¤ [Setsuna] 08 // Courthouse Noctaere

Jan 30, 2009 00:15

Who: Anyone at the Courthouse from the Natural Disaster event
Where: The Courthouse, Somni
Style: Either (be consistent)
Status: Open

Setsuna still quite couldn't believe how effective the girl's healing magic had been - his back barely hurt at all anymore, and if he hadn't been the one with the shard of glass in him, he'd never have believed that the ( Read more... )

neil dylandy (lockon stratos), ocelot, big boss, !event: noctaere, kino, euphemia li britannia, estelle sidos, frank jaeger, setsuna f seiei, !location: somni, !location: courthouse, raiden, fuu hououji, tetsu

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Comments 157

emeraldtyphoon January 30 2009, 05:34:07 UTC
Fuu walked quietly over to one of the windows in the courthouse, looking outside into the dark, the only movement the few drops of water slipping down the glass. The edges of her lips twitched down into a slight frown as she surveyed the street and buildings in view.

"How odd," she murmured to herself, lightly touching the jewel on her glove as if preparing herself to draw her sword.


beforemassacre January 30 2009, 05:42:18 UTC
Euphie was settled beside Lockon, hiding a yawn behind her hand as she fought to stay awake. This night seemed to have been nothing but a living nightmare (and it wasn't even a real nightmare), and she was afraid that if she slept, something terrible would happen. She looked up at Setsuna, a knot twisting in her stomach; she didn't want to lose him too... not after...

She let out another yawn, barely managing to conceal that one in time. Oh dear... if this kept up, she wasn't going to have any choice in the matter.


00_agent January 30 2009, 05:59:42 UTC
Setsuna could feel the hair on the back of his neck standing on end, and even though he couldn't see anything, he almost reflexively went for his gun...

...but then stopped, catching Euphie out of the corner of his eye. She looked exhausted, and... well, it was just a gut feeling, nothing concrete. There was no reason to worry her.

He took his hand away from his gun, moving to kneel next to her. "You're tired, Euphie, aren't you."


beforemassacre January 30 2009, 06:03:42 UTC
Euphie let out a soft laugh. "J-just a little. I'll be all right," she lied, before glancing up at the ceiling. "It got... really quiet. I wonder what's going on..."


00_agent January 30 2009, 06:08:57 UTC
Setsuna just looked at her. She wasn't a very good liar. Still, he let it go.

"It stopped raining all of a sudden," he said quietly. "I guess it means the storm is over."


subsisted January 30 2009, 05:49:04 UTC
"The trick is to maintain balance, speed, strength," said Raiden, voice low and smooth. He was in the wide, open front foyer of the courthouse with Gray, poised, legs shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. "Feel the terrain beneath your feet. If it's too slick, you'll fall. Adjust the weight of your landing accordingly. You can do most of the work with your thighs; knees help with liftoff, always land on the front of the foot. Watch your surroundings carefully and never try pulling one off on the way up the stairs. I learned that one the hard way."

Raiden rocked back slightly. "Here--"

And with perfect form, very similar to the dream displayed not too long ago on the DreamBerry network, Raiden cartwheeled handlessly.


stoicism January 30 2009, 05:52:22 UTC
Frank watched the man with great interest, paying attention to his body and his words. He tried to position himself the same way; legs a shoulder-width apart, knees just slightly bent.

"...Can I see your stance again?"


subsisted January 30 2009, 05:58:09 UTC
Raiden demonstrated to Gray again his signature Cartwheel move, but this time, he fell into it from a jog. Beside the young soldier, he took the starting stance again.

"Push yourself forward," he murmured. "You may want to try a running start, Gray."


stoicism January 30 2009, 06:12:17 UTC
A determined look across his face, Frank began to jog; getting a small running start as Raiden has suggested. He pushed forward and got air, managing to somewhat mimic Raiden's move -- save for the hand that shot down to balance him. One-handed cartwheel, close but not quite.

He made his landing and looked over to Raiden.

"Hm... Not quite."


not_bouncing January 30 2009, 05:55:34 UTC
After talking to Luke on her Dreamberry, Estelle had become worried sick about him. Finding momentarily clothes in the overall of a janitor left in a closet, she had ran to the door, determined to find her friend. But before even reaching for the door, she thought she had heard a deep howling, one that sent a shiver down her spine. Her hand went to her sword by her side in a instant. She knew that feeling...it was the same one she had before facing a monster back in Terca Lumireis.

Taking a step back, she breathed deeply to calm her nervous heartbeat. Something was looming behind the doors of the courthouse, she could swear it.


00_agent January 30 2009, 06:12:51 UTC
It was the girl - the one who had healed him. She looked as on edge as Setsuna himself felt, and though he didn't know a damn thing about how her sorcery worked, he was more than willing to trust her senses.

"You feel it too?" He said softly, quietly moving through the shadows to creep up next to the door.


not_bouncing January 31 2009, 01:11:31 UTC
Estelle jumped slightly at the sound of the young man's voice. She looked at him, laughing nervously, instantly recognizing him.

"Oh! It's you! I'm glad to see that you're all right and up!" she smiled.

Looking back at the door, she slowly nodded:

"Yes, I can feel there's something beyond these doors...I can't really say what, and I might be wrong, but I've felt this feeling before..."


tabi_no_yume January 30 2009, 12:42:28 UTC
The rain had stopped, she noticed. Kino supposed that under any other circunstances this would have been a good sign, but she could feel that something was not right. A sense of danger lurking just around the corner.

Her hand closed around her gun. Ever since she had arrived here there hadn't been a single instance in wich she had needed to use it, but it seemed that was about to change.


emeraldtyphoon January 30 2009, 22:24:50 UTC
Fuu noticed the other girl's movement and spoke into the unsettling quiet. "It is strange. I've never known the weather to change so abruptly."

[idk if you were waiting for someone in particular, but if not... hi. :D]


tabi_no_yume January 30 2009, 23:55:47 UTC
"Ah, you're the girl from before, so you were here as well." she said, recognizing her from that time at the christmas party.

"It usually doesn't change this quickly, especially given that it was so intense a few moments ago. And its not just that either..."

[not really :)]


emeraldtyphoon January 31 2009, 00:34:20 UTC
Fuu nodded. "I agree. Something is not right." She looked out the window, feeling the rising urge to go outside and do... something, anything, even as the sense of lurking danger increased. "Do you know anything about what this might be?"


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