Spain (Antonio Fernandez Carriedo) : 001 :

Jun 18, 2009 15:42

Who: Spain and anyone who wants to help out a poor, confused country!
Where: Somewhere in Espoir
Style: I don't mind either way! :D
Status: Open to anyone~!

His head hurt. Spain wasn’t sure why his head hurt; he hadn’t been in a fight for some time and he knew he hadn’t been drinking. So why did his head throb?

He wasn’t in his nice, comfortable bed. In fact…It almost felt like…He was on the ground. Which didn’t make any sense at all, because Spain was quite certain he had gone to sleep in bed. No, he was definitely no longer in bed, which was a shame. But there was little he could do to change that, so Spain pushed the thought away with a mental shrug and decided to open his eyes.

He did. Then he closed them, counted to three, and opened them again.

There was a castle floating in the sky. Spain was mostly certain that the castle did not belong there, in the sky, as he was pretty sure that castles did not float. But there was a castle right there, in the sky, so maybe he was wrong and they could?

For a few moments, Spain simply lay there and looked at the castle with what could only be described as a clueless expression. Then, with a small sigh, he decided to get up. He thought that he should probably find out where he was, since this was definitely not his home. And maybe someone could explain when castles had learned to fly.

Finally on his feet, Spain looked around, still clueless. It was a quaint looking village, but...nothing was familiar. So he simply shrugged and set off in a random direction. When lost, every way was the same, right? Spain thought so, anyway.

He really hoped that there were tomatoes in this strange place.

((ooc: okay, someone come help the poor guy out~! He'd be grateful, really!))

austria (roderich edelstein), spain (antonio fernandez carriedo), !location: espoir

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