Forty-Fourth Spool of Thread - [Voice/Action]

Jul 05, 2011 01:12

Crap, how did I get so behind...? It's not like I have a lot but it keeps adding up. I just don't get it ( Read more... )

what is backordering, taking on a lot, joshua, making things, summer things, sewing things, stalker skills

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[Action] now that the cottage trip is out of the way- sokkafangirl July 8 2011, 08:07:37 UTC
[No point in just responding just to confirm things, so Suki will stop by the shop sometime during the day for the aforementioned clarity-giving. Since she's never met Shiki, she'll be looking around, curious and searching.]

Hello? Anyone home?


[Action] sokkafangirl July 17 2011, 08:51:21 UTC
I'm just trying to do what I can. I don't want to see anyone get hurt if it can be avoided.


[Action] so_shik July 17 2011, 17:27:04 UTC
Sounds like why Buffy started that fight school. We could all use the help around here.

...that's just motivation for me to get these uniforms done faster. Clothes say a lot about a person, and I think if the new warriors have their uniforms they'll really feel like they're accomplishing something.


[Action] sokkafangirl July 18 2011, 21:23:50 UTC
Yeah, the uniform is really important to the group. Over the years we learned that unity makes us all stronger.


[Action] so_shik July 19 2011, 16:31:33 UTC
I'll do my best to make sure they're honorable and worthy of the warriors. You can count on it. Thanks for the advice, Suki.


[Action] sokkafangirl July 19 2011, 17:30:38 UTC
Thank you for making these for us. I'm sure the other girls will be grateful, too. If there's ever any way we can pay you back, just ask.


[Action] so_shik July 22 2011, 20:51:26 UTC
I'll keep it in mind. Oh, hey, one more thing! Would you rather me distribute them to the girls myself, or should I give them all to you and you can do it?


[Action] sokkafangirl July 23 2011, 23:17:55 UTC
I can come by and pick them up once they're finished. There's still the armor and weapons to take care of before the uniform is complete, and I'd like for them to be a complete package. Some of the girls might need help getting it on properly, too. Just let me know when you're done, okay?


[Action] so_shik July 24 2011, 05:05:33 UTC
Sounds like a plan to me. I'll get back to you asap.


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