Closed: First Date with Skylar Fawcett

Dec 10, 2013 22:15

He had owled her that next morning, a scribbled note telling her to meet him outside of the entrance to Diagon Alley at six o'clock sharp Tuesday night. He had only hoped that the day wouldn't be crazy enough to intrude on their plans. With the holidays approaching and the Burning Man case still in full swing, the office was in chaos. But, luck had ( Read more... )

skylar fawcett

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skylar_x December 11 2013, 03:41:58 UTC
Nervous was an understatement. Skylar had woken up Monday morning halfway thinking that Sunday had been a dream. But then the owl had come, confirming it hadn't been all in her head. And that was Skylar squealed so loud the flat across the hall had heard her.

She came straight from her office, dashing out a few minutes early even. Of course, she had shared the news with her editor, Maureen. Every Monday (or in this case Tuesday) she was desperate for an inside scoop on the weekend's gossip. This was going to be big news. Maureen had stopped into her office twice as much as usual to talk to her about her outfit. Of course she had brought three, okay five, options with her to change into.

Skylar arrived at the Leaky Cauldron a few minutes late. She had taken some extra time to circle the box - mostly so that she didn't seem too eager. The cold air always helped clear her head. But then she saw him and she was all nerves all over again.

... )


skylar_x December 11 2013, 21:53:41 UTC
Skylar bit her lower lip, bright white teeth flashing against her trademark red lipstick. Hazel eyes looked up to meet his.

"How about you get to take me to the Witch Weekly Christmas Party next week?" she told him, a devious sparkle in her eye. Though, that was definitely more of an incentive on her part to lose.

"And if you win the next game...well, the prize will be much more private."


so_harry December 11 2013, 21:59:46 UTC
He pondered that for a moment. The Witch Weekly party invitation had found its way on his desk the other day. Due in part, he figured, to the match-up between he and Malfoy at the World Games opening match. He was much more in the public eye than ever before, it seemed.

Still, the idea of having Skylar on his arm was more than appealing.

He grinned.

"Just how private?"


skylar_x December 11 2013, 22:03:52 UTC
Of course Harry had recently received an invitation to the latest, most exclusive party her magazine was hosting. It was also no coincidence that her most watched wizards and witches also received invitations. Sometimes you had to create your own drama.

"You're flat...just us..." she purred, leaning in to whisper in Harry's ear. There were, after all, children around. That didn't stop Skylar's mind from traveling back to Sunday. "The more you win, the more you get."


so_harry December 11 2013, 22:20:22 UTC
"I like the sound of that," he said quickly.

He moved to the young kid running the game behind the counter and handed him over the correct amount of knuts before being offered two dummy wands. He handed on to Skylar.

"Alright, Fawcett-" he said, getting his game face ready. "Let's see who wins-"


skylar_x December 11 2013, 22:25:47 UTC
Skylar grabbed her wand, getting into position. The girl fought off her competitive spirit, reminding herself what was at stake. Though, she hoped he'd be willing to take her regardless.

But she just wasn't the type of girl to leave that up to chance.

"You're on, Potter," she told him, just as the game began. Pointing and flicking her wrist, Skylar began to pop as many bubbles as she could and still look like she was trying to win.


so_harry December 11 2013, 22:44:33 UTC
She was quick and she was good.


Harry was better. Naturally. He had years of Auror training under his belt. He broke nearly every bubble he popped, trying to keep a running tally in his head as he went. Soon, all of the balloons were gone and in heaps on the floor, a few prizes here and there laying about. He turned to Skylar, a grin on his face.

"So- did I win? Do I get you as my date next week?"


skylar_x December 11 2013, 22:53:45 UTC
It became clear early on into the game that Skylar wouldn't have been able to beat him. Though, she was satisfied to see she could at least keep up.

When she turned back to him, Skylar was laughing.

"A deal is a deal. But I think I should get a kiss for being such a good loser about it." Taking a step towards him, there was more than just a playful look in her eye.


so_harry December 11 2013, 22:59:52 UTC
He moved toward her, meeting her as she approached him and he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in tightly. He pressed a kiss to her lips, letting it linger before pulling away- not quite letting her out of his arms.

"You're a brilliant loser," he said, beaming down at her. "Which will be nice considering just how much you'll be losing tonight-"


skylar_x December 11 2013, 23:17:37 UTC
She breathed him in, losing herself for a moment. But then his words registered and she tipped her head back to look at him, pouting.

"I feel like you conned me somehow," she told him, trying to look serious. Of course Harry would best her. "If I do somehow win a round, what do I win?"


so_harry December 11 2013, 23:22:28 UTC
If she won.

Harry was quite a few things- he was kind, he was loyal, he was a bit thick-headed when it came to women and he was rather enthusiastic over chocolate frogs. And he was also a terrible bloody winner. So, the idea of Skylar winning anything tonight- even if the name of being a gentleman- almost made him laugh.

He narrowed his eyes at her, trying to think of something outlandish to appease her.

"I'll streak naked at the end of the night-" he said, finally, grinning.


skylar_x December 11 2013, 23:34:25 UTC
Her mouth dropped open before turning into a devious smirk. There was one game here that Skylar won every time, with out fail.

"You promise?" She asked, definitely more of a challenge. She took a step back, crossing her arms over her chest as she looked him up and down.

It was wrong, but she couldn't help but think of how great this would be for her column.


so_harry December 11 2013, 23:52:04 UTC
"I never break a promise," he said, eyeing her mischievously.

Not like he had anything to worry about, of course. He had no intentions of losing a single game, tonight. Not if he could help it, of course. He even held out his pinky finger to make it official.

"It's a done deal-"


skylar_x December 12 2013, 00:02:24 UTC
Skylar leaned in to press a kiss to his lips. She barely pulled away when she whispered, "Remember this moment."

It was too perfect. She had to stop herself from laughing as. She pulled him back into the crowd in search of a very specific booth.


so_harry December 12 2013, 00:33:29 UTC
He was off and running with her again, his lips still tingling from when she kissed them. He grinned, his cheeks turning pink from the cold but finding the rest of his body incredibly warm. He had no idea what he was getting himself into, he knew.

But something about Skylar just clicked with him.

And he liked that feeling.

"Alright- where are we off to now?"


skylar_x December 12 2013, 00:56:27 UTC
"A game that will actually be difficult for you," she teased, interlocking their fingers once again. They fit together just right.

They weaved through the crowd, Skyar's neck craned. The booth was brightly lit in blue and green lights on the other side of the strip. There were a few bowls lined up, all filled with glowing jumping beans of various sizes.

When they got there, Skylar turned back to Harry. A satisfied smirk was already on her lips.

"A guessing game is still a game."


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