Eighth Spool of Thread-[Action/Voice]

May 03, 2009 14:21

[Again, Shiki's sitting on her designated soapbox outside of All Passions, just enjoying the sun with Mr. Mew in her lap. She's busy watching everybody walk by, recognizing some unfamiliar faces as new feathers]So far we haven't had as many new feathers as last month. Is anybody keeping track of an average number at all? Either way, hey New ( Read more... )

hanging at the shop, mr mew's my bff, all passions, action, voice, hi new feathers, eight

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[voice - filtered] tempest_sword May 3 2009, 21:38:30 UTC
You are one that works at the clothing shop, All Passions?


[voice - filtered] tempest_sword May 4 2009, 01:58:18 UTC
It is amazing that there are that many worlds out there. The only way we would have known is to come here.

It seems you have a busy schedule, but an enjoyable one, something to pass the time here. I must thank you for opening such a place. It has been a while since I last visited Shibuya, so I am glad your shop reminds me of home. But if I may also ask, the materials you need for making clothes is also restocked, similar to the supplies in the food and weapons shops?


[voice - filtered] so_shik May 4 2009, 02:03:15 UTC
Exactly, but there seems to be people that have traveled to other worlds before. Weird huh?

Yup, but I like to keep busy and...yeah, part of it was to remind me of home, so I'm glad it's doing the same for somebody besides just me and two friends that are here from Shibuya. As far as I know they've been being restocked because we've never had a problem getting new materials. At least the Malnosso aren't terrible enough to cut off our resources.


[voice - filtered] tempest_sword May 4 2009, 03:30:03 UTC
Strange, indeed. Your friends from Shibuya are here as well?

I have wondered how it is they can keep restocking everything even if we do not seem them physically doing so. But it is a relief that they do. Is there anything you wish for me to do to repay you for your kindness and help?


[voice - filtered] so_shik May 4 2009, 03:32:38 UTC
Two of them are. One of my other friends was here, but he was sent back a little while ago. It's nice to have Beat and Rhyme here though.

They might do it while everybody's sleeping is my only guess, but I'm glad they are. You don't have to repay me for anything, I'm happy to do it! Do you have any preference what the outfit should look like?


[voice - filtered] tempest_sword May 4 2009, 04:32:44 UTC
I agree. Companions are invaluable, but especially now in a place like this. Do you wish to return home as well? I have met some others who would rather reside here than return.

Oh, I do not? You have my thanks. If it is of no trouble, then it can be standard miko outfit. Red hakama, white kimono. I do not have a picture, but I could perhaps sketch it out for you if necessary?


[voice - filtered] so_shik May 4 2009, 04:39:29 UTC
I'm not entirely sure yet. I don't mind being here, but I wouldn't mind being home either. Do you want to go back?

No that's okay, I think I know exactly what you mean. Give me a few days, maybe a week tops and I can have it made for you. Oh, I need measurements though!


[voice - filtered] tempest_sword May 4 2009, 05:27:32 UTC
I wish to. However, a friend of mine from my future has told me of his fate, and he would no longer be alive, nor some of my other friends. So the question is a bit of a difficult one.

Thank you. Oh, yes, of course. I am free now. Is it convenient for you for me to come by your shop now?


[voice - filtered] so_shik May 4 2009, 05:46:01 UTC
...that seems to be the case with a few people here, so I can see why it's a hard question.

Yeah I'm free now. Do you know the way here?


[voice - filtered] tempest_sword May 4 2009, 19:15:00 UTC
There is more here I wish to learn about, and learning more about other worlds is also most interesting. I have learned and seen things I would never have had I not been brought here.

Yes, I do know the way. I shall see you in a few minutes then.


[voice - filtered] so_shik May 4 2009, 20:04:57 UTC
I know, same here. That's one thing I'm grateful for about Luceti.

Okay, see you soon!


[voice to action] tempest_sword May 4 2009, 22:39:01 UTC
[After some time passed, she arrived at All Passions.]

Shiki-san? It is a pleasure to meet you in person.


[voice to action] so_shik May 4 2009, 22:55:48 UTC
Hey Arashi. [Shiki jumps off of her box and grins] Glad you found the shop.


[action] tempest_sword May 4 2009, 22:59:17 UTC
Yes, it is not far from my home.

[Now she'll notice the awesomeness that is Mr. Mew.] ... That stuffed animal is rather cute. He was brought here with you?


[action] so_shik May 4 2009, 23:03:50 UTC
[Shiki looks at Mr. Mew and grins] Thanks, I made him. I've had him for a really long time so I'm not surprised they let me keep him.


[action] tempest_sword May 5 2009, 05:01:01 UTC
You made him? He is made very well, as if you had purchased him from elsewhere. Is it more difficult to make a stuffed animal than it is to make your clothing?


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