And now...

Jul 10, 2010 10:20

proof positive that maybe, just maaaaybe, we have too many books.

This is the upstairs hallway.  The niche that was there, and is now covered in books, appears to have been *made* for paperback bookshelves.  Since no one actually *makes* affordable paperback bookshelves (AKA DVD shelves, which are STUPIDLY expensive for some reason....), my Best Friend of Awesomeness and Kitten, and her Husband Who Does Not Suck, came down to help us make these.  YAY!  Now, since we know how to do it, we'll be making a LOT more of them.  In fact, there's another spot, on the opposite side of the hallway, that will have deeper shelves in it, such as craft books.

Seriously, why is it that I can get sorta-kinda decent bookshelves...okay, never mind. Good shelves, for ANY thing, are stupidly expensive.  The total cost of materials for this set was probably $175 total.

i made that!, awesomeness and kittens, homemaking, happiness, house

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