Dish Washing Boy

Sep 21, 2011 00:08

TITLE: Dish Washing Boy
AUTHOR: Sockittomegood
PAIRING:  Jensen/Jared
SUMMARY:  This was a fill from the spn-kinkmem apparently it sucked at least according to some over there. Anyway I am posting it. You be the judge of it it sucks. I don't know. This is the prompt : "Jared and Jensen are in an established relationship and, at home, they have the whole 24/7 (loving, safe, sane and consensual) D/s thing going where Jared is required to be naked and at Jensen's disposal at all times. I don't really have many specifics I want to see except for a scene where Jared is doing some task (simple as doing the dishes or complicated as studying a script, I don't care) and Jensen doesn't even hesitate for a second before he walks up, fingers Jared open and wet and gets Jared on his dick, commanding Jared to keep going and telling Jared he'll be spanked and won't get to come if he lets Jensen fucking him distract him from what he had been doing. Whether Jared is able to keep going and gets rewarded with an orgasm or fails and gets the spanking is up to you. Except for blood play or scat, feel free to add any other kinks you feel like. I mean it. Barebacking, watersports, sex toys, figging, fisting, bondage, whatever, go wild."
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Jensen or Jared. They belong  to themselves. Please don't sue me.
WARNINGS:  Heavy D/s leaning towards S/M, floggers, canes,figging, watersports, cock cages and I'm sure se

Jensen stood in the door way of his kitchen watching his sub wash the dishes thinking how lucky he was to have such a gorgeous man willing to submit to him. The fact that it was 24/7 submission amazed him every day. He knew he wanted Jared the minute they met on set. He wasn't sure Jared was a sub until one day Jensen got mad and told him to "sit down and shut up" and he did immediately.

They started off slow but after a year they realized they wanted a more serious commitment then just "scenes" in the bedroom. Jared was the one that suggested 24/7 submission. They gave it a try and their relationship flourished like never before. Jensen was a hard Dom and took no shit from his sub at work and especially at home. Jared thrived on his total surrender and letting his Dom handle everything. He needed to let it all go.

As Jensen continued to watch his sub who was naked except for a black and red collar around his neck with a leash attached to it that was tied to a hook pounded into the wall by Jensen. He had enough freedom of movement to wash and dry the dishes. It was up to Jensen if and when he let him leave the kitchen.

Jensen's eyes traveled further down his sub's body coming to his ass where he saw his semen dripping down Jared's thighs. Jensen dick immediately became rock hard in his pants. Jensen had already fucked Jared three times that day so his thighs were extremely messy. He loved to leave his mark on his sub. He never used butt plugs because he liked knowing his come was dripping out Jared all day long at work. He also saw four clear lines from a cane. Earlier in the day his boy had gone to the bathroom without permission. He knew better than to do anything without asking His Dom first. Jensen doubted he would make that mistake again. Jared hated the cane so Jensen rarely used it except for major errors in judgment.

Jensen discarded his pants and walked up behind his sub and whispered in his ear "You stop what you are doing you will be punished. Understand?"

Jared breath hitched as he nodded his head. His Dom had not allowed him to speak so far that day so he wasn't sure if he should answer.

Jensen smiled and said "That's my good boy. I think you will get a reward later for not breaking the rules. You may speak."

Jared immediately answered "Yes Master, I understand and I look forward to my reward."

"Good boy" Jensen said while he pulled his sub's butt cheeks apart and gently touched the wet hole with his thumb.

"Mhmmm baby you are still so wet from earlier. I can see my come dripping down your thighs. Can you feel it?"

"Yes Master I can, It feels amazing." Jared answered as he continued to wash the dish he was working on before Jensen walked up behind him.

"Do you want more of my come in your slutty little hole?"

Jared cried out as Jensen rammed two fingers into his hole and started pumping them in and out.

Jared gripped the sponge he was holding as hard as he could so he would not move out of position. His Master purposely avoided his prostate as he continued to ram and scissor his fingers to stretch his hole. Jared thought it was not necessary since he was still loose from the previous fucks.

Jared felt Jensen slap his left butt cheek and said "Stop thinking. If I want to stretch my property I will. You understand?"

