Started going through my Farscape videos on my hard-drive (of which I have a ton of). I'll start with Lithium_Doll for now, since I just rec'd the Battlestar Galactica vid. ( recs )
BTW, I was looking on Farscape Fantasy for Boy with the Bubble Gun, Didn't Bleed Red, Ooh Child, & Unwell, but couldn't find those. Do you happen to remember if you ever uploaded those there? Maybe I'm just going crazy & they're staring me in the face. That's always a possibility. If you don't remember, then nevermind. Don't worry about it. *g*
Man, you've made a lot of Farscape vids! There's, like, 34 of them I think. I've never even managed 5 in other fandoms. I can only assume Farscape ate my soul. o_0
Thank you for the even more recs!
I never sent Boy with the Bubble Gun, Didn't Bleed Red, Ooh Child, or Unwell to Farscape Fantasy, you're not going crazy. Well, you're not going crazy by that definition anyway *g*
Comments 6
I posted more vid recs here:
Hope that's ok. Man, you've made a lot of Farscape vids! *g*
BTW, I was looking on Farscape Fantasy for Boy with the Bubble Gun, Didn't Bleed Red, Ooh Child, & Unwell, but couldn't find those. Do you happen to remember if you ever uploaded those there? Maybe I'm just going crazy & they're staring me in the face. That's always a possibility. If you don't remember, then nevermind. Don't worry about it. *g*
There's, like, 34 of them I think. I've never even managed 5 in other fandoms. I can only assume Farscape ate my soul. o_0
Thank you for the even more recs!
I never sent Boy with the Bubble Gun, Didn't Bleed Red, Ooh Child, or Unwell to Farscape Fantasy, you're not going crazy. Well, you're not going crazy by that definition anyway *g*
lol, well that's one way to think of it.
Ah, good. Not crazy then. Sort of. Do you mind if I ask why you didn't submit those? Just curious, since you have so many others listed there.
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