Who: Raven and anyone else Where: Espoir. More specifically Altosk Tavern Style: Third (BUT. If you wanna be in First that is totally cool. I'm just in a Third person mood at the moment xD) Status: Open
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Out exploring Somarium, Harconin in hand, Seras wanders down a random street. She comes up to a bar that looks to have been recently occupied. "Uh.. h-hello? Anybody home?"
"It's open," Raven said casually, though his voice shifted from his usual laidback tone back to his old formal, crip clear voice, leaning over the front counter.
Cautiously stepping inside, Seras did a quick check of the premises. There was no reason to assume this man was malicious, but the fact remained that she still didn't know how she ended up here. Wherever *here* was.
"I supposed you could say that. Although I'm not exactly sure where I've arrived. Last thing I remember, I was asleep in my.... bed." She figured she ought to just leave it at that for now. Not exactly any reason to stir up suspicions.
Unfortunately, she was dealing with a guy who had grown used to noticing such slight hesitance in speech to be a bit curious. Especially how she entered the tavern as if there could be some hidden dangers lurking around.
But Raven wasn't going to probe immediately. They usually end up saying something that would let him wheedle in.
Instead he gave her a casual grin, not moving from his spot. "You don't say? Well, I can tell you that you'll probably not believe it when I say you're in another world."
Comments 237
"It's open," Raven said casually, though his voice shifted from his usual laidback tone back to his old formal, crip clear voice, leaning over the front counter.
"New arrival?" he grinned.
Seras did a quick check of the premises. There was no reason to assume this man was malicious, but the fact remained that she still didn't know how she ended up here. Wherever *here* was.
"I supposed you could say that. Although I'm not exactly sure where I've arrived. Last thing I remember, I was asleep in my.... bed." She figured she ought to just leave it at that for now. Not exactly any reason to stir up suspicions.
But Raven wasn't going to probe immediately. They usually end up saying something that would let him wheedle in.
Instead he gave her a casual grin, not moving from his spot. "You don't say? Well, I can tell you that you'll probably not believe it when I say you're in another world."
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