"Yes Master, I understand I am sorry for questioning you." Jared wondered how his Dom always knew what he was thinking. It was like he could read his mind.

Jensen continued to pump two then three fingers into Jared's hole making him moan as he continued to wash the dishes. Jared was shaking so bad that he could barely lift the sponge, he was pretty sure this would be the worst washing job he'd ever done.

Jensen removed his fingers from Jared's ass and stood up behind him whispering in his ear. "If you stop washing or drop anything you will be punished. You may speak and make as much noise as you would like. Of course you will not come unless I say. Understand?"

"Yes Master."

As soon as the word Master was out of Jared's mouth his Dom was balls deep in his ass in one thrust. Jared screamed and moaned as Jensen rammed his cock in and out of his hole as fast as he could.

Jared tried to concentrate on not dropping the cup he was washing but with Jensen hitting his prostate every time he thrust back in, he was having a horrible time.

Jared finally finished washing the cup and put it in the drainer to dry and as he moved on to a plate his Dom finally slowed down his thrusts. Jared sighed and relaxed as Jensen pulled out slowly and thrust in just as slowly.

Jared felt Jensen's breath on his neck as he said "You are so beautiful baby. You are doing such a good job."

Jared beamed and said "Thank you, Master." Jared loved to make his Dom proud and he tried to every day. He had failed earlier in the day so he was trying his best now.

Jared gasped as Jensen stopped thrusting and plastered his chest to Jared's back and grinded his cock against his sub's prostate. Jared was so stunned and felt like he was going to come right on the cupboards.

"Jared you know better." Jensen warned as he did figure eights with his hips over and over.

Suddenly it was to much for Jared and he dropped a plate in the soapy water. Jensen stilled inside of Jared and didn't say a word.

Jared knew he was in trouble he broke a rule. He picked up the plate and frantically started to wash it again as tears fell down his face.

"Oh Jared" Jensen said with disappointment in his voice.

"I'm sorry Master, I'm sorry. Please I'll do better." Jared pleaded as he scrubbed a plate clean.

"Hush Jared." ordered Jensen.

Jared immediately shut his mouth and prayed his Dom wouldn't punish him to much.

"I'm disappointed in you Jared. I was so proud of you for waiting to speak until I told you it was okay. It made up for you going to the bathroom without my permission earlier in the day."

Jared continued to cry as his Dom spoke. Jensen sounded so hurt and sad that his sub couldn't obey him. Jared could barely see the bowl he was washing because he was crying so hard.

"I was so proud of you, I was going to let you come. I know it's been awhile and I wanted to reward you. Needless to say that won't be happening."

Hearing that Jensen would have allowed him to come made Jared cry harder. He hadn't come for two weeks because his Dom said he needed to learn patience, for the first three days he begged him to let him come but Jensen would not relent. Finally on the fourth day he was gagged and paddled for questioning his Dom. After that he never said a word about it. If that's what his Dom wanted that's what would happen. His body was Jensen's property he could do what he wanted to do with it.

"Stop crying." Jensen ordered.

Jared tried to compose himself as Jensen resumed speaking.

"You will be punished. If you drop another dish or stop washing I will punish you further."

How will-" Jared started to ask.

"I'm sorry are you questioning me?" Jensen said as he started to move inside Jared again.

"You are really asking for a whopping aren't you? I will punish my property however I see fit. There is one way to end this and you know it."

Jared knew Jensen meant him using his safe word and in his mind this was not a reason to use it. He never had in the five years they've been together he wasn't about to start now.

"I'm sorry for questioning you Master, Yes I am your property and you can do what you want to it."

"That's right and since you questioned me you will not speak or make noise until I am done with your hole."

Jensen started pounding into Jared so hard that Jared's cock and hips kept hitting the edge of the sink. After awhile Jensen slowed down and slowly made love to Jared while he continued to wash the dishes. Jared was caught off guard when Jensen pulled out slowly and thrust in so hard, that he dropped another cup in the soapy water.

"You. just. earned. more. punishment. Keep. it.up." Before Jared could stop himself he cried out as Jensen thrust in hard between each word.

