It's my birthday, I'm hungover, and I don't have to work. So, what better to do than a birthday pic spam? The only real theme is that these are people I find attractive, and I like looking at attractive people on my birthday.
First, women who make me weak kneed, cuz I do like the ladies )
Comments 19
But I'm mem-ing this post mostly because I never thought that maybe Jensen smelled like sex in that one pic, but now I always will and I THANK YOU FOR THAT FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART.
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Can every day be your birthday now, please?
Some day, people will write dissertations on how inhumanly pretty Jensen is. There has to be some kind of optical illusion going on there.
Look at that little hotass smirk. Oooh. Makes you want to do things that'll wipe that smirk off his face, no?
me, jealous of Sandy, in a word? Yes!!!
i could nom,nom,nom Jared all day and never get past his lips...
"nom" being my new word of the day :)
and because Jensen was my first lust lurrve, the pic you used where you said I think he probably smells like sex right there made me think omg!! other Jensen fangurls do that too.
"that" being making up stories to go with the pictures.
thanks for posting the pics hon.
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