk ♥

But now was neither the time nor the place for such things. Grell was content in chatting with Schneizel for the time being.

"Oh, yes. Angelina Durless. She was one of the most exquisite women I've ever had the pleasure to lay my eyes on. Her hair the most vibrant shade of red, her dress and lips colored to match! She was a little devil, too." He sighed, fondly recalling his first meeting with Madam Red, "I watched her for many weeks. Night after night I would watch her... Until I decided to lend my services. We became... partners. I became the Ripper to her Jack."


castling_crowns August 13 2009, 19:48:48 UTC
"Angelina Durless--that name sounds familiar. Where have I....ah! She was with us for a brief time, was she not?"

Schneizel looked back over his shoulder as he fiddled with a cufflink, threading it through the buttonhole on his shirt cuff, an eyebrow lifted at the mention of the name "Jack the Ripper." Everyone had heard of this notorious killer, who stalked the streets of London back when England was still a part of Britannia. However, Grell was certainly not a part of the world that Schneizel knew. Looking back to his cuff, he spoke again.

"So, the infamous Jack the Ripper in your world was a woman and...her butler?" His tone was clearly an invitation.


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