Hi there! Im glad you liked what i submitted. Personally, im reeeeeally unhappy with it (but im like that with most of my work) and feel bad cause i got all kinds of confused with the dates/how much time i actually had so i admit, this was a bit of a rushed job /o\
By way of apology, i did something else for your story. It's not amazing but just a little something extra to make up for the fail of this and to submit something that took me more than half an hour.
Oh my god, I love you. Really, I like the first one -- the fact that it was a rush job just makes it MORE impressive (MY rush jobs never look like that!) -- but the second piece is fantastic! His boots! ♥ Thank you so much!
Can I just say that you write one beautiful motherfucker of a story? Too bad. I just did :)
Wow, I know this is the art page, but it's the last thing I'm looking at, and I seriously, seriously love your verse that you've created!! It's wonderfully dark and sweet, it's just wonderful :) really well done, I adore this :) I shall be reading and re-reading this over and over again : D xxxxxxxxxx
Yay!!! :D You're awesome!! And that's why this story has kept me up until four in the morning reading it. Again. I think I may aswell just stay awake reading it again now :) xx
Comments 10
By way of apology, i did something else for your story. It's not amazing but just a little something extra to make up for the fail of this and to submit something that took me more than half an hour.
I somehow managed to merge a couple of the scenes into one in my head but i think it still works!
Wow, I know this is the art page, but it's the last thing I'm looking at, and I seriously, seriously love your verse that you've created!! It's wonderfully dark and sweet, it's just wonderful :) really well done, I adore this :) I shall be reading and re-reading this over and over again : D xxxxxxxxxx
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