Eighth Spool of Thread-[Action/Voice]

May 03, 2009 14:21

[Again, Shiki's sitting on her designated soapbox outside of All Passions, just enjoying the sun with Mr. Mew in her lap. She's busy watching everybody walk by, recognizing some unfamiliar faces as new feathers]

So far we haven't had as many new feathers as last month. Is anybody keeping track of an average number at all? Either way, hey New Feathers! If you can't find your other clothes and you get tired of the white-prison-wear, drop by and we'll make you something new.

Speaking of...if anybody wants a "refund" from anything I probably talked you into during that last experiment, stop by too. Sorry about that.

[She leans forward a little, peering around the corner of the shop to watch more people walk by like she's expecting to see someone]

Hey, Minato! Did you find batteries yet?

hanging at the shop, mr mew's my bff, all passions, action, voice, hi new feathers, eight

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