End of the year Glee picspam

Dec 29, 2010 13:02

You guys, I used to love Glee but I never really wrote about it here. Well, it's time I change that. If you like pretty pictures and you like them, like, a lot, you should take a look under the cut because my El Journal totally exploded in screencaps in this one.

I am going to do this chronologically because I love all of these performances and I'd never get around to post this bitch if I actually had to rank them. So here you go, these are the ones that make me asplode with glee.

Season 1,  episode 1 "Pilot" : In which Vocal Adrenaline makes me pee a little in my pants from all the awesome.

I was curious about this new show with singing and dancing and I decided to check this out. OMG, I was so unprepared for how hard I fell for it after only one performance.

Season 1, episode 1 "Pilot":  After which I basically called everyone I know and told them they need to watch this show.

Don't Stop Believin'
This rendition of the song was my favorite of them all for the longest time and to this day I crank up the volume when it comes up on my play list.

Season 1, episode 3 "Acafellas": In which I, for the first time, have a chance to witness Heather Morris' abs talent in all it's glory.

Bust Your Windows
What I love about this performance is the music-videoness of it. Also, yes, HeMo's abs.

Season 1, episode 7 "Throwdown": After which I hit replay over and over and over.

Keep Holding On
What I've grown to like about Glee the most are performances like this one, when the whole ensemble is on the stage and they all sing and dance and they are just a joy to watch, no matter if the song is a sad or a happy one.

Season 1, episode 9 "Wheels": In which there are a lot of spirit fingers and that always makes me laugh.

Proud Mary
This song is always relevant.

Season 1, episode 11 "Hairography": In which I find so much emotion.

The first time I saw this performance it made me cry. Since then I must have seen it two dozen times and I still cry every time. I was crying putting this panel together, too. Crap, I'll make myself cry again!

Season 1, episode 12 "Mattress": After which I get a strong urge to get up on my bed and jump.

I was so blown away by this performance, IDEK. I found the episode to be uneventful and slow and just when I though it'll finish with me being all meh, this happens. I adore this song. ADORE IT!

Season 1, episode 15 "The Power of Madonna": In which Heather and Naya do push-ups and I struggle to pick up my jaw from off the floor.

Express Yourself
Okay, I'll admit it. Even though I love Madonna and even though I love the song, the reason why this performance left such an impact on me was all the sex that was happening on stage, dear god. Seriously, Jenna, Naya and Heather doing push-ups? Naya's back bend to pick up her jacket? All the eye!sexing? The collective crotch!grab in the end?! Oh my.

Season 1, episode 15 "The Power of Madonna": In which there is a marching band and all of the Cheerios.

4 Minutes
This performance was just so shiny, I had to include it.

Season 2, episode 1 "Audition": In which there are synchronized boom boxes and bling.

Empire State of Mind
I am not big fan of the song, but I loved the outdoorsiness of the performance. Also, it was the first episode of the season, I was hungry for show-choir sing-a-longs.

Season 2, episode 2 "Britney/Brittany": In which they rob us of the Brittana in the end (seriously, look at the last cap, that's Santana's hand, not Britney's.)

Me Against The Music
As a big fan of Britney's back in the day, this episode was a dream for me, and when I heard that Santana and Brittany will be doing MATM together, my head exploded with possibilities. It didn't all go as I planned, but Naya was a pimp and Heather impregnated me with her dance moves so yeah, it was a good day.

Season 2, episode 4 "Duets": In which Mercedes Jones and Santana Lopez shake their booty and I know exactly how Mike Chang feels.

River Deep, Mountain High
They truly are top bitches, the two of them. Their voices not only sound good together, they make my ovaries sing. It was awesome, simply awesome. And I just couldn't be mad at Santana for blowing Brittany off to sing a duet with Mercedes, because wow.

Season 2, episode 5 "The Rocky Horror Glee Show": In which the taming of the lyrics throws me off a little, but Amber's voice makes up for it.

Sweet Transvestite
My god, how I love this song! It never sounded good enough to me unless Tim Curry sang it. He sings it with so much sass and attitude that people usually think I'm demented when they see me out and about and Sweet Transvestite comes up on my mp3 player. I can't stop grinning at how brilliant he is. So one of the reasons why I found this performance to be awesome is my love for the song and how it always turns me into a flamingly gay man whenever i hear it.

Season 2, Episode 6 "Never Been Kissed": During which my sex is on fire.

Start Me Up/Living on a Prayer
So much leather... and hair... and wind machine... and girls in leather, singing rock and OMG, I was never so happy in my pants during an episode of Glee.

Season 2, episode 9 "Special Education": In which Santana wants Brittany to come on over. Shut up! That totally happened.

One: I love Naya's voice and was thrilled she finally got a solo. Two: Heather and Harry were so amazing and they need to dance together forever.

Season 2, episode 10 "A Very Glee Christmas": In which the gay boys save the day.

Baby, It's Cold Outside
The Christmas episode was so bad it almost ruined Christmas for me. Luckily, this song saved it for me. I'm not a fan of Chris or his voice, but I'm a fan of this song and it was easily the bestest thing about the episode.

That's it, kids. Have wonderful holidays, lots of love and happiness.

awesomeness, glee, pretty pictures, fangirl obsession

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