Pictures AHOY!

Feb 08, 2011 10:24

And be aware that when I say pictures, I mean like 20 of them.  I'm not kidding when I say this entry will eat your brain bandwidth.

These are some of the photos showing the progress of my new armor kit.  It's going to be gorgeous and I can't wait for it to be done!

This is the extant piece of tooled leather I'm basing my idea on.  I used roses from the Manesse Codex, not the vines you see here.

This is the sketch for the rerebrace, which covers my upper arms.  It shows the rough placement of the roses, and then the final design.

These are sketches for the shin guards.  You can see how it went from sketch to finalized design.

This is what the shin guards look like when they're marked for tooling and then partially tooled.

The following pictures are the vambraces.  They'll be tooled eventually, but the first set is painted.

First up, the glue hardedned vambraces, without any work on them at all.

Then, gessoed with the pattern on them.

Then, painted.

The helm, now with more roses and a helm liner!

And last, but not least, the breastplate.

i made that!, i'm blogging this!, i kick ass, i get hit with sticks, sca, praying, i'm gonna do what?, awesomeness and kittens, i did what?, overwhelmed, crafting, ansteorra, yoikes!, beauty, dork dork dork, happiness, i love my life, going crazy, more tags than post, fun, i hit things with sticks, hee!, squee!

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