
Apr 26, 2011 10:00

Writing Updates: Report 7 - Kweh!

April 8: Maxed Affection for Ada
April 17: Shiny Spearow
April 19: Shiny Fearow
April 22: Switched from Route 23 to Cerulean Cave
April 23: Retro Marowak; Moved to Route 15
April 25: Moved back to Route 23; HADES. Caught. Celebratory twirls and cheers 8D

I can finally leave route 23. *w* I don’t even know. I switched to Z and I think I’m going to go hunt some retro Vulpix (maybe even shiny). I really love the look of shiny Ninetails, its silver and blue. <3

Ah, so some of my problems were caused by something on DA. Malware, virus, I don’t know exactly but the last few times I’ve been on the site, I’ve been getting warnings and things have stopped working. Run virus scans and malware, get it fixed. But it always happens at DA. So, I won’t be visiting it anytime soon in case it is the problem. If it’s not, then it also removes one thing from the list right now. And then it seems the problem is only with Firefox and DA? Hrm.

Finished the Shadow and Spirit Temples with relative ease yesterday. I breezed through them, but I made Cherri fight Bongo Bongo because I have a hard time beating him. We trade off (I fought Morpha in the Water Temple). So now we really just have to storm Hyrule Castle. We’re missing eight heart piece containers though, so I’m wondering if we’re going to quest for them first.

Frankenstein: Dead and Alive
Dean Koontz
Start: March 27, 2011
Finish: April 25, 2011

March 27: And we’re back to switching back and forth. BOO.

April 26: Truth be told, I put this book down at chapter 13 when I went to the eye doctor’s. So I read everything else on the 24th and 25th. I have to say out of the three so far, this one is the best. One, Jocko was a great new character who I hadn’t really seen since book one. So I’m glad he came back with character unlike the rest of the boring New Race. Also, Victor is a terrible narcissist in this, which I don’t quite think was as apparent in Shelley’s version. But it makes him a great villain.

I’m hoping that book 4 keeps up the great pace. But 3 had a sort of unofficial ending, so, I’m not holding onto anything at this point. Plus, there’s a fifth book…so…yeah. We’ll see. So far, Dead and Alive is my favorite. 4 is called Lost Souls and features the last five characters from 3: Erika, Jocko, Carson, Michael, and Deucalion (The Original Creature).

I was annoyed at the constantly switching perspectives. Well, when Koontz stopped doing that, he utilized gaps and cruxes perfectly, but now I have no idea how Nick and Gunny actually found the mother of all gone-wrongs. So it’s like he painstakingly goes through all this detail and then drops it and throws you into them again some twenty chapters later. I went, “Wait, how the hell did that happen?” And I’ll never know as he decided to stop with the constant perspective switch. Although, every few chapters he still switched. And I think one reason is because it’s all happening simultaneously, which, is very hard to write anyways. I still stand by my decision: Victor Frankenstein is the monster.

  1. January: Reservaton for Murder - Tim Myers
  2. February: Various
  3. February: Innkeeping with Murder - Tim Meyers
  4. March: Frankenstein: City of Night - Dean Koontz
  5. April: Frankenstein: Dead and Alive - Dean Koontz

I'm taking requests for Kweh! It will give me a break from the seriousness of MDMM. Although, I won’t take any more requests from people if their list is at ten. It will give me some time to work on the ones I have. Just leave me a comment with the following:


Queue :
Requested by Cherri
  1. Character(s): Laguna, Squall, Tidus and Jecht
    Stage/World: The Rift
    Phrase: "Give daddy a hug!" 4.26.11
  2. Character(s): Tidus, Zidane, Cloud and Squall
    Stage/World: Sanctuary
    Phrase: "What? What?"
  3. Character(s): All girls (Lighting, Tifa, Yuna, Terra, Shanotto, Prishe, Cosmos, Darky and Ultimecia; use which ever you can/want)
    Stage/World: Crystal Tower
    Phrase: "bronze god"

writing, games, cherri, reading, vdex, requests, vincent laptop, games: ocarina of time, books: koontz

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