Vid: Timber (Lizzie Borden)

Aug 08, 2015 12:51

I'll be the one you won't forget. ❤️ 💃 🎵 🔪

Source:  Lizzie Borden Took an Ax (2014), The Lizzie Borden Chronicles (2015) thru ep 1x04
Music:  "Timber" by Ke$ha (her solo remix version)
Warnings:  Murder, blood, violence...
Length:  3:21
Download: (zipped, right click save-as)  WMV (23 MB)  //  AVI (50 MB)
Streaming:  YouTube  //  Tumblr

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my vids, lizzie borden, vividcon, club vivid

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Comments 8

ciaimpala August 8 2015, 18:04:52 UTC
This is fabulous! Perfect song choice, fantastic editing! So creative!


sol_se August 8 2015, 18:10:37 UTC
Thank you!! :D

(kiki_miserychic totally gets credit for song choice. When she told me her idea, at first I was like "whut" then I was like "fuck yea.")


kuwdora August 9 2015, 04:06:13 UTC
sol_se August 17 2015, 03:15:08 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥


danegen August 15 2015, 18:49:00 UTC
I didn't even know that show was a thing, but I enjoyed this a whole, whole lot! I especially liked the juxtaposition of Lizzie murdering people and the dancer twirling the red fabric.


sol_se August 17 2015, 03:14:09 UTC
Thank you!!


meelie September 27 2015, 10:18:27 UTC
what a great vid! I haven't watch the show and this was amazing! Downloading the AVI, thanks!


sol_se October 15 2015, 04:47:25 UTC
Thank you!


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