That is the thing that annoys me most about a lot of religious people. The idea that without some invisible sky fairy to order us around we cannot tell what is right or wrong.
Not to mention confusing Atheism with badly cliched pagans? ugh
I have NEVER: sacrificed an animal OR a person to the devil (WTF, I just told you I don't worship anything - *eyeroll*), beaten up my mother, sexually assaulted ANYONE (especially not any children EWWW), desecrated a place of worship (unless you consider the time I shagged a guy in a Catholic church's choir loft a desecration), become intimately involved with anyone already in another relationship, taken off my clothing in public, nor burned any anti-religion symbols onto anything.
tell that to the kids in the kiddie porn you just tried to send me on AIM Mr onemoresoberloki
Comments 6
Not to mention confusing Atheism with badly cliched pagans? ugh
tell that to the kids in the kiddie porn you just tried to send me on AIM Mr onemoresoberloki
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