Pairing: Wendy Watson/The Middleman
Rating: G
Prompt: What was is forgotten
Word Count: 450
Notes: This was a bugger because it's been a year since I've seen the Middleman. Thank YOU's recaps. Spoiler for the series. Originally posted
It's been 4 weeks, 3 hours, 20 minutes and 30 seconds since Wendy escaped the alternate world of Fatboy Industries. She gives up on searching for answers after realizing no one remembered, or even knew of the change. And why would they? She is now stuck with the memories of the backwards world forever. Even the Middleman has only experienced the tiniest horrors of the other world.
Things with Tyler hasn't been going well, actually it is worst than ever even. He is quite ecstatic about his job with the (real) Fatboy Industries, even if he is busy all the time and keeps having to delay the dates he's set up with Wendy. But Wendy has her own secret to hide so she forgives him more often than not, much to her dismay.
But when The Middleman insists that the two of them pay a visit to Fatboy Industries (Ida's gizmos had detected an unusually high amount of radioactive materials), Wendy freezes in her track, causing Ida to walk right into her.
Ida frowns and walks around the frozen Wendy. "Do you not know to keep moving, missy?"
"I- I can't go there," Wendy stutters. She doesn't mind that Tyler is working for the company - it is actually doing great work for the world. But herself, she can't get over the fact she's seen what evil it could do. She almost died in Fatboy Command if it wasn't for the mirror Middleman stepping up and saving her life.
"Dubbie? Are you all right?" The Middleman said as he marched over to Wendy.
She shakes her head. "I'm okay. I was just startled."
He puts a hand on her shoulder and squeezes, with concern written all over his face. "I can go alone if you're not up to it. I know you're still recovering from... the incident."
Wendy shakes her head again. "Really, I'm fine. Let's go already," she says, with more force this time. Her mind flashes to the grim world again. She suddenly feels suffocating.
"Hey, you know I'd never let anything happen to you. You have to trust me on that. It was my fault that I let you fall into his trap. It should have been me over there, not you."
She nods slowly, absorbing the words. She smiles weakly at her boss, who looks more relaxed now. "Okay, I'm good now. Better actually." She looks up at the Middleman. "Thanks boss! I knew I can count on ya," she smiles more brightly this time, and doesn't let him escape without a hearty punch to the shoulder. "Now let's find out why the radioactive signal keeps beeping. It'll at least make Ida less grumpy than usual."
Pairing: Sookie/Bill (Sam's POV)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 369
Prompt: This will end very poorly
Notes: Spoiler up to Season 2. Written before season finale. Originally posted
Sam isn't blind or stupid. In fact, he is an excellent observer due to his job as a bartender and his skills as a shapeshifter. When Bill Compton first stepped into his bar all those nights ago, he knew, even back then, things would end very poorly for Sookie and the vampire.
Despite his own judgement clouded by his feeling towards Sookie and Sookie's supernatural skills, Vampire Bill has brought nothing but trouble for his beloved barmaid. He only wishes the best for the girl, but really she didn't have to go find a vampire to be happy.
Sam groans as the ropes tightened around his wrists. He forces his head up to see the crowd growing larger and larger. The sea of black eyes staring right at him with wolfish grins on their faces.
Sookie's Gran is dead because of the vampire. His barmaids are dead because of the vampire. If only Bill Compton never came to Bon Temps, he wouldn't be in these damned ropes and be sacrificed to the gods. The town had been peaceful and quiet before Bill came to interrupt the balance. Supernatural beings only attract more supernatural beings.
Sam tells himself that he's not going to die like this. Even though he blames Bill for everything wrong in this town, the only hope is for him is the same vampire to unfuck this situation before MaryAnn kills him.
(Fuck. He can't even shift at the moment.)
If he squints hard enough, he can see Sookie arguing with Bill in the shadows of the trees and away from the crowd. He twists his neck the other way and finds a flash of blond, also hiding in the shadows.
If he was a betting person, which he isn't - not that it matters, he can already see the future from the way Eric talked about Sookie back in Fangtasia, and the way he is staring down at her right now as he walks over to the arguing couple.
He really should have gotten out of Bon Temps when he had the chance. The worst has yet to come as he lets out a hitched breath with eyes glued to the imposing figure walking his way.
Gossip Girl, Chuck/Serena, running away (originally posted
It took over 3 months of secret planning, rerouting money to bank accounts overseas, buying up countless properties in nameless countries - all of it so they'd never be found. Chuck smirked, watching Serena dragging her suitcases around, even telling her "we can buy anything when we're there". Serena rolled her eyes but returned a smile as she walked over to Chuck and held his hand before they headed down to flag down a taxi in the busy streets of New York.
Doctor Who, Ten, Shocking Decision (originally posted
"I don't want to live anymore," the Doctor said, crouching in his TARDIS with his hands in his face. "I've gone too far, too far for even someone like me, never, never, never again," he mumbled to himself, almost rocking on the balls of his feet. "I need to get away from here, somewhere with dead rocks, dead people, no people, no living things, somewhere... somewhere I cannot ruin anymore lives, change anymore events around me - I've done too much already."
Generation Kill, Walt/Ray, popcorn (originally posted
"Stop trying to toss that shit in your mouth, you're never going to get it in," Ray complained, almost shoving Ray off the couch; he was getting sick of getting popcorn all over him when he was trying to watch the damn movie, instead he was only catching bits and pieces of the thing with Walt graciously interrupting him with those damn popcorn kernels.
Walt pouted when he missed another tossed kernel and watched it land on Ray's lap; of course by now he was smirking and shifting around on the couch so he could stick his tongue out to snatch the popcorn on Ray's lap.
No doubt Walt succeeded since when he looked up, he saw Ray staring back at him, eyes wide with matching smirks and his hand was already reaching for the popcorn bowl and ready to toss more up into the air, now purposely missing his mouth and coincidentally landing them on Walt's lap.
The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon/Penny, Risk (originally posted
"I win," Penny stated, looking proud and ready to jump out of her seat to mock everyone around the living room.
"You cheated," Sheldon accused, shooting out of his seat and staring down at Penny, not to mention also flustered at the thought of losing on an amateur at this game he always dominated, even at a young age, though he only played by himself, which only allowed him to master the skill of tossing the dice.
Penny stuck her tongue out at Sheldon, even if it was slightly immature of her to do so, "Guess there's a new champion in town!"