Jared dropped two more dishes and a bowl before Jensen came screaming his sub's name. Jensen leaned against Jared's back laying little kisses along his shoulder blades and neck. After Jensen caught his breath he slowly pulled out watching his come drip out of his sub's hole.

Jared knew better than to stop washing the dishes. His Dom gave him a order and he wasn't going to break another rule to get more punishment.

Jensen hated punishing his sub it always made him feel like a asshole but he knew if he didn't Jared would run wild. Jared craved discipline and strict guidelines. That's why he let Jensen control every aspect of his life. He needed it and Jensen knew if he didn't give him what he needed Jared would go somewhere else to get it.

Jensen took a deep breath to calm himself and said "Baby you know I have to punish you. You may speak."

"Yes Master I know. I just want to tell you I'm sorry." Jared said quietly.

"I know Jared. I'm sorry to."

Jared heard Jensen leave the kitchen and come back several times. He wondered what his Dom would do but he did not turn around to find out. By the time his Master came back he had finished the dishes and was now drying them and putting them away.

Several minutes later Jensen came back in the room and said "You dropped several plates and cups and you cried out when I specifically told you not to make noise. You will be punished for each offense separately and then for all of them. Understand?"

"Yes Master, I do."

"I am going to spank you for each offense. You dropped 5 things and you spoke. That's 6 swats. Count them out and say thank you."

Jared nodded and waited for the blows to come. He wondered what object Jensen would use on him. He already used the cane earlier in the day so he figured he wouldn't use it again.

Jared closed his eyes and waited for the first blow. He started to get restless when nothing happened for several seconds. Suddenly he heard the sound of something flying through air and hitting the fleshy part of his ass. As he cried out he realizes its the cane again.

"One Master, Thank you."

Jensen hit Jared on his upper thighs the second time and Jared screamed and tries not to fall to his knees.

"Two Master, Thank you."

The rest of the blows are delivered much the same, by the end of the six blows Jared is bawling so hard snot is running out of his nose and he can barely stand.

He doesn't realize it's over until he feels Jensen's hand running up and down his back soothing him.

"All done baby. I'm sorry I had to do that."

Jared hissed as he stands up straight "I'm so sorry Master. I'll try to be better. I'm sorry."

"Shhh baby, it's alright. We'll work on it together. Everyone has bumps in the road. I'll help you. That's why I'm doing this. Correct your behavior before it gets worse."

Jared nodded and turned around to hug his Dom. As Jensen pulled away he saw the hurt look in his sub's eyes.

"No hug yet. You still have punishment coming. Turn around and face the sink again."

Jared didn't say anything as his Dom grabbed his leash from the hook in the wall and walked him over to stand in front of the kitchen table.

"I want you to put your hands on the table and push your ass out" Jensen instructed Jared as he tied the leash to the bolt on the wall next to the table.

Jared did as he was told and waited for his Dom to continue his punishment. He took a deep breath as he heard Jensen rummaged around in the fridge. He was pretty sure he knew what his Master was doing but he didn't want to get his hopes up. His cock started to get hard the more he thought about it. He never told Jensen that he loved this punishment because he was scared Jensen would stop doing it to him.

Jared felt Jensen come up behind him and say "This will be in you for six minutes. You may make noise but no words. Understand?"

Jared nodded his head as he felt something hard being pushed in his hole. He knew instantly it was a ginger root. His cock immediately started leaking pre cum. He loved the sensation it was like his whole body was burning up. He never understood why he liked it so much when so many other people hated it.

Jensen carefully watched his sub for any signs of distress. If he saw any he would end it immediately. Jensen tried to act like he wasn't paying attention to his sub by pretending to read the paper but his cock was rock hard again listening to Jared moan and cry out.

Jensen knew Jared thought he didn't know how much Jared enjoyed this type of punishment but it was obvious to him the first time he put the root in his ass that Jared was in heaven. It made Jensen laugh that Jared thought he was hiding his love for it. His sub could never hide anything from Jensen. He knew him to well.

Jensen figured the first part of the punishment was so severe that Jared deserved some kind of reward but he disguised it as punishment.

