Tuesday - Post Series

Aug 18, 2009 06:24

I'm (still) atomic89 and this is now my second day here. *waves*

For Tuesday we gonna focus on what happens after the characters have defeated the apocalypse/evil wizard/emperor/whatever. Do they find happiness or does it all go down hill from there? Is everyone still friends or do they not even send Christmas cards? You get the idea!

If your canon is still on going, anything past the most recent episode/comic/other media would also count.

Please remember not to leave more than five prompts in a row and no more than three per fandom per prompter. You are, of course allowed to come back later and add more once yours have been answered.

If either the prompt or the fic contains spoilers please mark it clearly and leave at least three spaces before the prompt/fic.

Don't forget to format your prompts correctly, for example:

Firefly, Simon/Kaylee, making things work
T:TSCC, Sarah, drifting
BtVS/Supernatural, Buffy/Dean, "So is this your first apocalypse?"

If you can't find the perfect prompt for you here, don't forget to check out the Lonely Prompts! There are loads of wonderful prompts just begging to be written!

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