Who: Anyone at the Courthouse from the Natural Disaster event
Where: The Courthouse, Somni
Style: Either (be consistent)
Status: Open
Setsuna still quite couldn't believe how effective the girl's healing magic had been - his back barely hurt at all anymore, and if he hadn't been the one with the shard of glass in him, he'd never have believed that the smooth, unmarked skin had been a major laceration just hours before. It was nice to be in from the rain, though ... and he helped out where he could, keeping an eye on Lockon as the other Meister got some rest.
And then, just like that...
...the rain stopped. It hadn't just dried up, or fizzled out like a normal storm - it was immediate, like someone turning off a faucet.
He should have been glad that the storm seemed to be over. But there was an eerie, unnatural chill running up and down his spine, and Setsuna had long learned to trust his instincts.
Something wasn't right here.
((OOC: Continuing on from
the last courthouse thread! Let's deal with the new threat, shall we? Feel free to join other existing courthouse threads and co-mingle / help each other out!))