Title: All is Bright, otherwise (and more commonly) known as: Make the Yultide Gay
Author: snoopypez
Characters/pairing: Duncan/Logan, hints of Duncan/Veronica, Logan/Lilly, Lilly/Veronica and if you look real close, a mere suggestion of Logan/Veronica and Duncan/Lilly.
Rating: pg13?
Length: 1000
Spoilers/Warnings: None past first season.
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Unfortunately, it's not very happy. *cough* So, er, sorry for that. I promise the final gift will be better. Really. :)
-Your Secret VM Druid
"So," she says, propped up on the pile of pillows, "How was your Christmas?"
He says nothing: stares at her, stands in the doorway, wonders whether he should lean against the frame or the wall for support.
"Are you going to ask me how *my* Christmas was?" She sits up and bats her eyes. "Or do you want me to come over there and …comfort you?"
He wets his lips a little, fighting back the tears, and when he speaks, his voice shakes. "You did it. You really did it. I didn't believe… Even when they told me, I didn't believe you really…" To his surprise, there's sadness in her eyes.
"You know what I'm like." Her mouth turns down, forehead creasing slightly, and she shifts on the bed. "It didn't mean anything."
"Right." There's a long, heavy pause, and the air hangs thickly between them. "Did I… Did *I* mean anything?"
She stares, then gets off the bed and walks to him, pulls him away from the wall, leads him back to the mattress and folds him in her arms. Broken sobs choke his throat as she strokes his hair gently. He squeezes his dead eyes shut, and tries to convince himself her hands are really there.
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