Title: All is Bright, otherwise (and more commonly) known as: Make the Yultide Gay
Author: snoopypez
Characters/pairing: Duncan/Logan, hints of Duncan/Veronica, Logan/Lilly, Lilly/Veronica and if you look real close, a mere suggestion of Logan/Veronica and Duncan/Lilly.
Rating: pg13?
Length: 1000
Spoilers/Warnings: None past first season.
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Comments 12
I'm so glad you wanted Veronica/Norris, cause I had totally forgotten how adorable they were in his (sadly) ONE episode! ;P They should date. Hee.
Wall stuff like that is so my bulletproof kink. ;) I had to have it somewhere. ;D I'm so giddy! :D I worry so much, and I'm just so.. happy! Obviously. :D Yay! You are most certainly welcome. :D I just need to finish a couple more things and then you get the rest of your gifts. :D
Take your time on the rest of the stuff, I'm sure it'll be worth the wait. And I wanted to say how much I looove your "touch me feel me" L/D icon, I saved it a long time ago and thought it was beautiful but never knew who made it til now. It's great though. And I'm excited for any graphics because with my new paid account I have so much more room for them :)
*glares at fandom*
I adore these two together and there's never enough of it out there.
I do not understand the lack of this pairing. sob.
I love it
that was insanely cute :D
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