Apr 10, 2008 14:01
My wisdom tooth is *out*!
And it only took five shots of Novocaine.
My dentist had to start by cleaning out the infection that had built around the tooth. Then he gave me the fourth shot, and when he came back to start working on the tooth, I could still feel it. At which point I started freaking out. I mean *freaking out*--totally out of my control. I was shaking violently and crying and gasping for air and I couldn't stop. When he gave me the fifth shot, I calmed down enough for him to get the tooth out, but I still had to sit around for a while in order to stop shaking.
Oh, and that fifth shot? I was still able to feel parts of the extraction. In short, me + Novocaine = NOTHING. It doesn't work. I get all numb and puffy feeling, but I can still feel stuff.
Anyway. Dentist gave me a prescription for Vicodin--just took one, and expect to be passed out flat within the hour. B/c for all that local anesthesia doesn't seem to work on me, painkillers and muscle relaxants work all too well. It already hurts, and the Novocaine hasn't worn off yet.
I'm such a baby. But! No stitches, b/c of the kind of procedure it was, which means my track record of never having had stitches holds. :)