FIC: Not with a bang, but a whimper (PG-13)

Jan 18, 2021 09:00

Title: Not with a bang, but a whimper
Type: Fic
Age-Range Category: Five
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Severus/Hermione, established
Author: blueartemis07
Beta(s): by any other name
Rating: PG-13
Click to View [Warning(s)]Only if you were living under a rock.
Note(s): OK, I had to. It was what was stuck in my mind.
Summary: When the Statute of Secrecy got blown… no one cared.

Severus Snape was in his office, atop the spiral staircase, guarded by Howard the Gargoyle, deep in the bowels of Hogwarts Castle, working on the budget for the next school year, when his mirror-phone rang.

"Love, I'm in the midd-" he started to say.

"The Statute has been breached!" Hermione did not shout, but her tone was intense. "There was an incidence of accidental magic, and both that and the Obiviation squad was all over the Muggle internet in seconds."

"And what has happened, love?" Severus asked. "None of the wards went up, nor did any of our protections engage."

Hermione took a deep breath. "That is the mystery, Severus, no one is sure what exactly happened or what will happen. But the muggles are just not interested. We aren't sure why. The ICW is asking for all heads of state to determine what exactly has gone on and how we should respond. They have also asked for you, specifically, since you did the new warding and protections for the school," she responded. "And, of course, the ley line convergence in the clearing in the Forbidden Forest is a very desirable place to figure things out."

Severus sighed. At 60 years old, you'd think he'd catch a break. But no, there was always something.

"Come home, dearest, we need to invite a coven's worth of leadership to work a tracing spell," he said.

Hermione nodded. She might be the current Minister of Magic, but she knew that in this case, she had to defer to someone with clearer knowledge of the Dark Arts. It must be Dark Magic, she thought to herself. But how do you cloud the minds of so many muggles?

While Hermione was busy preparing the guest quarters for her invitees, Severus went to his office and used Floo powder to call out, "Potter residence!"

"Who is- oh, Severus!" Harry said, "Come in!"

"Harry, I would like to borrow your computer room, if I may," Severus said.

"Oh, sure. Gardy is actually at the British Museum today, but I'm sure that if you need help we can get her home."

Severus nodded as he was led to a magic-proof room where he could use the internet. Harry had adopted his cousin's twin daughters, Gardenia and Violet, Violet was a witch and Gardenia was a Squib, but since Dudley couldn't figure out which child was magical, he had given both up. He was dearly afraid of treating them like Harry was treated, and so had made the unusual decision to give them up. They had set up the computer room so that Gardenia could be part of all her classes.

Wizarding Britain had been a bit surprised when Harry decided to be a stay at home Dad, but Ginny loved her job as a Quidditch reporter and she made plenty of money for the family.

Harry would come in and teach special classes for Defense Against the Dark Arts for Severus. Once a year they would duel, which was exceedingly popular with the students.

In the spring, Harry had informed Severus that he would not be able to travel as often, as Gardy was forced to do her schooling from home, due to some sort of world-wide plague.

"Isn't there some sort of lockdown, Harry?"

"There is, but Gardy was chosen to help put away the last collection, there was some vandalism, and they did the best they could to sterilize everything and she's been tested and cleared, so it should be fine," Harry responded.

Severus started to look up any anomalous incidents in recent history that would explain the lack of interest in the revelation of magic to the world.

"What are you looking for, Severus?"

"Something to explain why the Muggles haven't noticed the revelation of magic. The Statute of Secrecy was broken, it is on something called YouTube," Severus said.

Harry started laughing.

"It isn't funny, Potter!"

Harry kept laughing, to the point that he snorted.

"Potter, do I have to give you a calming draught?"

"Oh-oh-oh," Harry gasped as he started to calm down. "No, no, it's just that ever since Brexit, the world has been going to heck in a handbasket. It is like all the old white colonialism has reared its ugly head and the world is upside down. This year, 2020, in particular has been a bloody mess. If you saw all the things the poor Muggles were going through, you wouldn't be surprised at all as to why they just don't care. They probably can't," Harry said.

