Rune 01

May 13, 2009 17:28

Who: Rune and anyone else who happens to stop by
Where: Espoir, Center Plaza
Style: Either
Status: Open ( Read more... )

rune walsh, !location: espoir, kitchel, shinigami, hakuryuu

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Comments 34

jeeptothewest May 14 2009, 00:22:31 UTC
Hakuryuu flew by, and noticed the blue-haired man. He flew closer, and hovered in front of him.


arrogant_mage May 14 2009, 00:30:48 UTC
Great, just what he needed, some strange creature. Though at least it hadn't attacked yet, he sure wasn't going to let it do anything too bad if it wasn't friendly.

At least it wasn't threatening him outright, so he wouldn't attack it right off, who knew what it could be and he was well aware that there were at times monsters that were friendly.

But he definitely stood up very quickly the moment the creature appeared and he was quite ready to use any of his magic if it did threaten him right off.


jeeptothewest May 14 2009, 00:32:44 UTC
Hakuryuu backwinged, not sure if this person was safe or not.


arrogant_mage May 14 2009, 00:58:00 UTC
From the reaction, Rune could make one of two guesses. Either this creature was friendly, or it was a very dangerous tricky sort of creature that pretended to be scared when it wasn't.

In case it was the second, he was going to be careful, but he wouldn't outright threaten the creature. After all, it could be like the Musk Cats and very friendly and even helpful. Of course, they could actually talk and that made things easier.

"So do you talk? And if so, do you have a name then?"


cantakeyourlife May 14 2009, 01:57:40 UTC
Shinigami had taken a liking to mulling around Espoir. It was so old-time and homey, and such a nice change of pace from present-day Death City, with all its swirling trouble on the horizon.

However, if there was one thing he enjoyed doing in Somarium, it was bothering stoic young people. (It always amused him when his son responded with embarrassed utterance of things like, "Father, I'm not a child...")

So entertaining.

"Heeeeeeeeey, what's up?" he asked cheerily, coming almost literally out of nowhere and giving the new guy a prod in the head that was nearly forceful enough to knock him down. "A little confused~? Need some directions~?"


arrogant_mage May 14 2009, 02:42:17 UTC
Rune fought really hard to keep his balance and not look like a complete idiot after being prdded on the head.

"Yeah, I could use some direction. How about how to get far away from someone like you?"


cantakeyourlife May 14 2009, 04:00:51 UTC
"Oh-ho~!" A snark, huh? Shinigami's tone of voice changed somewhat, rendering it difficult to tell how serious he was being.

"We~ell, I wouldn't recommend hanging out in places like this one, nope. I tend to do a lot of lurking here during the day~ I can readily recommend any place with lots of sunlight, though; can't take sunlight. Might disintegrate me, you know~"

...Of course, he was completely unserious about that last remark, but given the general reception his appearance had received so far, he wondered how much people would be ready to believe.


arrogant_mage May 14 2009, 04:17:38 UTC
The tone and words did make it seem like whatever this person, thing or whatever was, a good amount of what was being said was lies.

"I'll keep that in mind then." Rune told him, though really he doubted that was true, if anything it was probably the opposite that was true, or something completely different.

"So maybe you could give your name, or you could just attack me again and I'll enjoy using some magic on you."


stolen_gold May 15 2009, 08:30:30 UTC
"Are you lost?" Kitchel asked, kicking her feet from where she sat perched on the edge of a wall, watching as he walked by. "You look lost. You must be new here, right?"


arrogant_mage May 15 2009, 09:15:30 UTC
Rune couldn't help but smile, glad that someone was being helpful now and maybe he might be able to figure out at last where he ended up. "I definitely don't recognize this town, or really any of the surroundings."

Truly, at this point, he was starting to wonder if he somehow forgot about ending up on a spaceship and made a trip to yet another unknown planet, this one full of weirdos. "Maybe you could help with that. What town and planet is this?"


stolen_gold May 19 2009, 05:08:49 UTC
"Um... I'm not sure what the planet is called, but this place is Somarium. The city is Soma," Kitchel clarified. "So I guess you might say Somarium's the name of the planet or the world or whatever." She was confused, actually, never having thought about it much before. "People wind up here lost all the time, though," Kitchel said in an attempt to be reassuring. "So don't worry about it."

[ksjjkhgjdghks sorry for my epic late tagging fail. DD:]


arrogant_mage May 22 2009, 13:24:52 UTC
[Don't worry about it, sometimes I'm not really fast either, and other times I'm very fast]

Rune sighed. It would seem he somehow not only ended up on another planet, but rather far away from his own solar system, he highly doubted there was some fifth planet he didn't know of. "I'm not that worried." In a more quiet voice he said "Not like I wanted to go back to that freezing place anytime soon."

In his normal tone of voice, "I guess I'll just have to learn my way around. Is there anything I should be aware of, like any places that are dangerous or considered to hold great evil?"


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