The buffet is done

May 07, 2012 11:49

You can find it here, so I don't upset some of my friends with wood abuse.

Overall, I'm thrilled with it.  The storage is phenomenal and we love having the appliances off the counter.  The mixer is just a wee bit too tall, but without everything else crowding it, the floor of the pantry works just fine to keep it off the counter.  The depth (18 ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

bastkitten May 7 2012, 16:51:25 UTC
OMG - it's beautiful!


soldiergrrrl May 7 2012, 16:53:36 UTC
Thanks! The actual next step is going to be a penny/epoxy counter top, or something else spiffy.


exvapi May 7 2012, 18:15:08 UTC
Be careful of pennies. You will be adding a lot of weight to something not designed to carry that kind of load. Especially since you are filling the inside with heavy stuff already.


exvapi May 7 2012, 18:15:40 UTC
But it looks great.


saffronhare May 7 2012, 17:31:45 UTC
How beautiful! Glad you're pleased with the project. It's always satisfying to have something go from idea to reality so quickly. :)


fallconsmate May 7 2012, 18:15:37 UTC
my squirrel brain was going OMG NOOOOO when i saw what you started out with! i LIKE that style of furniture! :D

but it turned out beautiful, and i'm glad you have something you can point at and proudly say "i DID that!" and have more usable storage. usable storage is QUITE the thing!!


tashabear May 7 2012, 18:18:15 UTC
That came out beautiful! What did you end up doing to the back?


soldiergrrrl May 7 2012, 18:24:02 UTC
I ended up hitting it with some black enamel, because I got lazy. I want to do some beadboard, eventually.


deafelis May 7 2012, 19:11:41 UTC
Oooh! I like it. It does fit well there, yay! :) I especially like what you did with the top. I'd suggest just putting a glass top on top of that and calling it good. ;)


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