shirley || 01

Oct 08, 2011 21:52

Who: Shirley & everyone c:
Where: The streets of Somni/shopping district. (Feel free to run into her anywhere \o\)
Style: First for lazy? (Otherwise I'll match)
Status: Open!

Th-this is so embarassing...

[Shirley wraps her arms around herself as she walks through the streets of Somni, trying to hide the apparent blood that's found its way onto her ( Read more... )

lelouch vi britannia, ada vessalius, diana of themyscira (wonder woman), alice liddell (heart no kuni), suzaku kururugi, nunnally vi britannia, rolo lamperouge, teddie, shirley fenette, c.c., olette, !location: somni

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Comments 216

bearrific October 9 2011, 02:31:18 UTC
*And when Shirley look up from her phone, she might notice a blue and red ... thing (maybe a bear, maybe a pig) that is staring at her. He is so still you would think he's a doll - until he blinked.*

Hi. Are you lost?


[1/2] forgetsyounot October 9 2011, 06:59:30 UTC



[2/2] forgetsyounot October 9 2011, 07:00:08 UTC
[OH GOD IT MOVED. Blinked--sjkldfklg but it's kind of cute, so...]

L-Lost? Ah... [A pause for a moment. She's still a little stunned.] could say that. I really have no clue how I got here...

[...Mild surprise aside though, she doesn't... seem very worried! She is just going with the flow...]


bearrific October 9 2011, 23:57:21 UTC
*And Teddie walks towards Shirley, his feet making squeaky sounds as he steps on the ground. Other than his outlandish exterior, he doesn't seem to have any bad intentions either.*

Hey, you must be then. This place is called Somarium, a place of dreams. Or something. It's complicated ... and they used a lot of big words, so I don't really get the details.

I'm Teddie by the way. I'm a bear!


keptdown October 9 2011, 03:01:48 UTC
[ ................ staring. ah... what should he do? ]

Really- I need to get used to people showing up again, don't I? [ ah, god. and then, taking in her appearance and, finally, a name: ] Shirley.

[ he doesn't care how -- already knows this place doesn't care if you're dead, alive, or both -- but she doesn't look too good, so: evident concern as he points to the phone. ] That would be yours; everyone has one on them when they arrive.

[ ahhhh whyyyy ] Are you alright?


forgetsyounot October 9 2011, 07:06:57 UTC

[Ahhh, this is the worst. Sob, she does not want him to see her like this...she almost drops the Dreamberry, trying to cover her wound and the blood back up with her arms, though...

She knows it's rather futile.]

Oh no, I'm--I'm fine! But this--

[She's looking at the Dreamberry. Yes, totally the most pressing matter at hand...] really mine? [But--no it isn't. :(] Where are we, Suzaku?


keptdown October 9 2011, 16:50:12 UTC
[ very futile.

he already knows what happened (... to a some degree at least), and just looks at her before looking around the store and deciding that now is most definitely not the time for an interrogation a la Knight of Zero style. ]

If you're sure; if it hurts, I'll take you to a doctor. For right now, though -- [ waving around a bit. ] -- let's get you new clothes. You look like you need it. It's on me this time, alright? So, just get whatever you want.

[ as he has the monies right now for luxuries and such. (yea)

and then, ] It's yours- it's a Dreamberry, and you'll need that if you want to talk to anyone who isn't in front of you. [ nnnf. ] We're in... a store in Somni, a part of a place called Somarium.


forgetsyounot October 9 2011, 18:24:19 UTC

...That's good that someone knows, since Shirley's still sort of trying to piece it together. She figures getting some new clothes so she can stop freaking people out would be a good thing for now, though, so she nods, smiling as she tucks her Dreamberry back into her pocket.]

Right-- [A quiet sigh.] Mmm, I-I really don't want to impose though. I'm sure my wallet's in here somewhere...

[She's digging in her other pocket as she tries to process his words. But no matter how hard she thinks on it, none of it makes any sense.]

I've...I've never heard of Somarium, though. How on earth did I get here...?


blocksbullets October 9 2011, 03:23:41 UTC
[While Diana appreciated the protection her armor gave, it wasn't likely she could stay in the outfit the entire time she was here. No, she was going to need a change of clothes...preferably something comfortable and easy to move in.

She was still getting used to everything here, still so new, but she was slowly adjusting. Sadly, she still felt lost.

