Seven Days - Epilogue

May 05, 2004 18:49

Real life has it in for me at the moment. Too much do to and not enough time to do it...
I'd thought I'd post now - in half an hour, my D&D group will arrive and I won't have time now.
I hope you'll like it. I'm not too confident at writing smut...
One thing's new though. I have a beta. primavera8180 was nice enough to do this for me...

Finally the last part.

Seven Days can change the world

Author: Snapespet
Title: Seven Days can change the world
Pairing: SS/HP
Rating: NC17 (for the last part)
Status: 8/8

Day one
Day two
Day three
Day four
Day five
Day six
Day seven


It was a warm summer night in August, about six years after the final battle. The air was heavy with the smell of sex and sweat, the combination a heady aphrodisiac in itself.

Though he felt sated at the moment Severus knew that, in combination with the satyr lying half next to him, half on top of him, the black haired head resting on Severus shoulder, the smell would soon arouse him again.

Like every good potions maker, Severus sense of smell was excellent. And Harry’s own smell never failed to excite him. It was almost as if the smell bypassed his nose and went straight to his groin.

Sometimes he swore, he could smell Harry the moment he entered the manor. But since he was no bloody werewolf that was probably only his imagination.
Though being a werewolf now wasn’t as horrible as it had been a few years ago. One of the first things Harry had done after taking over the ministry was to nullify all anti-werewolf laws. Instead they had to register themselves along with veelas, half veelas, vampires, humans and every other intelligent species. Yes, humans too, which had caused quite an uproar.
But Harry decided it was only fair. Besides, the registering of the so-called dark creatures was a great blessing to them. Potions, like wolfsbane and the vampirian equivalent and spells to help with the symptoms were free for registered persons.
And Harry had made it clear, that discrimination because of the species was to stop. That brought him the support of those species.

The next law, Harry had made short work of, was the no-wands-for-magical creatures nonsense. In fact, he declared all intelligent species equal. And Hogwarts, still under the stern reign of Minerva McGonagall now had at least a third nonhuman student population.

But Harry didn’t stop there. Many of the laws were old and not fitting any more. He just disposed of those. Others were changed to fit the present.
And a newly founded Department of the Ministry watched closely how Muggleborn children were treated at home. Abused children were kept at Hogwarts and their parents were obliviated. These children were either placed as state wards at Hogwarts or adopted into new families.

Same sex couples, under Harry’s reign finally allowed to marry, were a great part of the adopting people.

All together Harry had the support of a good deal of the population, especially of the formerly discriminated people and races.

Therefore, terroristic and rebellious organisations were few and easily dealt with. All in all, Harry’s reign wasn’t too bad. Of course, not everybody was happy. It was doubtful that that was even possible.

But Severus found he didn’t care. He had spent a good deal of his life trying to prevent Voldemort’s terror regime and what had it gained him? A sentence to a lifetime in Azkaban. No, Severus felt that he didn’t owe anything to the last government. Not to mention that he was quite happy with his husband.

A stray ray of moonlight made the platinum band on his left ring finger sparkle. Its twin was located on Harry’s left hand, currently lying on Severus breast. The other hand was invisible under the silk covers.
It trailed lazily up his thigh to curl around Severus interested cock.

Green eyes looked into obsidian ones.

“What do you think about, Sev?”

“Your smell. It is quite enticing.”

Amusement danced in the green eyes.

“So glad that you like the way I smell.”

“Yes, it is quite acceptable.”

The until now lazy left hand travelled to Severus right nipple and pinched it, making Severus gasp.

“Acceptable? Nothing more?”

“What else should it be?”

The nipple was pinched again for his cheek and the ache soothed away with a hot, wet tongue.

“Didn’t you want to say something?”

Severus was proud that his voice was steady, despite a finger, palming the head of Severus prick.
A shrug of Harry’s shoulder sent the silk sheet sliding down, baring their entwined bodies.
Deciding to get revenge on the little satyr, Severus stretched lazily, knowing it would force Harry to hold onto him to avoid being unsettled from his place.

Smirking, Severus grasped the perfect butt, stretching in the air above his hips with both hands, knowing Harry liked this, and tugged him firmly onto his groin, wrenching a heartfelt groan from his husband. Pushing and pulling at the lush cheeks, Severus suppressed his moan when his and his husbands cock brushed and rubbed deliciously.

Harry had a good deal less self discipline. At a particular nice rub he threw his head back, exposing his throat to Severus and moaned loudly.
Not wasting the chance Severus started sucking and lapping the Adam’s apple, one of Harry’s most sensitive spots.
He could feel as much as hear his lover’s purring. Not stopping his caresses, he started massaging the pert little bottom, enjoying the silky skin as much as their firm perfection. The purring intensified when he sneaked a finger into the cleft and ghosted more than touched over the puckered opening.

Harry went stiff for a second before he tried to thrust back on that finger, wanting it really touching him.
The purring turned into whining when Severus went back to only massaging.

