Ficlet: 'Blackmail' CW/DM PG13

May 21, 2009 19:09

Title - Blackmail
Author - softly_sweetly
Beta - None, mistakes are mine alone
Rating - PG13
Word Count - ~200
Characters/Pairings - Charlie, Draco
Warnings - Pre-Slash, Suggestion
Disclaimer - I own nothing but the plot lines. I make no money from this, and mean no offence by any scene depicted within this story. All characters depicted in sexual situations herein are above the age of consent.
Summary - Draco sees something he shouldn't, but which he knows will make his life much easier.
Author's Notes - Written for prompt #44 Silhouette of my 100quills Charlie/Draco table, and Day 21 over at mmom

For aldehyde, who claimed this prompt way back :)

Hogwarts had needed to fill its staffing vacancies, which explained why Charlie Weasley was currently teaching Quidditch to the school. In his eighth year now, Draco didn't need Quidditch lessons, but he liked to go along just to watch, and to ensure that the Slytherin team would be in good hands when he left.

Tonight however, he'd got caught up with his work, and by the time he got down to the pitch, the lesson was over. Turning to walk back to the school, Draco saw that the door to the changing rooms was still open, and there was a light on inside. Intending to switch off the light and close the door, as Draco approached he noticed a silhouette moving on the pale wood, created by the figure just out of sight in the room.

Staring at the shadowy figure, a smirk split Draco's lips. He could recognise the activity easily, and a quick peek into the changing room revealed Charlie Weasley, cock in hand.

Backing away slowly, Draco filed the information away to be used later. With this blackmail material under his belt, Draco knew Charlie would have to agree to a date with him, at the very least.

mmom, charlie/draco 50.3 (softly_sweetly), dm/cw, gift!fic, 100quills, fic, hp-verse

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