By the time she saw the girl she was already paying for her change of clothes with the money that had apparently been stored for her on the Dreamberry. She looked up and saw her standing in the store, holding what was clearly a bad injury and looking lost. Diana dropped the bag in her hand and rushed over to the girl]

You're bleeding. What happened?


forgetsyounot October 9 2011, 07:12:14 UTC
[The sudden appearance of the woman scared her. She nearly drops the Dreamberry she's holding, but it quickly becomes clear that she is concerned for her, so she tightens her grip, looking down at her wound.]


I'm sorry. I've honestly been trying to remember myself, but...I don't even know how I got here.

[Sigh, she was hoping to get into her new clothes before this kind of confrontation happened. But she smiles.

...honestly, even if she does remember, she wouldn't want to tell anyone.]


blocksbullets October 10 2011, 03:25:31 UTC
[Whoops, hadn't meant to scare her. Diana takes a step back to give her some space, but she's not going to back down from helping someone. It's just not in her nature, especially if said someone is bleeding.]

It'll be okay. I was disoriented when I got here at first too. It's a little difficult to explain though and I am perhaps not the best one to do so.

[Seeing as she'd only arrived a few days ago and was still figuring things out]

Let's focus on treating your injury first, okay? What's your name?

[You didn't train among the Amazons for years without learning some basic first aid]


forgetsyounot October 10 2011, 07:04:50 UTC
Th-thank you.

[Both for the concern and for the personal space, although once she sees that the woman is trying to help, she becomes a little more comfortable around her. She smiles a reassuring smile, trying to see if she can't get that worried look off her face.]

My name is Shirley...and I think I'll be all right. I-it doesn't hurt much anymore.


How about you?


belovedoutsider October 9 2011, 03:59:36 UTC
[ The first thing Alice noticed was the blood. But from the girls expression it wasn't hard for her to understand that Shirley was new. She approaches her cautiously. Well, whatever that may have happened before she came here the point was that Alice needed to make sure she was going to be okay. ]

H-Hey, um... are you okay?


forgetsyounot October 9 2011, 07:14:54 UTC

[Shirley turns around to smile at the approaching girl, looking down at what she assumes is the first thing she noticed. It is hard not to, she supposes. She really needs to get some new clothes and fast...

But how? She lowers the Dreamberry in her hand to give her full attention.]

Yes, I...I don't think it's bleeding anymore. Not for a while now...


belovedoutsider October 10 2011, 15:30:15 UTC

[ Phew. She smiles, feeling relieved but trying to be calm about this. She doesn't like seeing people bleed, okay. ]

Are you new here?


forgetsyounot October 11 2011, 08:53:53 UTC
[She smiles too! This is a much more important topic, anyways.]

I must be. I honestly don't even remember how I got here...

[She starts to look around again, as if trying to figure it out--somewhat fascinated.]


purethingsonly October 9 2011, 05:17:08 UTC
[The girl she sees shopping about looks nice enough, smiling and such, but... something seemed, well... off about it. She wondered what it was that seemed wrong.]

Ah... Is something bothering you?

[She didn't mean to pry, but her natural concern overwrote any sense of timidness about broaching such subjects openly. Even if it was a stranger.]


forgetsyounot October 9 2011, 07:20:40 UTC
[Shirley looks up from her Dreamberry and blinks once, before registering that she's actually talking to her. Trying to keep a low profile when she looked like she did is obviously not going to happen then, is it? ;; Mmm, what to do, what to do.

She at least deserves an answer, so she smiles!]

Ah, n-not at all! Um, I was simply hoping to get a change of clothes, but I--I don't think I've got my wallet on me for some reason...

[She is trying to downplay the blood, the wound, and the fact that she has no idea where she is. This...might not be the best of ideas, really.]

Th-thank you for asking, though!


purethingsonly October 9 2011, 20:48:05 UTC

[That's when Ada notices the wound and she really starts to worry. When Ada had arrived here, she too had come from a rather distressing point, so... she had to wonder what sadness this girl had seen and what pain she had been through before getting here.]

I wonder if my clothes would fit... [She can't not offer to help this girl who, despite her wounds and confusion, is doing her best to smile.] I could lend you some if you'd like. You're new here aren't you?

[Earlier she thought she heard her asking herself about the Dreamberry. And well... if she was wrong, that still wouldn't change her resolve.]


forgetsyounot October 9 2011, 20:51:54 UTC
I... Y-Yes, I suppose I am.

[She can't really deny it at this point, ahahaha...she has no idea how she got here or where she is.]

I wouldn't want to impose, though! O-Or stain any of your clothes...

I'm sure something here would fit me...!

[If she could just find something to pay with, sigh. Maybe she should check the price tags first, at least...?]


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