Seven Days - Day Seven

May 04, 2004 20:46

Gosh, I'm so tired, I could fall asleep right now. Mustn't though. Have to update... and to do at least a dozen things before I can go to sleep.
Anybody there who would to go to sleep for me - so that I'm not so tired anymore?

Enough rambling. I know what you are waiting for. Here's part seven. Only one to go and that's not really a chapter , it's more of an epilogue.

Seven Days can change the world

Author: Snapespet
Title: Seven Days can change the world
Pairing: SS/HP
Rating: NC17 (for the last part)
Beta: primavera8180
Status: 7/8

Day one
Day two
Day three
Day four
Day five
Day six

Day seven

It was a Sunday, forty one days after Voldemort’s defeat when the world changed again for Severus Snape.

Severus memories were in disarray. He distinctly remembered being brought into Azkaban. The inhuman cold greyness of that place bringing out only the most terrible memories and emotions and trapping you in them.

Every happy thought sucked away the moment one experienced it. So many bad thoughts taking its* place. And always, always, always cold. Not cold enough to freeze to death but way to cold to be comfortable.

Except that it was warm now. Severus was warm now, comfortably warm. And it didn’t feel like cell floor any more. Soft, if felt soft and warm.

Perhaps he had died? He hoped so. To open his eyes and maybe loose this oh-so-wonderful comfort would be worse than Cruciatus.

So, instead of risking it, he grabbed the soft thing on top of him - cover, his mind somehow supplied - and tried to vanish beneath it completely.

Though he still felt tired, sleep wouldn’t come. But he just lay there, content for the first time in ages. At least until his body woke up enough to claim its needs.
He was hungry - he couldn’t even remember the last time he felt hunger - and more pressing, he needed a toilette

Cautious he started to slide from under the covers. A sound.
He wasn’t alone. His eyes flew open in surprise and came to rest on a blond figure kneeling next to the bed.

It was official. He had died and, through some kind of mistake, had gone to heaven. There was no chance in hell that Lucius Malfoy would be kneeling, patiently waiting for something, next to his bed. The last time he’d seen the blond aristocrat, he had threatened Severus with painful death.

Steel grey eyes looked up.

“You are finally awake. The Lord wishes to see you if you are ready.”

His surprise must have shown, because Lucius continued.

“Your bathroom is through that door. Do you feel strong enough or do you need assistance?”


Even if he felt a bit weak, there was no way he would allow Lucius to help him.

“As you wish. I’ll make sure your robes are ready for you.”

If that even was Lucius Malfoy. Sure, he looked like him but his behaviour?

Severus was glad that Lucius left the room, since he had discovered he had woken up naked. Getting up and walking to the bathroom door took more energy than it should have. And something was nagging at his thoughts. But what?

After relieving his bladder, he stepped into the shower. What a luxury. Warm and clean. And maybe he could get something to eat on top of that.

Feeling better than he had in Merlin knew how long, he stepped from the shower. The nagging feeling was back with vengeance.
Until it clicked. The room seemed familiar. It was his own room in Snape Manor. But he was sure, the manor had been claimed by the ministry.

And what had happened to Harry? Was he still unconscious or worse, dead? He needed to find out.

Returning to the bedroom, he saw that the bed had been made and a silver and black robe had been laid out for him.

The moment he’d finished dressing, Lucius entered after knocking. Bowing before him, he said:

“The Lord awaits you. Follow me please.”

Walking through the corridors, Severus puzzled about the identity of the new Lord. During the shower he had seen that the Dark Mark had resurfaced and that it had changed.

That it didn’t hurt took Severus as a good sign. Whoever it was didn’t seem too inclined to kill him on sight.

Malfoy led him to a small dining room, set for two people, though no one else was here yet and excused himself.
Severus took one of the chairs and waited.

He must have dozed off a bit, because he woke up when a pair of soft, achingly familiar lips met his. He gasped and a tongue sneaked its way into his mouth, tasting so much of Harry.

His eyes flew open and revealed the truth. It was Harry, looming over him, looking at him with a slightly bemused expression.

Tears sprang unbidden to his eyes, making it difficult to focus on the divine vision in front of him.
Harry was alive. And well. But the Dark Lord was on the way - Harry needed to hide.
He told him that, but Harry only chuckled.

“Don’t be stupid, Sev. And stop worrying. You are safe now. I’ve got you and I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“But the Dark Lord…”

“Doesn’t like this title very much. I’m not a monster like Voldemort. Please understand. I don’t go around killing people for fun. But I couldn’t let Fudge do whatever he wants. And there are a lot of things that need to change.”

Startled, Severus looked into the familiar green eyes. Saw the truth in them. And the insecurity. Noted how tense Harry had become, waiting for his response.

But what could he say? Harry was the new Dark Lord. Did it matter? It was Harry, after all.
He made his decision.

“So, you are now in charge of the world, brat? - Just be careful with it.”

Harry hugged him tightly and Severus knew there could be worse fates for the world.

It was a Sunday, forty one days after Voldemorts fall that the world changed for Severus Snape. From freezing cold depression to something new. Something hopefully better. He’d simply see to that.
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