Leaving Harry’s neck alone to get a look at his face, Severus chuckled. The look of expectant anticipation combined with unfulfilled misery was priceless. Harry cracked one eye open. His lover was grinning at him, seemingly unmoved by Harry’s closeness. That had to stop.
It really wouldn’t do to get too excited without Severus even breaking a sweat.

“Well, Mister Potter, what do you propose to do now?”

“It’s Potter-Snape. You of all people should know that!”

Another chuckle. Merlin, Harry was addicted to the velvet sound of that voice.

“That is correct, Mister Potter-Snape. Though at the moment, I can’t remember why I married you.”

“You can’t?”

The tone of mock-hurt was too funny. Severus chuckled again.

“No, I can’t.”

Seating his ass firmly on Severus groin, Harry punctuated every word with a wiggle.

“You”, wriggle, “can’t”, wriggle, “remember”, wriggle, “a single”, wriggle, “reason?”

Severus wouldn’t forfeit the game so quickly. He kept his hands still, seemingly taking some time to think about his answer. Actually, he needed tome to get some of his brains back from his seemingly super sensitive groin.
Merlin, he thought he could feel Harry’s pulse with this infernal wriggling.

“I fail to see the significance between your wriggling and my reasons to marry you.”

“Do you? I guess I can’t help it if you’re a bit slow.”

Arching one of his eyebrows, Severus answered:

“I’m not slow. I just fail to see anything exciting enough to justify marrying you.”

For a moment, Harry stopped wriggling to stare at his lover, then he grinned madly at the man, pinned under him.

“Well, if you don’t find anything of interest here, I suppose you don’t mind if I continue without you?”

Instead of starting his wriggling again, Harry bent his knees, levering his arse over Severus groin. When he was sure that he had his lovers complete attention, he started toying with his nipples. Pinching his left one, he sucked his right index finger into his mouth, making a show of swirling his tongue around the digits.

Severus swallowed at the erotic display. Eyes half-lidded, the black hair unruly, erection jutting proudly Harry was the most erotic thing imaginable.
And that delectable arse, that was a never ending source of pleasure, was staying out of reach of his cock.

But Harry wasn’t finished yet. Seemingly ignoring Severus, Harry took the finger out of his mouth with a wet pop.
Saliva glistened on the finger when he moved down, bypassing his nipples to the engorged prick standing hard and ready. Severus watched hypnotised as the finger drew a line from the bottom to the top of the erection and then slid over the precome oozing slit. Harry shivered in pleasure, continuing the torment slowly, the muscles in his thighs shivering under the strain of keeping him in the air.

The one finger became two, then tree, all of them curling around the engorged shaft, sliding up and down and up…

Clenching his hands to fists, Severus somehow kept his and at his sides.
But his husband knew him better. Deciding to end this torture Harry played his last card. Still masturbating lazily, he started bouncing up and down, only a few centimetres. Just enough that with every bounce he was brushing against Severus angry-red cock. Not enough to satisfy either of them, just enough to tease.

On his third bounce, Severus hands got hold of his hips and tugged him firmly down, making both of them groan at the delicious feeling of skin on skin.

Almost brutally he kissed Harry, thrusting his tongue into Harry’s mouth, finding its twin and rubbing against it, drawing the wet pleasure out until both of them needed to breathe.

Harry bit lightly his lover’s ear, then licking the hurt spot.

“I win!” he breathed into the abused ear, making Severus shudder. Stealing another kiss his hand reached for his wand.

“I win,” he repeated, “and now you’ve got to pay up.”

A flick of his wand bound his lover’s wrists to the headboard. Firm, but not firm enough to hurt.
Playing along with his lover, Severus tugged half-heartedly at his bonds. Finding them quite secure he relaxed, drawing his bent knees up and planting his feet at the mattress to give his lover easy access to all the important parts.
But Harry wasn’t finished yet. A muttered accio brought him the things he needed without having to leave the bed or is lover.

Harry eyed his lover appreciatively. Hell, Severus looked good like this. Open and vulnerable, the normally pale skin flushed with the heat of arousal.
Time to claim his prize…

Positioning himself between the spread legs, Harry started at his lover’s mouth. Kissing and sucking the bottom lip felt so good he could do it for hours. But not right now. Moving his caresses downward he latched onto the neck, seeking out all the spots that made his lover groan, and lovingly abused all of them.

Until now his lover had managed to stay silent only writhing under him.

“Merlin!” the dark velvety voice declared when Harry licked at a nipple. Biting it lovingly made his lover buck beneath him, and licking the hurt spot, to “kiss it better”, made Severus produce quite interesting noises.
So Harry repeated all of it on the other side. When he finished, Severus was panting with need, waiting eagerly for his lover to continue.

Shifting backwards on the bed Harry eyed his prize. Tall and proud, every vein showing on the red-flushed skin, the tip oozing precome steadily. His lover was simply gorgeous.

