Vid: Timber (Lizzie Borden)

Aug 08, 2015 12:51

I'll be the one you won't forget. ❤️ 💃 🎵 🔪

Source:  Lizzie Borden Took an Ax (2014), The Lizzie Borden Chronicles (2015) thru ep 1x04
Music:  "Timber" by Ke$ha (her solo remix version)
Warnings:  Murder, blood, violence...
Length:  3:21
Download: (zipped, right click save-as)  WMV (23 MB)  //  AVI (50 MB)
Streaming:  YouTube  //  Tumblr

Premiered at Club Vivid 2015 wheee!

image Click to view

This is for the fab & murderlicious
kiki_miserychic  ...a million years late. But good thing I waited because then we had the tv series as well! Yay for procrastination!
This entry x-posted at Comment at either place.

my vids, lizzie borden, vividcon, club vivid

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