Closed: First Date with Skylar Fawcett

Dec 10, 2013 22:15

He had owled her that next morning, a scribbled note telling her to meet him outside of the entrance to Diagon Alley at six o'clock sharp Tuesday night. He had only hoped that the day wouldn't be crazy enough to intrude on their plans. With the holidays approaching and the Burning Man case still in full swing, the office was in chaos. But, luck had ( Read more... )

skylar fawcett

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skylar_x December 11 2013, 03:41:58 UTC
Nervous was an understatement. Skylar had woken up Monday morning halfway thinking that Sunday had been a dream. But then the owl had come, confirming it hadn't been all in her head. And that was Skylar squealed so loud the flat across the hall had heard her.

She came straight from her office, dashing out a few minutes early even. Of course, she had shared the news with her editor, Maureen. Every Monday (or in this case Tuesday) she was desperate for an inside scoop on the weekend's gossip. This was going to be big news. Maureen had stopped into her office twice as much as usual to talk to her about her outfit. Of course she had brought three, okay five, options with her to change into.

Skylar arrived at the Leaky Cauldron a few minutes late. She had taken some extra time to circle the box - mostly so that she didn't seem too eager. The cold air always helped clear her head. But then she saw him and she was all nerves all over again.

... )


so_harry December 12 2013, 01:20:03 UTC
"I hardly think-"

But Harry didn't finish as his eyes took in the booth they were standing in front of. And suddenly his stomach flip-flopped. He was absolutely rubbish at guessing games. But, he had made a promise and he had a reputation to uphold and so when he looked at Skylar, he had a perfectly stone cold look on his face.

"You do your worst, Fawcett-"


skylar_x December 12 2013, 01:25:36 UTC
The game was always changing - there was a winner every round. After a couple guessed, the beans were dumped out for a new batch.

Skylar walked over to one of the bowls, that seemed fuller, and picked it up. She looked into it, shook it just a bit. The beans jumped and expanded as she did so.

"Three hundred and fifty-seven," she announced firmly before handing the bowl over to Harry for his guess.


so_harry December 12 2013, 02:01:27 UTC
He looked at the bowl dubiously. It was a bloody thing of beans, all popping around, moving, completely mocking him as he tried to come up with a proper number. He almost wanted to strip naked right there and be done with- his stupid bloody ego.

He looked up at Skylar hesitating as he looked at the smug look on he face.

She set him up.

Bloody smart gorgeous woman.

"Three hundred and fifty-six," he said finally.


skylar_x December 12 2013, 02:07:50 UTC
Skylar had been playing games like this since she could talk. It was all about observing, being patient and taking in every little detail.

And maybe a whole childhood worth of practice.

The man at the booth took back the jar, looking overly enthusiastic. He obviously recognize Harry and was happy to have The Boy Who Lived at his booth.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Potter but you're pretty friend is right."

Skylar couldn't smile any wider if she tried.

"Did you hear that, Harry? I think….I think I won!"


so_harry December 12 2013, 02:18:22 UTC
He offered the man a sour smile, trying to not be the one to shoot the messenger. He nodded at him before looking back to Skylar with a shake of his head.

"You are one smart woman," he said, gritting his teeth at her playfully, grabbing at her waist and pulling her against him again. He made no bother to care if anyone was watching them. "Now- can I properly snog you on the ferris wheel before I damage the eyesight of everyone here?"


skylar_x December 12 2013, 02:26:06 UTC
She wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning into his strong body. The cold settled in around her but he was so warm.

"You can song me wherever and whenever you want," she purred, nuzzling her nose against his.

The idea of him streaking through the streets was temping through, sweet victory. She wasn't so sure though if she wanted anyone else seeing him naked.


so_harry December 12 2013, 02:45:51 UTC
"That's something I'm going to hold you to," he said casually, before taking her hand and leading her toward the section where all the rides resided.

They passed by a few kiddie ones, small broom rides and hot air balloons that mocked the Wizard of Oz. They had a sleigh ride, one that zoomed up in the the air and flew over Diagon before settling back down.

The line for the ferris wheel was only a few people deep and sat right by a cotton candy stand.

"Fancy some sugar on a stick?"


skylar_x December 12 2013, 02:52:00 UTC
When he pulled away, Skylar couldn't help but groan a little bit. His lips had been so close…

Instead, she followed him, getting distracted all over again by the bright lights and laughing groups of children. It was impossible not to enjoy yourself here.

"Blue is my favorite!" she chirped, beaming again. The sugar would keep her energized for any activities later on.


so_harry December 12 2013, 02:59:10 UTC
He laughed brightly, finding her enthusiasm infectious. He approached the vendor, ordering them both a cotton candy from off the rack. One blue, one green. Once the tab was settled, he turned back to Skylar with a grin on his face.

"Blue for you," he said, handing her the stick. "You know, I never got an interest in these things when I was young enough to actually carry one around without looking silly-"


skylar_x December 12 2013, 03:04:45 UTC
"I used to beg and cry for my parents to keep buying them for me," she admitted, taking her cotton candy stick. It looked like a fluffy blue cloud.

Skylar pulled off a piece and popped it into her mouth, slowly licking the sugar off of her thumb.

"I've always been completely obsessed. Eventually my mum would just give in and let me eat until I was throwing up blue."


so_harry December 12 2013, 03:34:31 UTC
"That sounds truly horrifying," Harry told her, chuckling slightly.

But the story painted a nice enough picture. It felt odd to look back on his own memories and know that his parents would never truly be apart of them. They'd be watching over him, they'd be somewhere in the sphere around him, but never permanently there. And it wasn't as if the Dursleys were anything to really boast about.

"I bet you were a cute kid," he said then.


skylar_x December 12 2013, 03:41:25 UTC
"I was a brat. Quiet and too smart for my own good," she laughed, biting off another chunk of fluffy sugar. Her fingers were already starting to turn faintly blue. "I'm also an only child so I'm used to getting what I want."

Skylar winked at him, licking at her sticky fingers. It was a bad habit but it was true. While she was no longer crying about it, she was still making sure she was never told no.

And right now, well for a long time now, she wanted Harry.

"I promise I'm more mature and civil now. I won't throw up all over your shoes."

Oops, that just slipped out.


so_harry December 12 2013, 04:12:53 UTC
Harry had been distracting himself with the cotton candy, twirling his finger around the stuff, licking it off as he listened to her. He had been in the middle of stuffing a piece larger than his head into his mouth when he choked on it slightly.

"No- I'd sincerely hope you wouldn't-" he said, clearing his throat. He thought back to his last interaction with Ginny, their awkward, difficult last encounter and he nearly shuddered at the thought. "Though, I suppose it wouldn't be the first time-"


skylar_x December 12 2013, 04:16:56 UTC
Skylar's faked surprise, eyebrows rising in curiosity. A bubble of laugher rose out of her, actually a little surprised he had brought it up.

"Oh, right - the Witch Weekly article? I had totally forgotten about that," she told him.

But that familiar self-conscious knot pulled at her stomach and her face did drop slightly. It was as good a time as ever to use to to her advantage.

"I forgot you're still seeing Ginny. I'm sorry I brought it up."


so_harry December 12 2013, 04:29:42 UTC
Still seeing Ginny wasn't exactly how he'd put it, but it was on the factual side. He wasn't sure how he'd even act around her now, given their last interaction with each other. But instead of dwelling on that, he just shrugged, playing it off as casually as he could.

Talking about exes when you were on a first date wasn't exactly something he wanted to do.

"It's not- well, we're not-" he shook his head. "That's not even a thing right now-"

Eloquent, Potter.


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