After the six minutes were up Jensen removed the ginger root and caressed his sub's back, telling him he was proud of him for taking his punishment so well.

"I think it's time for bed. Don't you baby?" Jensen said as he helped his sub up the stairs to their bedroom.

Jared nodded and whimpered as the welts on his butt stung every time he moved.

"I'm going to put some ointment on those welts. You just lie there I'll be right back."

Jensen rushed to get the ointment out of the en suite bathroom he never liked to leave his sub alone for to long after hard play. Jared never experienced sub drop and if Jensen had anything to say about it he never would. He played rough but in the end he always took care of his property.

Jared was whimpering when Jensen walked back in the bedroom. "Shhh baby I'm here don't worry. I'll make it all better."

Jared hissed as Jensen quickly rubbed the ointment on his welts, he couldn't help but smile when Jensen kissed the small of his back after he was done.

"Okay baby I think it's time for you to go to sleep. It's been a rough day."

Jared rolled on his side and held up his hands so his Dom could cuff his hands together and then to his collar. He closed his eyes as Jensen attached the chain from the bolt in the wall to his collar and cuffs. Jared slept in bondage every night. It made him feel secure. He knew if there was an emergency in the middle of the night he could hit the safety latch and he would be able to immediately get out. Jared knew his Dom would never leave him in permanent no way out bondage when he was not there to monitor him. Jensen refused to even entertain the idea of bedtime bondage until he researched it and found a way to do it that would give him peace of mind. There was no way he would ever knowingly put his sub in danger.

Jared sighed as he felt Jensen put his ankle cuffs on and then attach the last part of the chain to those as well. He had very little freedom of movement. He could only sleep on his side facing away from Jensen. He loved that because every morning his Master would wake him up by fucking him slowly from behind.

Jensen watched Jared's breathing slow down as he fell asleep, He could tell his sub was exhausted it usually took Jared much longer to fall asleep. Today had been tough they hadn't had a day like this since they first started the 24/7 aspect of their relationship.

Jensen sat on the chair across from his bed and thought about what he needed to change. He knew his sub was acting out for a reason and he had to figure out why so he could nip it in the bud before it got worse. He was not the type of Dom who got off on punishment he hated it but knew it was a necessary evil, he didn't want a repeat of tonight's punishment.

The more Jensen thought about it he realized he had become to lax with Jared. Jared craved structure and rules. He needed to give up everything and not have a choice. In the last several months Jensen had allowed Jared more freedom at work allowing him to speak to whoever he wanted without asking for permission. He allowed him to make decisions on what he wore and last week he didn't fight Jared on wearing clothes in the house. The very first rule when they started was no clothes as soon as he walked in the house.

Jensen thought about how Jared had been mouthing off about not being allowed to come and how it was so unlike him. That was the start of the downward spiral. He felt stupid for not noticing it earlier, As Jared's Dom he should have picked up on the problem and fixed it. "Well" Jensen thought "I'll be changing everything tomorrow. Jared is not going down this path any longer."

Jensen knew tomorrow would be a rough day for what he had planned, but he knew that in the end it would be worth it.

Jared woke to the feeling of his Master sucking on his earlobe. His cock instantly became rock hard and he tried to arch his neck as much as he could in his bondage.

"Stay still boy. Let me enjoy my property."

Jared nodded and relaxed into his Master's touch. Jensen kissed and petted his sub for several minutes, Jared was starting to pant and moan as Jensen sucked a bruise above the collar on his neck. When Jensen wrapped his hand around Jared's dick and flicked his PA piercing over and over it took everything he had not to thrust his hips, Jared tried not to whine as his Master abruptly pulled away and got off the bed.

"Go to the bathroom, take a shower and meet me in the kitchen. Don't touch your cock when you pee but you may wash it in the shower. Crawl to the kitchen after you are done. You have 15 minutes."

Jensen hit the release on the chains that tied Jared to the bed and walked out. He did not need to watch his sub to know that he was doing as ordered.

While Jared was in the shower Jensen got everything ready that he would need for the day. He knew this would be difficult for Jared but he had to take his sub down hard for his own good.

