Title: Tales from the Pensieve
Summary: It’s 1979: Remus Lupin’s trying to find somewhere to live. Sirius Black is taking far too many risks. Peter doesn’t feel he’s taking enough responsibility whilst James and Lily struggling to keep a handle on things.
Notes: Remus centric and Marauder centric with lovely little cameos from other members of the Order family in-between following the major events between 1979 and 1981.
Characters/Pairings: James/Lily, Remus, Sirius, Peter/Marlene McKinnon, Albus Dumbledore, Frank/Alice, Ted/Andromeda. Nymphadora Tonks
Notes on this chapter: Remus on pain potions is a funny mental image and The Order get to close to disaster in this chapter...
Chapter 1 -
To ShareChapter 2 -
To FightChapter 3 -
To DanceChapter 4 -
To LearnChapter 5 -
To SmileChapter 6 -
To FearChapter 7 -
To Cry ***
The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches ... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies" - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Chapter Thirty-Seven - The Lost Prophecy
Chapter 2: To Fight
It had taken less than a second for what felt like a normal night to fall apart to dust.
She heard her name being shouted but she wasn't focusing on sounds any more, only lights that travelled towards her, as many charms as she could muster. She had to be fast, had to be quick, had to -
A hand had grabbed hers. A hand that wasn't James's.
Because James wasn't here. She knew that at least and she was relieved about that. She was spinning and she was now behind a wall and all of all people Sirius was smirking at her.
"Hey Lils'" She could hear the sound of curses but fortunately what cover Sirius had given her was giving her a gentle reprieve to get her head back into the game. "Aren't you glad I'm here?" he asked her. "They're distracted by something and James wouldn't forgive me if I left you alone, we should go-"
Lily was still trying focus as she took a breath, then another. Who knew breathing would become this difficult? Lily had to remember what was happening before the attack.
And then she finally remembered like a slap round the face. They had been walking, their night shift at the train station. They had been joking, laughing together about the red head spending too much time with him and not enough time with James.
"Time enough after the wedding to be Mrs Potter, someone needs to watch out for you."
"I'm perfectly fine, Lily."
"Did you move out of that hell hole yet?"
"Still working on new lodgings…"
"Where's Remus?" she suddenly asked, berating herself for not realising sooner.
Sirius frowned then, "Remus? He's with you? I didn't see him…" This information upsets Sirius greatly, not quite the heroic rescue he had thought he had been doing.
Lily nodded, her eyes wide. Where had her friend gone, why had he disappeared?
But of course he hadn't disappeared. Lily put two and two together with Sirius's attempts to save her and the death eaters being distracted by someone else. She also knew the moment the curses suddenly stopped, and Lily carefully moved her face to look beyond the wall.
Her heart leapt into her throat.
Remus had been doing well out on the platform, having taken out the two death eaters that had ambushed them…but unfortunately it wasn't just them he had to worry about.
"He's here."
Sirius knew whom she was talking about. Knew whom she meant was behind that wall. They both knew they needed the rest of the Order, they needed back up. Now.
"Alone are you?"
Lily couldn't help but feel a sense of pride amongst her fear as she watched Remus from behind the wall. The young man, who always looked to long for his body was standing as straight as he could manage. His wand had been taken off him and someone - no, something that was someone once was circling him.
"I'm alone. The Order will be here any second, and you'll be outnumbered." Remus said his eyes sunken as he kept his composure calm.
"Of course, what a good little…puppy you are. I don't believe you. Where are the rest of your friends…where are they hiding?"
The Cruciatus curse that leapt from Voldermort's wand sent Remus to the floor, buckling in pain. Lily almost screamed but Sirius covered her mouth, holding her still behind the wall. She turned to look at Sirius with tearful eyes and even Sirius seemed to be fighting back something. They had seen Remus in pain before, but not like this.
What were they going to do? They couldn't just stay here and watch whilst…whilst this monster tortured their friend.
They had had friends had died for doing less than speaking to the Dark Lord, Remus wasn't making his case for survival.
Sirius looked like he was ready to move and Lily shook her head. This was too much. They were nineteen, they weren't ready, and they weren't aurors….
But they had to do something. Lily wrestled herself out of Sirius's grip, stepped from her hiding place and aimed her wand. She didn't even know what spell she cast but suddenly she had his attention. Her green eyes hard as stone as she held up a shaky hand.
"Stop. Stop hurting him!"
Remus was looking at Lily from his position from the floor, shaking his aching head, trying to stand.
"I am indeed hurting him. Is that a problem, Mudblood? Maybe I should hurt you instead."
Lily swallowed and her wand was still pointed in his direction. "I'm not afraid of you."
But she was, she was so afraid and her eyes still focused hard on Voldermort's cruel ones to keep her from running. She wondered if this was a good time to think on praying and all that muggle religion her family were into. If she was ever to get out of this alive she would need a miracle.
