Tamaki ✣ 060 ✣ Floating Lanterns + Fireworks ✣ FORWARD DATED

Aug 27, 2011 18:28

Who: somarium
Where: Two locations: Center Plaza of the village and the Lake
Style: First
Note: Just a heads up that this is forward dated to Sunday, August 28. Going ahead and putting it up now so that everyone has enough time before the mod event grand finale that will chronologically happen at the end of the floating ( Read more... )

ritsuka aoyagi, little mac, suzaku kururugi, frederic francois chopin, shizuo heiwajima, !location: lake meridian, ace, !location: espoir, alice liddell (original), austria (roderich edelstein), gino weinberg, haruhi fujioka, rapunzel, tsunayoshi sawada, morgana, !moon: cycle 79, hungary (elizaveta héderváry), seiji yagiri, aurora, tamaki suoh

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Lantern Release + Fireworks spectaculaire August 27 2011, 23:31:43 UTC
[lantern release and fireworks here! you can have the content set either right before, during, or even just watching as all the lanterns go up! and don't forget that small presents and the fireworks that also appear at around the same time! all those reactions can go here as well.



Closed sonuvasnitch August 28 2011, 06:06:50 UTC
[ Harry held the paper lantern in his hands, as yet unlit. He was fairly impressed with Tamaki's ability to pull all this off, and while his own magic had helped the process along, it really was all his doing.

[ No wonder he was the president of the Host Club and behind so many of the fun and less hectic events of Somarium. He looked down at the fragil lantern and the griffin that had been stenciled onto one side of the paper. ]

Not too much longer now.

[ He looked over at Draco, and smiled softly. The night was perfect so far. ]


mudbloodhater August 28 2011, 06:19:05 UTC
[Draco himself was still peering at his own lantern, brow furrowed as he regarded it. When he sensed Harry looking at him, he glanced up, looking almost flustered, as if he'd been caught doing something he ought not.]

You're sure?


sonuvasnitch August 28 2011, 06:34:04 UTC
Pretty sure.

[ Though Tamaki hadn't told Harry the exact time they'd be releasing the lanterns, he knew it couldn't be too much longer. Almost everyone seemed to have theirs already.

[He looked curiously over at the small bit of paper that was attached to Draco's lantern. He wasn't sure how much stock he could put into the wishes coming true. Harry'd never been one to really believe in wishes. You had to make your dreams come true. Still, making the lanterns had been fun.]


mudbloodhater August 28 2011, 06:40:26 UTC
I'll take your word for that then.

[his wish, in all actuality, had taken far too much time to come up with, and had ended up being far too clichéd to actually write in English for anyone to read. Draco glanced down at his own lantern again, peering down at it almost nervously.]

What'd you write?


sonuvasnitch August 28 2011, 06:44:14 UTC
[ A coy smile played on Harry's lips. It wasn't as if his own wish was any less cliche, but it had a special and somewhat important meaning to Harry now. ]

I'll only tell you if you tell me yours.


mudbloodhater August 28 2011, 20:36:23 UTC
You prick. [he nudges Harry in the shoulder, rolling his eyes.] I'll go without then.


sonuvasnitch August 28 2011, 23:53:32 UTC
[ Harry feigns disappointment, but he was sure Draco would say something like that. ]

Mine's silly anyway.

[ Though the way he's looking at the small slip of paper would suggest it was anything but silly to Harry. ]


mudbloodhater August 30 2011, 02:27:21 UTC
Somehow, I doubt that. [he glances over, but doesn't say anything to push the matter. He doesn't really want to say his aloud (or at all, really).]

Otherwise you wouldn't have put it down.


sonuvasnitch August 30 2011, 02:51:12 UTC
Doesn't mean it's not silly. [ Harry smiles over at Draco. Really, like Draco's it's only silly because of how cliche it is. 'To be true to his heart', but considering what James had told him about loving people it made sense.]


mudbloodhater August 30 2011, 05:30:48 UTC
[he sniggers, then unfolds the paper dangling from his lantern and holds it towards Harry. It's very much in French, reading 'to be loved unconditionally' in Draco's delicate scrawl, however...] By all means, then. Go ahead.


sonuvasnitch September 6 2011, 01:42:43 UTC
[ Harry frowns when he gets a good look at the paper. ]

You know I can't read that.


mudbloodhater September 7 2011, 03:10:56 UTC
Exactly. [but he'll lean in for a kiss.]


sonuvasnitch September 8 2011, 01:54:13 UTC
[ Harry laughs but he obliges. He tilts his head up and places a small kiss on Draco's lips. As he pulls away the signal to lease the lanterns goes off, and hundreds of glowing lights start their accent into the sky. ]


mudbloodhater September 8 2011, 14:45:56 UTC
[he's about to protest when he sees the cued ascent, and his words die on his lips. Draco watches for a long moment, eyes never leaving the sight even as he speaks, voice barely a murmur.] Well, that's beautiful.


icon keywords |D sonuvasnitch September 9 2011, 02:27:39 UTC
Yeah, it really is.

[ He takes Draco's hand into his and squeezes gently. He keeps his eye on his and Draco's lanterns as they float up and away with the rest of the hopes and dreams of Somarium. ]


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