When Jared came downstairs 14 minutes later he had his leash in his mouth he knew his Dom would want it. He knew he always had to wear it.

Jared watched Jensen as he walked around the kitchen in his sleep pants with a obvious hard on. Jared wanted to suck on his cock so bad but that was not his decision. Jensen would decide if and when he wanted Jared's mouth.

Jensen sighed and walked up to his kneeling sub "Today will be a day of bondage and silence. I think you need to be taken down and stay there for awhile. I had a lot to think about after last night's punishment and I realized I have been to lenient with you lately. I don't think I am giving you what you need."

Jared continued to look at the floor while his Dom spoke, it hurt his heart that he thought he wasn't giving Jared everything he needed. The more he thought about it he realized Jensen was right. The past several months Jensen had allowed him to do things he had never done in the years they had been together. He didn't like it but did it because his Dom wanted it that way.

"Do you agree Jared? Do you think this is necessary? Nod your head if you do."

Jared looked his Dom in the eyes and nodded his head. The look in his Dom's eyes made his heart clench. He looked at Jared with such love and devotion it took his breath away.

"Okay we will begin after breakfast."

Jensen attached the leash to Jared's collar and walked him to his spot on the floor next to Jensen's chair. As Jensen tied the leash to the bolt on the floor Jared noticed a leather hood, a penis gag, a cock ring and nipple clamps were on the table.

Jensen smiled as he saw the look on his sub's face. "Told you is was going to be a long hard day boy.

After breakfast Jensen led Jared into the living room and had him kneel in the middle of the room. He showed Jared the black leather hood that had a snap on gag and blindfold. He planned to attach both. He always liked to show Jared the toys he was planning to use beforehand so if he was not comfortable he could safe word out.

Jared nodded and lowered his head in submission. Jensen slowly placed the hood on Jared's head eventually adding the blindfold and gag. He immediately noticed his sub's heavy breathing. He always panicked in the beginning, complete darkness was hard for Jared he always liked to see or hear what was going on so he could be prepared. He would have no preparation this time.

Jensen quickly took the blindfold off and had Jared breathe in and out slowly to steady his breathing. Once he felt his sub was relaxed enough he put the blindfold back on. In Jensen's eyes Jared looked so beautiful kneeling naked and bound on his living room rug. Jensen's cock was so hard it was just on the right side of painful. He knew he could take care of that problem later. Right now he needed to concentrate on his subs needs.

Jensen wanted Jared deep in sub space as soon as possible, he knew the quickest way for Jared was sensory deprivation. This way nothing could potentially distract him, all he had to concentrate on was what he was feeling.

Jensen placed a red scarf in the palm of his sub's hand knowing that he understood as soon as Jared dropped it everything would stop. Jensen slowly walked around his sub running his hands up and down his body until he could see Jared's body completely relax under his touch.

Jared flinched when Jensen tweaked, pinched and licked his nipples. He moaned behind the gag when he felt Jensen bite one nipple while pinching and pulling the other. When Jared's shoulders slowly relaxed and his breathing became steady and calm Jensen knew Jared had found the place he needed to be.

Jensen stood above his sub and even though he could not hear him whispered "You are such a good boy."

He wondered if Jared could hear him because at that moment the kneeling man moaned around the gag. "Oh yeah he is ready." Jensen thought.

Jensen then put Jared's arms in the new binders they purchased online the week before. This would be the first chance they had to play with them. The more things he attached to Jared the more compliant  he became. He realized as he helped his sub walk to kneel in front of the couch, that he obviously needed this. He berated himself for not noticing earlier. He was a better Dom then that. He vowed never to let their relationship fall apart like it would have had he not done this.

Jensen sat on the couch and ran his hands up and down his sub's chest and stomach. When Jensen reached Jared's cock he ran his thumb in a circle around the head several times. Jared moaned and tried to thrust into the touch but as soon as he did his Dom pulled away. Jensen pulled away every time Jared thrust into his Master's touch. After several minutes Jared figured out what Jensen wanted. He was to take what his Dom wanted to give and no more. It was not up to him.

