Treize - Log #001

Feb 12, 2009 22:18

Who: Treize Khushrenada, ???
Where: Treize's Mansion, Espoir
Style: Either - be consistent
Status: Open to anyone who replied positively to either Treize's entry or Naomi's entry. (And Suzaku Kururururururugi) ... if you'd like to get in, but missed either of those, just ask me first~

(Voice Post to all of the people mentioned above):

Good evening, my ( Read more... )

ocelot, big boss, anise tatlin, frank jaeger, lavi, luke skywalker, naomi hunter, joachim valentine, !location: espoir, treize khushrenada

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Comments 116

joachythmic February 13 2009, 04:04:38 UTC
[A volunteer militia? This little golden bat had overheard the message on someone else's dreamberry, and how could he of all people pass up the chance to assist in defending truth and justice?

So Treize, have a golden bat with a dreamberry in the shape of a ring around it's neck flying through your window, sprinkling gold dust everywhere.]

Hey, is this the place for the militia sign ups?


undistracted February 13 2009, 04:20:14 UTC
*If Treize is thrown off-guard by the creature's arrival, the only sign he shows is raising one forked eyebrow, his voice smooth in response*

Indeed, it is, little ... *short pause* ... creature.


joachythmic February 13 2009, 04:26:02 UTC
[And this bat will be doing a midair flip for joy, spreading even more gold dust all over the place.]

Cool! Where can I sign?!


undistracted February 13 2009, 04:45:53 UTC
With all due respect, little creature ... what do you think someone of your... small stature could contribute? This is a potentially dangerous duty.


gurugurugungnir February 13 2009, 05:27:00 UTC
[Rushes in on Tokunaga]

Ionian Sergeant Anise Tatlin Oracle Knights Fon Master Guard, reporting for... sign-ups, I guess~! ♪


undistracted February 13 2009, 05:54:40 UTC
*And this is Treize blinking at them, though his composure is, as always, unruffled. Such strange people in this world...*

...Sergeant, was it? Precisely how old are you, child? You are aware this is not playing war, yes? This is real, and potentially very dangerous.


gurugurugungnir February 13 2009, 05:58:20 UTC
[Shrinks Tokunaga down, slinging him over her back before speaking- and glaring. GLARING.]

Booooo! I'm 13, but I've had plenty of field and combat experience while protecting Ion!


undistracted February 13 2009, 06:09:15 UTC
*Thirteen years old. ... a thirteen-year-old soldier. But, then again, the Gundam pilots weren't much older than her, and they turned out to be magnificent warriors. Perhaps he should give her a chance? Though... keep her out of the dangerous missions for now.*

All right, Miss Tatlin. I'll believe you - if you are determined to help, then help you shall.

What sort of talents do you have?


fancy_shooting February 13 2009, 14:31:27 UTC
*parks his motorcycle about a block away and waits until Treize is alone before coming in*


undistracted February 14 2009, 00:20:35 UTC
*Is seated in a large armchair in the sitting room, and leans back as he sees Ocelot, half-smiling at the younger man*

Ah, Adam. A pleasure to finally meet you in person, my friend. Please, sit down.


fancy_shooting February 14 2009, 01:38:33 UTC
A pleasure. *has a seat, totally at ease* I suppose you must have questions for me.


undistracted February 14 2009, 02:22:03 UTC
Indeed, I do.

I've managed to figure out much about this world we've been brought to on my own, so I don't believe I'll need your aid there. Where I would like your help... *he tilts his head up slightly* ... is with the people.

The biggest potential threats you know of here in Somarium. Who are they?


(The comment has been removed)

undistracted February 14 2009, 00:50:19 UTC
*Still waiting in his sitting room, Treize raises an eyebrow at the colorfully-dressed figure as he approaches*

We haven't met before. Did Dr. Hunter send you?


(The comment has been removed)

undistracted February 14 2009, 01:09:32 UTC
*Silly Lavi, Treize can do both 8D. Treize takes a few moments to look him over - he's skinny, but the way he carries himself suggests that there's more to his frame than meets the eye. And it's not like Naomi would have referred him anyone who she didn't think was capable of the job.*

I am. And who might you be?


slutty4science February 13 2009, 19:32:15 UTC
*Naomi arrives by herself, her lab coat left at home, but her cleavage is still out in the open for everyone to see*

Hello, Colonel.


undistracted February 14 2009, 00:51:55 UTC
*He favors her with a genuine smile, raising his hand in greeting*

My dear Dr. Hunter. Please, do come in; make yourself comfortable. I owe you quite a debt for your assistance.


slutty4science February 14 2009, 17:08:33 UTC
*smiles in return, stepping closer to him*

Does that mean you've gathered many new recruits?


undistracted February 14 2009, 21:56:04 UTC
Potentially, yes. There's been quite the response, and part of that is undoubtedly due to your efforts.

*Leans back in his chair*

Did you stop by to meet some of the potentials?


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