Oct 13, 2007 05:21
Being religious does not mean you are a good person. It just means you are a religious person.
Being an atheist only means I'm someone who doesn't believe in deities. It doesn't have the tiniest thing to do with whether or not I'm a good person.
You seem a bit confused about what atheism actually IS, and I do wish you'd read a book once in a while. You know, one that ISN'T a bible, or a study guide to same. There's lots and lots of great fiction and plenty of good nonfiction as well.
Please don't rely on websites linked from your religious sites to give you an accurate picture of 'people like [me]'. I am very much like you: I go to work, interact harmlessly with other people, pay rent and bills and taxes, go to the movies, sing badly with the radio, etc.
I have NEVER: sacrificed an animal OR a person to the devil (WTF, I just told you I don't worship anything - *eyeroll*), beaten up my mother, sexually assaulted ANYONE (especially not any children EWWW), desecrated a place of worship (unless you consider the time I shagged a guy in a Catholic church's choir loft a desecration), become intimately involved with anyone already in another relationship, taken off my clothing in public, nor burned any anti-religion symbols onto anything.
No, the 'empty set' sign is not a DO NOT circle, nor anti-religious in the sense that it is intended to mock or degrade religion. It's NON-religious. There's a difference.
Please stop watching horror movies. You're not smart enough to understand the difference between a work of fiction and the evening news. And PLEASE stop sending me the weird emails, K?
hell is other people,
social commentary,
i believe in virgin birth and unicorns!,
fuck you very much,
i'm not sure that really happened,
no fair making my brain hurt,
can't talk skin crawling