Because a 39 Hater Will Never Bother to Read This Journal

Feb 11, 2008 00:24

You know who else was a bad aspiring artist who watermarked everything and had a lot of rulez?



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Comments 57

keire_ke February 11 2008, 16:20:32 UTC
Well, I wouldn't go as far as "Hitler" but they'd do better investing their time in actually producing something rather than watermarking other people's work if they want attention and recognition.

Geez, I have less restrictions on my original drawings!


soliandxpyne February 12 2008, 03:11:20 UTC
Geez, I have less restrictions on my original drawings!

Seriously. I think it's the sense of entitlement which irks us the most. >:T


eyesofshinigami February 11 2008, 16:43:30 UTC
Ah must have read moshesque's post and the whole business with that certain 'someone'. Yeah...Mosh and I had a huge talk over it, and how utterly ridiculous it is. That's exactly what I was talking about in...that other post. XDD

I completely forgot to mention that to you the other day, too. *shakes her head* The worst thing is that she went to Mosh's journal and proceeded to friend her, though we all know Mosh is a very avid 393 OTPer...she just happens to like other pairing as well. I mean, is that just asking for trouble? It's times like these that I'm glad I never changed my journal back from f-locked. Utterly ridiculous.

Wank, wank, wank, and more wank. It's okay to not like a pairing, but it's NOT okay to hate on them. And the fuck would she know that Sanzo would hurl at the thought of sleeping with Goku?! Did she ask him? Does she know him personally?!She also admitted that she'd only seen the anime too, which makes it doubly worse, in my opinion. *shakes her head ( ... )


thefacelessevil February 11 2008, 18:54:27 UTC
Wank, wank, wank, and more wank. It's okay to not like a pairing, but it's NOT okay to hate on them. And the fuck would she know that Sanzo would hurl at the thought of sleeping with Goku?! Did she ask him? Does she know him personally?!

Isn't that pretentious of her??? Just because she has her hang up doesn't mean that the character does. I guess nobody taught her tolerance.


eyesofshinigami February 11 2008, 19:08:27 UTC
That's probably the thing that got me the most steamed up. I mean, I admit, I've naysay-ed pairings before because I didn't like them, but I would never, EVER do it in an open forum where people who follow that pairing could see it. That's just disrespectful and childish.

I guess nobody did. So I guess it's up to us to school her a little, isn't it?

I wanted to retaliate with, "Yeah, well in MY fanon mind, Sanzo would rather cut out his tongue and slit his wrists than sleep with Hakkai...not that they would do much sleeping since they'd both be angsting in the window...


thefacelessevil February 11 2008, 19:11:34 UTC
Yup, yup. She was totally inviting the drama by posting her "rules" up exactly where her bashing a popular pairing was. Maybe she just wanted the attention.

Same here.


thefacelessevil February 11 2008, 17:02:26 UTC
When she originally posted to the Saiyuki community I was like -- "Hey, please make the rules more lenient for the community." and she said "No! I'm doing it for the sake that these are MY scans and I'm PROTECTING the younger viewers! I could just not share at all!!!!" and I'm like "... then don't share at all. *delete post*"

Then she comes back all nice-y 'n stuff. But still with the attitude of 'protecting the youth' ... Complex, much? It boggled my mind.

And yeah, the outright hate of 393 is just disgusting. Give me a break. Who cares if he, in your opinion, has the "mind" of a child. In my opinion, he doesn't. You're just twisting something around all perverse-like.


soliandxpyne February 12 2008, 03:29:36 UTC
The irony is, she's probably, like, 17 herself. ',:D


checkerbloom February 11 2008, 17:47:21 UTC

I'm willing to deck anyone who pisses on my OTP.


thefacelessevil February 11 2008, 18:52:50 UTC
v-verbally deck, right? :(


checkerbloom February 11 2008, 19:05:18 UTC
Unless someone knows of a way for me to jump through cyberspace and physically throttle someone... anyone? Ah well.

I'm not asking everyone to love my otp, I'm asking everyone to respect my right to luff any pairing I want, without having to endure teh haterz.

and if Goku has the mind of a ten year old then so do I, and I retain the right to have sex with anyone I want, so there.



thefacelessevil February 11 2008, 19:06:53 UTC
You're joking about seriously physically harming someone over a pairing -- right?


empyrealfantasy February 11 2008, 19:11:42 UTC

This was hilariously wonderful. XD The joke will keep me giggling at annoying times all through the day. Thank you for making me grin. XD


soliandxpyne February 12 2008, 03:32:07 UTC
Haha, we do what we want can. >:d


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