Pictures AHOY!

Feb 08, 2011 10:24

And be aware that when I say pictures, I mean like 20 of them.  I'm not kidding when I say this entry will eat your brain bandwidth.

These are some of the photos showing the progress of my new armor kit.  It's going to be gorgeous and I can't wait for it to be done!

You have been warned... )

i made that!, i'm blogging this!, i kick ass, i get hit with sticks, sca, praying, i'm gonna do what?, awesomeness and kittens, i did what?, overwhelmed, crafting, ansteorra, yoikes!, beauty, dork dork dork, happiness, i love my life, going crazy, more tags than post, fun, i hit things with sticks, hee!, squee!

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Comments 14

fallconsmate February 8 2011, 16:34:07 UTC
The duckie wearing armor made me giggle!!! The tooled leather looks wonderful. It's the most girly armor I've ever seen. And that's a compliment! :D


soldiergrrrl February 8 2011, 18:32:57 UTC
Thank you!!!


meguey February 8 2011, 18:30:53 UTC
WOW! That's some seriously lovely stuff you've made there. I'd love to see pictures of it in action.


soldiergrrrl February 8 2011, 18:32:47 UTC
Thank you! I'm hoping to have it complete enough to be on the field with it in a few weeks.


kitlizzy February 8 2011, 18:50:19 UTC
Holy shit that's some gorgeous armor!


soldiergrrrl February 8 2011, 18:53:00 UTC
Thank you!!!!!!!


hlwoods February 8 2011, 18:59:08 UTC
That stuff is gorgeous. I'd worry about wearing it in combat and damaging it, but ...

Seriously gorgeous.


soldiergrrrl February 9 2011, 11:15:55 UTC
Thank you! :-)


piroshki February 9 2011, 00:25:14 UTC
I'd probably get thumped if I mentioned that those roses are seriously begging to be sandblasted in granite...


soldiergrrrl February 9 2011, 11:16:53 UTC
Darling, you have my permission to sandblast my roses anywhere you'd like. :-) If you nee a spot filled with roses, let me know and I'll work some up for you. :-)


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