And now...

Jul 10, 2010 10:20

proof positive that maybe, just maaaaybe, we have too many books.

Read more... )

i made that!, awesomeness and kittens, homemaking, happiness, house

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Comments 21

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soldiergrrrl July 10 2010, 15:46:01 UTC
Well, sometimes we have stuff that goes on shelves with books. :-)


nilo July 10 2010, 15:53:47 UTC


soldiergrrrl July 10 2010, 15:59:39 UTC


Too many books?!?! chaotic_nipple July 10 2010, 16:17:04 UTC
I... I don't understand. Those words have meaning in isolation, but they just don't _go_ together.


Re: Too many books?!?! soldiergrrrl July 10 2010, 16:42:23 UTC
The really do become a bit much when your books run you over your weight allowance by several thousand pounds.


There's no such thing as "too many books". piroshki July 10 2010, 23:30:13 UTC
I never did make it out to my house, did you.

That's how many books are in my bedroom.

Please note this does not account for the books in the hallway(s), books in the breezeway, books in the basement (by computer), books in the basement (bedroom), more books in the basement (TV wall), books in the living room, books in the foyer... This is of course not counting the books that still have not been unpackedI relocated with seventy-two cases of books ( ... )


Re: There's no such thing as "too many books". desert_vixen July 11 2010, 05:50:35 UTC

have not stopped acquiring books. Books are like friends; the weight of a book in your hands, the frail, fragile scent of paper and ink and glue (especially with the older ones) awakens a warm coziness that not even tea with lemon and honey can create.

This is lovely...and also why I don't "just get an e-reader".


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soldiergrrrl July 10 2010, 16:43:03 UTC
We'll have to get together and measure, and then work them out. :)

You'll get to help sand and paint/stain. :-)


lorihalia July 10 2010, 16:29:35 UTC
You guys have books like my ex-husband has books. While his storage methods left a lot to be desired (stacks and stacks of moving boxes filled to the brim) I never once thought the quantity to be a bad thing. =)

No such thing as too many books. ;D


soldiergrrrl July 10 2010, 16:44:37 UTC
:-) John makes sure they're stored and organized well. He's a weeeeee bit OCD about it all. I just smile and agree.


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