Nepeta <> 001

Jul 05, 2011 22:44

Who: Nepeta & anyone
Where: Espoir: Central Plaza
Style: Starts in third but either works
Status: Wide open ( Read more... )

jade harley, nepeta leijon, !location: espoir, wrath

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gr33nblood July 5 2011, 22:04:13 UTC
[Nepeta jumps as someone addresses her, turning to regard the speaker. Recognising her as the human she's tried to befriend before, she offers a small smile]

Jade, right? Is this your memory?


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gr33nblood July 5 2011, 22:28:22 UTC
[And here it dawns on Nepeta that she should probably have explained who she is first. But she's lost and confused so sense is well out of the window]

Sorry. It's Nepeta. I should have said that first, huh.

Somarium? Is it part of the game?


allies July 5 2011, 21:52:05 UTC
[ there's no way. there is no way.

she's easy to pick out of the crowd. her tiny frame, her grey skin, her cat-like horns and her long, flowing coat. the last time he'd seen her, she'd been headless. blood trailing the corridors in a macabre path of gore. green, green, green, and it'd been his fault. he'd sent the both of them, her and equius, to their deaths.

but there. there she stands, in one piece. head still attached to her body, and it's taking everything he's got to stop his voice from shaking. ]



gr33nblood July 5 2011, 22:06:36 UTC
[Now there's a voice she knows. Nepeta turns sharply, going to hug Karkat before she's really thought the idea through. In a strange land full of humans, a familiar troll face is a welcome relief]

Karkat! I thought I was the only one here.


allies July 5 2011, 22:21:52 UTC
[ you know what? he doesn't even mind the hug. she's alive and in one piece. he's dying to tell her he's sorry, but telling someone about their own death is... cruel. he understands that now. ]

Aradia, Sollux, Kanaya, Terezi, Vriska, Eridan and Gamzee are here too, you're not alone. What's the last thing you remember?


gr33nblood July 5 2011, 22:30:32 UTC
[She nods, trying and not quite succeeding in masking her disappointment over one of the omissions in that list]

We were on the meteor and I was taking a nap...then Jack came and killed my dreamself...and then I was here.


purpleprosed July 5 2011, 22:29:11 UTC
Rose had been out and about the village, as per usual, looking for answers and questioning those that might have what she wanted. She had traveled into the city and through the village multiple times and came up empty handed. It was beginning to frustrate her, though from outward appearances no one could probably tell.

She passed Nepeta as she moved through the crowds, stopping when she realized what she might have seen, and backtracking until she was beside her, "And yet another troll arrives in Somarium."


gr33nblood July 5 2011, 22:37:26 UTC
Nepeta looked up, relieved to see yet another somewhat familiar face. At least if she was in this strange place she wasn't here alone.

"'re Rose, right?"


purpleprosed July 5 2011, 22:38:56 UTC
A brow lifted when her name was spoken, her head tilting slightly. Granted, the trolls would know her name, it was just the fact that she wasn't sure which one this was now. "Correct. And you are?"


gr33nblood July 5 2011, 23:07:20 UTC
Okay, she really had to stop doing that with the humans. She blushed a little, glancing down. "Sorry...I'm Nepeta. The one who speaks to your sprite sometimes."


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gr33nblood July 6 2011, 17:23:35 UTC
Nepeta started slightly as she heard someone address her. She turned to scrutinise the human who had spoken to her - since she hadn't pestered either of the guys, she was a little fuzzier on who was who. Or even whether she was supposed to know this guy in the first place.

"Um...I don't know? I came here from Derse...kind of."


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gr33nblood July 6 2011, 19:18:12 UTC
Nepeta blushed as the strange guy mentioned buckets. Although now she thought about it, there was something oddly familiar about him. If only she could put her finger on who he was.

"W...well there were definitely no buckets involved, at least not that I saw, which is good because if there were it's purrobably better I didn't see. But, um, I guess Jack was destroying it? I know he killed Feferi's dreamself and then mine."


arachnida July 6 2011, 18:57:34 UTC

How's that voice to wake up to? Thanks to John, Vriska was finally off that stupid roof and free to terrorize her fellow trolls once again. Despite her somewhat crinkled wings, she appears to be in a pretty good mood (which, of course, is never good news for anyone).

The spidertroll had just rounded the corner to find our fair heroine. It took every ounce of her not to react with surprise -- after all, she had already seen a few of her friends die, but it was obvious that death had no impact on this world, so there was no real point in bringing it up.

"Proooooooowling the streets at night by yourself?"


gr33nblood July 6 2011, 19:06:39 UTC
It took all Nepeta had not to panic outright as she heard Vriska speak. While she didn't dislike her, exactly, she was smart enough to be wary of her, and yet here she was caught alone by the one troll of those she knew were there she'd least wanted to be caught alone by.

"Um, hi Vriska. I'd heard you were here."


arachnida July 6 2011, 21:30:05 UTC
"Seems like most of us are~! All the humans are here too -- how lame is that?"

Vriska took the gap in speech between them to close the space, flipping her hair off her shoulders with one hand. "Look on the bright side! You managed to miss all the rain."


gr33nblood July 6 2011, 21:47:45 UTC
"I, um, I like the humans?"

She hadn't meant for that to come out as a question but Vriska was making her nervous.

"Yeah I heard about that. It, um, it sounds like there was a lot of it befur."


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