Elliot - [016]

Nov 17, 2011 11:14

Who: Elliot Nightray and anyone who lives with him
Where: The Pandora Hearts Estate
Style: Either
Status: Closed
Being stubborn can only get you so far. )

leo, elliot nightray, noel vermillion

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Comments 74

disruptstatice November 17 2011, 19:23:13 UTC
Leo wasn't going to say "I told you so", or anything along that line, but this was so... typical. And you could think that maybe it would teach Elliot a lesson for the next time, but Leo knew it wouldn't, either.

Ah well.

Elliot almost looked funny all wrapped up like that, but Leo had already laughed at him for it, so he only smiled as he came into the room after leaving to prepare tea for the both of them. After handing Elliot his cup, he almost sat back down against the side of the bed again, but stopped.

"Do you need anything else?"


snapekillsedgar November 17 2011, 19:28:16 UTC
The instant Leo walked into the room, Elliot glared at him from his spot on the bed. The last thing he wanted to hear right now was more of Leo's jeering. After all, for once he'd been good and stayed home from work, thanks to Noel, and he got this sick anyway.

As Leo came over, it took him a few moments to untangle himself before he was able to drowsily sit up, wincing as his sore muscles protested to it. He could have commented on Leo's far too amused tone, but he just silently reached out for the cup and shook his head no.


disruptstatice November 17 2011, 19:35:32 UTC
And Elliot was apparently even more irritable when this sick...

Well then, Leo was going to be nice and just shrug, and sit back down and grab his book. He would be quiet and just read and drink this tea, yep. If Elliot was going to be like that.


snapekillsedgar November 17 2011, 19:41:43 UTC
Anyone would be irritable when they had no idea how to make themselves feel better in this situation. Even drinking the tea, oddly, was almost making him shiver even more.


stfuelly November 17 2011, 19:26:28 UTC
After her day spent out in the cold and snow, Vanessa figures that a day spent resting would be best. So after entrusting the medicine that she's found to that ridiculous servant, she leaves her brother alone to try and fight the illness off on his own.

But the rest doesn't help, and by the next day she's starting to feel even more ill than before. But there's still no fever, just the annoying beginnings of a head cold. Which is frustrating, sure, but nothing compared to what Elliot has to be feeling.

Sometime in the afternoon, she goes to his room to check on him, knocking politely on the door.

"Elliot? Are you awake?"


snapekillsedgar November 17 2011, 19:32:02 UTC
He was, but he'd been resting his eyes when she decided to come in. Blearily, he blinked to clear his vision, his head throbbing at the light from the hallway. He didn't sit up, but he looked over his shoulder at the door, staring at his sister for a long moment.

"I told you that you'd get sick." He grumbled in a quiet voice.


stfuelly November 17 2011, 19:35:42 UTC
She rolls her eyes at him and closes the door behind herself, as quietly as possible. He looks worse than he did when she'd seen him last, and sounds weaker. It reminds her of when he'd come back here injured, collapsing in the strange, sudden snowfall when he had tried to run one lap around the house. She doesn't want to blame the nightmare, but it seems to be the consensus in the city, as nonsensical as it seems.

"How are you feeling?" she asks, sitting down at the foot of his bed.


snapekillsedgar November 17 2011, 19:58:56 UTC
He pondered trying to get out of bed when she got closer, but he knew how lethargic he was feeling and decided against it. Instead he forced himself to prop himself on his arms so that he could push up to sit, as much as he didn't want to at that moment. He felt even worse then when he'd been hurt. At least this time he had the sense not to force himself out of bed so many times that he'd collapse.

"... Not good." He admitted.


unsureazure November 17 2011, 19:40:50 UTC
Noel knew this was going to happen. They've known each other for over a year now, and she knew how stubborn he could be when it came to his own well-being. It was a good thing that she was so adamant about him staying home while she worked in his stead. Still, she wasn't mean enough to rub it in his face with a very mature "told you so" or demanding an apology ( ... )


snapekillsedgar November 17 2011, 19:49:20 UTC
She wouldn't get an answer. After hours of bearing his misery, he knew that his fever was only getting even worse. All he was doing was exhausting himself more and more, until he finally couldn't keep himself awake anymore.

... Of course, Elliot was right to try to keep himself from sleeping in the first place. He knew himself far too well, and knew that the moment he slept his mind would start to do what it did best when he was asleep. Almost immediately, he was dreaming, and by the time that Noel knocked on his door, he was tossing back and forth on the bed, moaning in his sleep.


unsureazure November 17 2011, 20:06:55 UTC
Damn it, it seems like she can never make the appropriate choice. Noel doesn't take any hesitation in turning the doorknob and letting herself in. She knew he needed the rest, and that he could get better faster if he slept but... It wasn't going to do any good if he kept having nightmares. She knelt on the ground at his bedside, takes in a deep breath, and---

"Elliot, wake up!"


snapekillsedgar November 17 2011, 20:18:23 UTC

He was mumbling her name in a pained voice, but he wasn't awake. As she sat down, he turned over on his side facing her, one hand clenched in the bedspread beneath him. His face was pale, aside from the flush in his cheeks, and even in his sleep, he was still grimacing in discomfort.


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