But even as Sirius rushed round to join her, even as Remus struggled to get up off the floor and Voldermort raised his casting arm something else happened. People were arriving all around them.
First it was Peter. Then it was Marlene, then James then Caradoc and others, other order members that Lily and Sirius was relieved to see…
…and then Dumbledore.
Dumbledore was here.
Well that changed things. Voldermort looked quite happy to take on the rest of the group until Dumbledore appeared and with a snarl the Dark Lord apparated. In the space it took for everyone to arrive Sirius and Lily now stood together, finally safe and emotionally drained.
Caradoc was the one who picked the werewolf up, Marlene rushed to Lily and gave her a hug. Meanwhile James, Sirius and Peter rushed after Caradoc to take Remus to sent St. Mungos - though James hesitated briefly to confirm Lily was in safe hands.
"Miss Evans?"
Lily had been buried in a hug from Marlene when Dumbledore spoke to her in usual soft tone.
"Once you've seen to Remus, I'd like a full report on your shift, if you don't mind."
Lily shuddering a little from the shock, glad that Marlene was there because she was sure she was the only thing that kept her from dropping to the ground in a sob. "Yes, Albus."
There was a snapping nose and then she was gone and the scene from the train station might never of happened and no one would notice the following morning.
"You could have died you twit!"
"Nice to see you too, James…"
Remus was lying looking rather docile in a hospital bed. Fortunately for him, his werewolf condition left him pretty well trained on pain so it was only really a precaution to dose him to the eyeballs with painkiller potion. He was barely able to function.
"I really hate these potions, I can't control my face."
James, Sirius, Lily and Peter were all crowded round his little bed. James and Lily were holding hands, whilst Lily stroked hair out of the werewolf's face Sirius was subconsciously patting Remus's leg. The werewolf was right. He couldn't control his face. For the first time in a long time, Remus Lupin looked less like a walking crease, all his frown lines had faded and his eyes ever so sleepy, he looked his age for once. Shame he had to be dosed up to look it.
"Your face looks good Moony," James assured him. "Thank you for saving my fiancée back there." He looked to Sirius, "Both of you."
Sirius swallowed, then looked back to Remus, not willing to hog the limelight for once. He was staring hard at Remus and Lily wished sometimes she knew what was going on in the marauder's head.
"You could have died, Moony…" Sirius said carefully. "You should have just hid. You should have run."
"Didn't have a choice" Remus muttered, looking like he could soon be asleep. "Would have probably died either way."
Sirius watched Remus carefully, and then looked to James and Lily. Peter was also very quiet whilst watching Remus in bed.
"You okay Petey…?" James asked, his youngest friend seemed most stirred by the nights events.
Peter just nodded, his eyes a little glassy."Maybe Remus might want a change of clothes when he wakes up, we could collect it from his flat."
Remus seemed to open his eyes wider. "No…No. I'm fine. Don't need new clothes…"
"But what you were wearing is covered in dust." James suggested, "It wouldn't take a minute…"
"I like those clothes…"
Lily frowned deeply, as usual she always seemed to be the first to put things together, that and Remus's face was certainly much easier to read and she what she read then was fear. "Why can't we go to your flat?"
Remus was almost asleep due to the potions, despite his panic. "Because it's not my flat anymore."
"What are you talking about?" Sirius was now looking very annoyed at this, wishing Remus was sober enough to talk to them straight.
"Thrown out. Three weeks ago. Night of your engagement…"
"Bloody Hell Remus, why?"
"Oh you know….the usual furry problem."
A pause, Remus's hair was falling over his eyes, they were sure he'd be out any minute but they had to know the answer to the question that hung in the air.
"And where do you live now?"
"What the hell is that supposed to mean? Moony?"
Remus Lupin didn't reply because he was out for the count and Lily slumped against James's shoulder and Sirius ran a hand through his tangled black hair in frustration.
"Stubborn bastard."
Peter bit his lip. "I can't believe he's…he's homeless? That's what it meant right?" he said looking round to them all as if daring them to tell him he was wrong, but Remus hadn't said where he lived, Remus had said everywhere. That suggested so many things.
James looked to Sirius and they shared a look and a silent exchange between them that Peter had never been able to share.
"I'll make room for him to come home to mine," Sirius said as they all looked at Remus, he suddenly smiled mischievously. Lily knew that look, as did all of them and she wasn't sure if Remus was going to pleased with this idea when he woke up.
"Might be fun to house with a marauder again, anyway," Sirius crowed. "Time Remus learnt about the real bachelor way of living."
Despite all the laughing that followed as Remus slept, they all shed off their worries with smiles, at least tonight would soon be over and another day would begin with no hopes and worries to think about but hoping they made it to the following day together.
Next Chapter - To Dance