Jensen continue to rub and circle the crown of Jared's cock. Jared was shaking and sweat was falling down his chest. It was starting to become to much. He felt like he was going to come at any minute. Jensen never allowed him to wear a cock ring. He felt he needed to have self control and if he didn't his Dom would teach him. He learned early on that he didn't want Jensen to teach him how to control it, he did not like the lessons.

Jensen was in sync with his sub and he could tell that he was going to come if he didn't stop. Usually he would but today was about teaching his sub he was not in control and Jensen would do whatever he wanted to his body. He knew the rules, if he broke them he also knew the consequences.

Jared's muscles were clenching and head was shaking trying to force himself not to come. He knew he couldn't disappoint his Dom. After several minutes he felt his Master's hand leave his cock and return with something that felt like little needles all over his skin. He realized it was a pinwheel. "Fuuucccckkkk" He thought "Master is pulling out all the tricks today."

Jensen smiled as he watched the pinwheel leave little red marks all over Jared's chest. His sub cried out behind the gag and threw his head back in obvious pleasure.

As Jensen took a moment to compose himself before he moved on to another toy he realized it had been two hours since he started playing with Jared. It was time to take the hood off his boy. He had other plans.

When Jensen slowly took the hood off Jared looked at his sub and all Jensen saw was deep love and devotion pour out at him.

"You did so well baby. I need a break. I think that we should have lunch and then I can play more."

Jared nodded and waited for his Dom to undo the arm binders. He felt Jensen massage his arms and shoulders, they were stiff from being in the binders for so long. He smiled as his Dom walked him to the kitchen and attached the leash to the usual place on the floor.

Jensen ran his fingers through his sub's hair as they ate. He knew Jared craved touch when he was in subspace so he tried to touch him as often as possible. As he ate Jensen watched his sub and he had a look of such calm and happiness that it took his breath away. He did this to Jared, he made him feel safe, He made him feel owned and loved.  If he had any say it in it he would be the only one that ever did it.

"Come lay on the couch with me baby." Jensen said as he inserted a penis gag into Jared's mouth.

Jensen sat on the couch and had Jared sit between his legs leaning back to lay on Jensen's chest.

Jared took a deep calming breath as his Master's hands ran up and down his side and his stomach. Jared closed his eyes and let his Master play with his body.

"You are so beautiful, I can't believe you are all mine. If I told you to you'd bend over on set and let me fuck you in front of all the crew you would wouldn't you?"

Jared's dick twitched at the thought. He awkwardly turned his head to look his Dom in the eyes nodded his nod. The thought of doing whatever Jensen wanted him to do made him hard as nails and ready to shoot his load as soon as he was touched.

Jensen must have known he was close to breaking the rules because the next thing Jared knew he had a cock ring on his dick.

He didn't want to question his Dom but he was confused as to why Jensen wanted him to wear one. Jensen always said he needed to control himself.

Jensen sighed and said "See now I know you still haven't completely submitted to me. You are questioning things. Don't worry we have the rest of the day to get it right."

Jared looked down at his hands in his lap and waited for Jensen to continue.

"I'm putting this on because I'm planning to play with you for a long time and I know with what I have planned you won't be able to hold back."

Jared nodded and laid back on his Master's chest. His dick twitched as Jensen ran his index finger up and down the under side of his dick then dragged his nail underneath the sensitive nerve right under the head of his dick.

Jared lost all sense of time as Jensen continued to rub and scrap his nails all along his weeping cock. Tears of frustration and over stimulation poured down his cheeks. He was conflicted on what to do, he wanted to run away from the touch but also wanted to lean in for more.

"It's okay boy." Jensen whispered in his ear. "Close your eyes and enjoy yourself."

Jared did as he was told and let the feeling of his Dom's hand slowly jack him off wash over him.

"You like that baby?" Jensen whispered and licked and sucked his earlobe.

Jared moaned around the gag as his Dom hand traveled down to grab his balls and lightly pull on them sending both pleasure and pain throughout his body.

"That's it Jared, I knew you'd love this I could play with your dick for hours. Oh look, I actually am."