Giving it one last long look - he really needed to take a photo of Severus like this sometimes soon, Harry bend his neck to nuzzle the lovely pair of balls, breathing deeply the scent of Severus’s arousal, going straight to his own cock.
After giving each twin globe a teasing lick, Harry carefully lifted them to reveal the puckered opening beneath.

His goal firmly in sight, he made his tongue as flat as possible and gave the hole a first lick.

Merlin! Harry was trying to kill him. Hot and wet, first a swipe over his quivering hole, and then straight in. It was heaven and hell. Pleasure, so intense and delicious, and the overwhelming urge to move, to direct that tongue in further into him.
But moving was out of question, with his arms secured to the headboard and Harry easily pinning his legs down, all he could do was trying to shove his arse the few centimetres possible into Harry’s face. So damn good!

Severus was well on his way to completion when the evil, evil man on top of him simply stopped. One second Severus was almost ready to come, since Harry’s sinfully talented tongue had found his prostate gland. He felt his balls drawing up to his cock, and the next second he was achingly empty and Harry tugged his balls back down.

“Come back here!”

Harry only grinned at him.

“Now, we wouldn’t want you to finish now, would we?” he said, dragging a single finger from the root to the top of his lover’s weeping prick.

Answering would have meant redirecting blood from his cock to his brain - way too much effort. So he only moaned.

“No, I’ll make sure you are enjoying it for quite some time.”

Grinning, Harry reached for one of their favourite toys - a simple black cock ring. Only that it was not as simple as it looked. Harry had personally charmed it - a gift for their first wedding anniversary. It would only come off when the one not wearing it reached orgasm.

Harry made sure he brushed as much as possible against the straining flesh when he placed it, magically tightening it enough to keep Severus from coming. Severus would come the moment Harry did - and not one second earlier - however much he wished it.

Now that he had taken care of Severus, Harry ignored his own stiffy in favour of the glistening prize before him.
Licking the head he groaned at Severus’ unique flavour. Greedily he licked everything he could, then swallowed it completely.
Ignoring his lovers moans he lubed the fingers of his right hand and started to probe Severus’ hole. Stretching it quickly he added another finger and another, rubbing over Severus’ prostate.

It was heaven. Harry’s hot, wet, good mouth made his nerves sing and the never ceasing rubbing over his prostate gland sent sparks off before his eyes. He was already past the point where he would have come, only held back by the cock ring.

Suddenly he felt empty and keened in protest at the loss. Until he felt something bigger at his hungry hole.
He tried to open himself wider, wanting nothing more than to receive all of his lover. But it wasn’t Harry’s prick, entering him, it was one of their toys. A dildo, the surface covered with little nubs, feeling wickedly delightful. It was stretching Severus to his limits, rubbing his prostate into heaven.

He needed to come, but he couldn’t. Not until Harry came…

Merlin, Severus looked good enough to eat. Bound, cock ringed, sweating and moaning and bucking up into every touch. The proud cock straining to brake its bond, arse-hole stretched wide open around the toy.

The sight reminded him of his own neglected prick and he had the feeling his arousal multiplied itself. He needed Severus right now!

Straddling the narrow waist he greedily sank down on the upraised shaft, moaning in ecstasy as it breached his body.
Luckily he was still loose from their earlier activities, so nothing slowed him down.

Heaven! He ground his hips into Severus’, wanting and needing to feel the enormous prick as deep as possible inside him. Nothing could feel better as his lover filling him.
He lifted himself slowly a bit, then drove back down quickly, feeling the pleasure rise.
Lifting himself again, he repeated the movement, gaining speed until he was riding his lover hard.

Pleasure coiled tighter and tighter in his body until it was enough and orgasm came, blinding him with its intensity, making him float so high on the waves of pleasure, it was a wonder he stayed conscious. Screaming Severus’ name he spurted all over his lover’s chest.

Severus thought he would go mad. Harry’s inner flesh was tight around him and hot. Then Harry started moving and the pleasure increased tenfold. Every one of Harry’s movements made the dildo shift inside him.
And he couldn’t come. The pleasure was so intense it bordered on pain. And the feeling had nowhere to go. Until the walls of Harry’s channel clamped down on him. The pressure of the cock ring vanished into nothing, finally letting him come. Pleasure surged through him in an almost agonizing wave, finishing in his prick and filling his lover with great gushes.
The pleasure was so earth shattering intense that he blacked out.

When he woke up, he found his arms freed and Harry resting half-sprawled on him - a favourite position of his young lover.
Harry had obviously cleaned them up. He looked lazily into Severus’ eyes, a content smile playing on his lips.

“Satisfactory, love?”

“Hmm. Very.”

Harry chuckled.

“Happy anniversary, love!”

It was a warm summer night in August when Harry Potter-Snape, the Dark Lord of the wizarding world, and Severus Potter-Snape, his legally wed husband, celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary. The world had changed a lot for both of them, but they were finally content.
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