End of the year Glee picspam

Dec 29, 2010 13:02

You guys, I used to love Glee but I never really wrote about it here. Well, it's time I change that. If you like pretty pictures and you like them, like, a lot, you should take a look under the cut because my El Journal totally exploded in screencaps in this one.

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awesomeness, glee, pretty pictures, fangirl obsession

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Comments 7

thejollyape December 29 2010, 14:39:37 UTC
I've been trying to step away.Turn my back for a while. It's not really working out for me. This definitely didn't help. If anything it spurred on a dormant need to re-watch from the beginning.

It's just so damn pretty, and the music is just so damn good.

But I'm gonna try to control myself. I'm gonna linger here on this post and drool at the static pretty for as long as I can. Despite kicking those dormant urges into wakefulness I have to appreciate your cap-happiness. It really is all kinds of gorgeous. And I wouldn't complain if you one day decided to post even more. Not one bit.


so_wicked December 29 2010, 15:14:55 UTC
Believe it or not, there were more performances on my list, but it almost broke my editor so I decided to "narrow it down" a little. There are basically the ones that, whenever I see them, make me go

... )


thejollyape December 29 2010, 23:06:09 UTC
I just fear they'll be tainted by my current grumbly mood towards the show. Because first time around I adored, basically worshipped the show. Everything felt so right. I fear to rewatch in case I'll blow the flaws out of proportion and start disliking even this first season that really was incredibly joyful.

But then I look at the pictures of Keep Holding On and I remember how gorgeous and how emotionally true it was, and I need that in my life again.

Oksy, do gonna be a bitch and ask you a cruel question. Out of them all which is your One absolute favourite?


so_wicked December 29 2010, 23:23:53 UTC

I guess Jump! because I just light up at the sound of that song. But if I wanted to be really really shallow and pervy, I'd say Start Me Up, because, fuck. That collective "Ugh!" they do at 00.57 does things to me. But if I'm going on record, I'll stick to Jump. :)


waterfly89 December 29 2010, 22:43:53 UTC
I have to say I am impressed.


so_wicked December 29 2010, 23:04:06 UTC

... )


atfm August 17 2011, 17:39:23 UTC
I also like the group performances best. Or the performances where people relevant to my interests have solos.

- Imagine TOTALLY made me teary-eyed. And I approve of HeMo's shorts.
- Express Yourself is da sex! Love the hair, and ladies in suits never fail. There's one bit where Santana is looking to the side and in the next picture you see that Brittany is where she looked before and it totally seems like she was looking at her. Not making this up!
- Love Empire State of Mind and how these Ohio kids try to do New York style. Hee.
- Me Against the Music makes me very happy in my pants. Just listening to it does.
- River Deep, Mountain High was brilliant!
- Start Me Up/Living on a Prayer: BUNK.
- Valerie - HOW FUCKING AMAZING WAS THE DANCING! And Naya, yes, she was fabulous, too.

Now you must do a picspam of the rest of the eps so I can squee some more. Like about Thriller/Heads Will Roll. Or, you know, Songbird.


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