Forty-Fourth Spool of Thread - [Voice/Action]

Jul 05, 2011 01:12

Crap, how did I get so behind...? It's not like I have a lot but it keeps adding up. I just don't get it ( Read more... )

what is backordering, taking on a lot, joshua, making things, summer things, sewing things, stalker skills

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[Action] now that the cottage trip is out of the way- sokkafangirl July 8 2011, 08:07:37 UTC
[No point in just responding just to confirm things, so Suki will stop by the shop sometime during the day for the aforementioned clarity-giving. Since she's never met Shiki, she'll be looking around, curious and searching.]

Hello? Anyone home?


[Action] but at least you enjoyed yourself right? so_shik July 8 2011, 17:34:29 UTC
[Shiki is in fact there, just currently in the back room hunting for a certain set of buttons for something else she's making. When she hears Suki's voice though she bounds out of the room, stopping and just examining the girl a bit. She's never met Suki before either, but she can only guess who she is.]

Hey, glad you could make it. Sorry for the short notice.


[Action] totally |D sokkafangirl July 9 2011, 06:55:18 UTC
Hi, Shiki. Don't worry about it, it's not out of my way. [She steps closer, offering out a hand.] Nice to meet you, by the way.


[Action] so_shik July 10 2011, 04:18:20 UTC
Glad to hear it. [She's going to shake the other girl's hand, also bowing her head a little.] Nice to meet you, too.

So Sokka gave me a kind of brief description of what the uniforms look like, but I wanted to make sure they look good to know. Come back this way. [And she'll be heading for that back room again.]


[Action] sokkafangirl July 11 2011, 18:41:00 UTC
Oh, sure thing. [Suki follows her into the back room, hands clasped together behind her back. She's genuinely curious about how the uniforms are going to look, and if Sokka was accurate enough with them.]


[Action] so_shik July 14 2011, 01:48:43 UTC
[When she stops in the back room with Suki, Shiki points to a mannequin dressed in the prototype of the uniform. It's actually pretty well done based on Sokka's description, but there are a few things that will need adjustments, mostly that the sleeves need to be a bit fuller and the bottom longer. The top portion is also the wrong shade of green, and the top portion running from her chest to her hips needs another slit.]

Well...what do you think?


[Action] sokkafangirl July 14 2011, 03:56:50 UTC
[Suki studies it curiously, nodding her head at a few spots, and shaking her head at others. Hmm... not bad, not bad.]

You did a good job. It's close, but it's still missing a few things. Do you have any paper around?


[Action] so_shik July 14 2011, 07:38:15 UTC
Yeah, sure. [She's quick to rush over and grab a sheet of paper and a pencil, handing both over to the other girl.] They're not big things I messed up on, right?


[Action] sokkafangirl July 15 2011, 01:21:42 UTC
No, not really. They should be easy to fix. [She jots down a few notes, pointing them out to Shiki and explaining aloud as she writes them down. She also adds a little sketch of the embroidered emblems and where they should be.] Does that sound doable?


[Action] so_shik July 16 2011, 04:53:02 UTC
[She listens and watches, nodding as Suki elaborates on her changes.] Absolutely doable. Give me a few weeks and I can have all of these done. There's not a real deadline, right?


[Action] sokkafangirl July 16 2011, 10:03:59 UTC
Oh no, of course not! Take your time, we've barely started the training anyway. I don't mind if it's a little informal for a while.


[Action] so_shik July 16 2011, 10:19:58 UTC
I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, Suki. I'll do what I can to get them to you soon and just right.

...but can I ask you something? What exactly are Kyoshi warriors?


[Action] sokkafangirl July 16 2011, 10:28:49 UTC
Ah, of course! I can't believe Sokka didn't explain. The Kyoshi Warriors are a trained group of female fighters from my world, masters of stealth and protectors of the Island of Kyoshi. I've been trained as a warrior since I was a little girl, and right now I'm the leader.


[Action] so_shik July 16 2011, 10:46:35 UTC
Sokka sometimes can be kind of vague on things. [But as she listens, her eyes get a little bit wider.] Really...[Don't mind her, she's kind of awed by that whole idea. She admires people that know how to fight for themselves.] What made you decide to start a group of fighters here? Just because of everything they put us through?


[Action] sokkafangirl July 16 2011, 20:43:20 UTC
Pretty much, yeah. I just think it's a good idea to help some of the girls here learn how to defend themselves.


[Action] so_shik July 17 2011, 01:14:15 UTC
That's...really generous of you. Considering how many people here don't know how to defend themselves, it's great. They could learn a lot from someone like you. Some of the ones you have are girls I know. It'll especially be good for them.


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