Jensen laughed at his own joke while his sub fidgeted, rubbing his butt on Jensen's cock.

"Settle down right now boy."

Jared screamed around the gag when Jensen started making small circles with his finger around Jared's cock head. Jared shook his head no over and over, it was to much he couldn't take it. He felt drops of pre com steadily falling from his dick.

"Don't shake your head no boy, I know you like it. Even if you don't you'll take what I give you. Won't you?"

Jared frantically nodded his head as tears fell from his eyes. He needed to come his balls were starting to hurt. They felt so full but he knew his pleasure was up to his Dom. The minute he realized that, his body completely relaxed. He could do this, he could take was his Master gave him because he was here for Jensen's pleasure not his own.

Jensen watched in awe as his sub visibly relaxed under his touch. He could feel Jared completely surrender to his touch. Jared trusted him not to do any harm to him and that trust made Jensen vow never to break it.

"So" Jensen said like he was talking about the weather. "I was thinking about getting you a cock cage."

Jared whimpered and his cock jumped at the thought.

Jensen laughed and said "I see you like that idea. I'll do some research tomorrow to find out which one's are the best and if it's a good idea for us. How would you like it if I was in complete control of when you could get hard? When and if I let you come? You'd be my hole to fuck, you would walk around with my come dripping out of you and for as long as I say your cock would be in a prison. You like that idea boy?"

Jared keened as Jensen's nail scrapped across the head of his cock.

"I asked you a question boy." Jensen said as he flicked the PA piercing.

Jared nodded and started to cry again as Jensen repeatedly flicked his cock piercing.

He lost all track of time as his Dom played with his piercing. He felt like he was floating, the sensation was overwhelming. He no longer felt like running away or leaning into the touch. He just wanted to feel whatever his Dom wanted him to feel. He felt so loved and free. The only sounds in the room were his moans and whimpers. It was to much but not enough.

It seemed like hrs later when Jensen said "Baby I think we should eat. Just something small."

Jared looked up at his Dom and nodded his head. Jensen noticed his eyes were glassy and he had a look of bliss on his face. He felt bad pulling his sub out of the pleasure he was feeling but he knew Jared needed his strength to endure the all day scene.

After they shared a sandwich Jensen led his sub back to the couch and had him kneel at his feet. Jensen pushed a stray look of hair behind Jared's ear and smiled at him. Jared turned his head and kissed his Dom's palm.

Jensen smiled at him, ran his finger across Jared's cheek and said "I love you so much. You are doing so well."

Jared tried his best to say I love you back with his eyes since he could not answer him back. He knew he succeeded when Jensen leaned down and kissed his cheek.

Jensen stood and took off his pants. He laughed when he saw the look of hunger in his sub's eyes. He obviously wanted his cock in his mouth. Well he was going to get it and for the rest of the night. Jensen removed the penis gag and sat on the couch with his legs spread.

"Come here baby."

Jensen moaned as Jared's kitten licked the head of his cock then ran his tongue up and down the length making Jensen hips buck.

"The mouth on you boy" Jensen whimpered as his sub took the entire length in his mouth in one go.

Jared started bobbing his head up and down as fast as he could thinking his Dom wanted to get off quickly so he could go back to playing with him.

Jensen grabbed the back of Jared's head and said "Stop not so fast, slow down. I want this to last awhile."

Jared slowed down significantly turning it into a slow and lazy blow job.

"We have all night Jared. Enjoy yourself." Jensen ran his thumb in a circle on the back of his sub's neck. Trying to calm him.

Jensen laid his head on the back of the couch and closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of his boy's mouth surrounding his dick.

He could tell Jared was enjoying himself by the little noises he was making. It made him smile knowing that his sub was happy because he was servicing his Dom.

After several minutes he felt the signs of his impending orgasm, usually he liked to come on his sub's face but today he thought Jared deserved a reward.

"I'm gonna come baby."

Jensen just managed to say before he exploded in his sub's mouth. Jared swallowed it all like the expert he was. As he made to sit up his Dom grabbed the back of his head keeping him there.

"No stay there. I want to feel your mouth around my cock for a little longer. Don't suck just hold it in your mouth."

