Mini-theme: Veela fics (funny)

Oct 16, 2015 08:00

As promised, a set of light-hearted Veela fics to complement yesterday's angst-filled set.

I'm sorry if my reviews here seem brief and repetitive - cute! funny! sweet! clever! hilarious! Well what can I say? It's all true :)

A Consummation Devoutly to be Wished by Mirabella ( NC-17 | 7,000 ) 25-Jan-2005
Summary: Um … Shut up.
Fun and hot and cute. Very funny send-up of the Veela trope!

The Veela Codec by curiouslyfic ( PG | 3,000 ) 20-Mar-2012
Summary: Potter wants obvious. Draco wants Potter. Clearly, some sort of plan is required.
So very funny and endearingly sweet. Draco's not really a Veela, he's just trying to get his intentions through Potter's thick skull. Excellent remix of kjp_013's inspired drabble
Draco Being a Veela Made Them Do It. Read them both :)

Tooth Fairy Fights and Wisdom Teeth Wars by ICMezzo ( NC-17 | 13,000 ) 14-Oct-2012
Summary: Harry never had a visit from the Tooth Fairy when he was a boy, but now that he's had his wisdom teeth pulled, he's tempted to try again. He knows it's silly. Obviously it is. Ridiculous, really. But then, sometimes it feels nice to believe in a little magic.
Very cute and funny. Hilarious, even. Just a really fun read :)

Nesting by naturegirlrocks ( PG-13 | 1,700 ) 14-Mar-2011
Summary: Draco is only a eighth veela but still has feelings
Really cute and sweet, and a clever idea for a one-eighth veela! Draco's nesting behavior is adorable.

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author:kjp_013, drarry, theme:creature-veela, mini-theme, author:naturegirlrocks, rectober, author:icmezzo, genre:humor, fandom: harry potter, rec list, author:curiouslyfic, 2012 fics, 2005 fics, pairing: draco/harry, 2011 fics, author:mirabella

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