Characters: Archturous(Left), Rosa Mugear, Yellow Flicker, and Robin Goodfellow(Left).
Content: Archturous arrives and meets the "Natives".
Setting: The Airport
Warnings: Gore and Violence.
The sky was red, the plants were red, the girl's body was red. )
Comments 61
Once she'd reached the source of the noises, though, the battle had subsided. It looked like a massacre had taken place. Amidst the corpses of animals (were those animals?), only one human was present, with some sort of strange bird-like creature on her lap, and from the distance at which she stood, Rosa couldn't tell whether she was alive or dead.
"Hello?" she called tentatively.
She stepped closer, releasing the object she held so it dangled freely, and holding up her hands in an effort to show that she wasn't going to suddenly attack. "Um, hello," she repeated stupidly. Obviously the other girl couldn't hear her, and this animal couldn't understand her, could it? But hell, she was completely lost and this was the first other living being she'd come across. She had to try.
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