Jared nodded as he put the soft cock back in his mouth and laid his head against his Dom's thigh.

Jensen stroked his hair for several minutes just enjoying his sub and how he looked with his lips around Jensen's cock. If Jensen had his way Jared would have his cock in his mouth every minute of the day. His own personal cock warmer. He knew Jared enjoyed doing this sometimes. He could let his mind drift while he serviced his Dom at the same time.

Eventually Jensen turned on the television and zoned out watching some reality show about New Jersey then a show about kids in pageants. The whole time his sub was suckling on his cock like a pacifier. Jensen continued to stroke Jared's hair letting him float away and just feel the cock in his mouth.

After awhile Jensen heard Jared's light snores and he couldn't help but chuckle. He felt so safe and secure that he fell asleep with a cock in his mouth. That was a first. Even asleep he still suckled lightly on the soft cock.

Jensen eventually fell asleep as well but he immediately woke when he felt a tongue run up the vein on the under side of his cock.

"Fuck baby, now that's a wake up call."

Jared snorted around the cock and bobbed his head up and down faster making his Dom come embarrassingly quick.

"I should punish you for making me come so quickly." teased Jensen.

Jensen looked at the clock and realized that it was almost one in the morning, it was definitely time for bed.

"Time for bed babe. Just one more thing before we go." Jensen tapped Jared on the head twice and waited for him to grab his cock and make sure to put his lips completely around the dick. Jensen moaned as he peed down his boy's throat. They didn't do this on a regular basis but when they did they enjoyed it. Judging by Jared's constant moans and wiggling his ass back and forth he enjoyed it a little more than Jensen did.

When he finished Jared licked his penis clean and waited for his Dom to tell him he could stand. Jensen grabbed the leash and slowly walked him to bed. They both were drained from the day spent in top and sub space. Tomorrow would be a day for lounging around the house not doing anything.

Jensen put Jared in his nighttime bondage and crawled in behind him cuddling against his back.

'You know what Jared?"

Jared shook his no the best he could in his bondage.

"You were such a good boy today. I'm so proud of you. I forgot to give you your reward."

Jensen moved his hand over Jared's stomach and undid the cock ring. "You may come."

Jared's felt like his cock exploded when he came all over Jensen's hand and his own stomach.

Jensen brought his hand up to Jared's mouth and he licked his own semen off his Dom's hand. He felt sated and like he could sleep for a year.

"Good boy, now go to sleep."


Jensen again stood in the door way of the kitchen watching his gorgeous sub wash the dishes of the day. He thought about how ever since the day of bondage and silence Jared had completely submitted in every way possible. In Jensen's eyes Jared had never looked as happy and full of life as he did now.

Jensen walked up behind his naked sub and inserted two fingers in Jared's hole. He was still wet from Jensen fucking him across the coffee table earlier in the day.

Jared moaned but continued to wash the dishes never stopping as his Dom finger fucked him for several minutes.

"You know the rules" Jensen warned right before he plunged his dick into Jared's hole.

Jensen fucked him so hard for several minutes that Jared's bound cock kept hitting the cupboards below him.

Jensen smiled as he watched his sub continue to wash the dishes like nothing was going on behind him. Even though he moaned and threw his head back in obvious pleasure he did not stop or drop a dish.

Jensen finally slowed down and made love to Jared kissing his neck and telling him how proud he was. He knew he could do it. It was a close call when Jensen swiveled his hips making his cock grind on his prostate. He didn't drop anything but his hands started to shake because the pleasure was so intense. He felt like stars were exploding behind his eyelids. Finally after what seemed like 20 years to Jared, Jensen came with a shout and pulled out almost immediately.

Jared felt come dripping out of his hole making his cock twitch in it's cage. He couldn't get hard no matter how hard he tried and believe me he did.

"You did so well baby. I'm proud."

Jared beamed but didn't turn around to look at his Dom.

"You are my good dish washing boy."

Jared snorted behind his gag at the nickname.

"Hey, you wanna be punished for laughing at your Dom" Jensen joked.

They both laughed as Jensen walked out of the kitchen.


j2, fic, d/s, kink meme

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