"Ah. Well, Brexit was short-sighted and reminded me of Cornelius Fudge's reign as Minister. I'm certain the repercussions are going to be far-reaching. It reminds me of the rise of the Death Eaters, in direct contrast to Dumbledore's ideas," Severus said.

"Yes, it seems as though the balance between good and evil is definitely tilted toward evil," said Harry. "If you saw what the poor Americans were going through…"

"I shall compile a list, Harry. Without facts, we can't prepare a ritual, the Arithmancy won't work." Severus sat down at the computer and started searching.

In the main sitting room in the guest quarters, Hermione was beginning to welcome the foreign leaders.

First to arrive was Rosalba Marie Laveau from the United States.

"Welcome, President Laveau" said Hermione.

"Many thanks, Minister Granger-Snape. Let's hope we can get to the bottom of this," she responded.

"Of course. I will have Nipsy show you to your quarters, and then we can meet back here once you've freshened up. I'm certain everyone should have arrived within the hour," Hermione said.

She spent the next thirty minutes welcoming leaders from China, Japan, France, Canada, the trio from Mexico and Central and South America and the quintet from Africa.

Once everyone had settled into their quarters and returned to the sitting room, Hermione was starting to speak when the Floo flared green and Severus stepped through.

He had eyes only for his wife, and as he reached her side, he handed her some notes. He gave her a light kiss of greeting, and turned to the occupants of the room and said, "Esteemed guests, let us head to the conference table the Castle has set up for us in the adjoining room. I have much to discuss."

As they all found seats, Severus waved his wand at a bright stone hanging over the table.

"I've always wondered how the famed Rosetta stone worked," Qiang Tai Yang said from their seat.

"Unfortunately, I cannot tell you, it is part of the Hogwarts ward scheme," Severus said.

There were chuckles from the others, as they could suddenly understand each other clearly, no need for translation potions.

"As I walked in, I handed the British Minister a set of events I believe are the most important of the last few years, culminating in the disregard the Muggles, or No-Magicals have had for the breach in the Statute of Secrecy. Considering the widespread use of the internet and other means of instantaneous communication, there must be a reason for their indifference," Severus stated.

Hermione waved her wand and made copies for all of the leaders present.

* Brushfires in Australia
* President Trump was Impeached
* Murder hornets
* California was on fire
* Explosion in Beirut
* Aliens were sighted, and it was verified by the Pentagon
* Global Pandemic
* A dragon skeleton was found in Canada
* Hundreds of thousands dead
* The US election embarrassment
* Notable death after notable death
"Are these real?" asked Jean-Claude Delacour.

"Yes," said Severus.

"You realize that these cancel each other out, Arithmantically speaking," Kasai Hiramoto of Japan said.

"I agree," said Hermione, sticking her quill into her bun, after scribbling equations on her parchment.

"So, there is no need to plan or plot? We just act as though nothing has happened?" Rosalba Laveau asked. "Ilvermorny appeared on the banks of the Mississippi and the No-Maj's local newspaper said something about a local private school changing their security features! The youth are going to be out and about brazenly!"

"At this point, Madame President, all I can say is that you rule the American magicals. You decide your own rules. But the best thing to do is, well, nothing," Severus reiterated.

After that pronouncement, the meeting broke up, and after a very filling, very British dinner, all the foreign dignitaries went home.

"Sean Connery died?!?"

"As did Alex Trebek and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg," Severus told his wife. "We shan't get into the athletes and performers that all passed as well."

"Any theories as to why the revelation of magic didn't seem to matter, love?" Hermione asked.

"Considering a good number of Muggles have stopped believing in science and math, why not believe in magic? I will consider it one less thing to worry about in my old age," he replied.

Hermione stopped to think for a bit. "As the poet T. S. Eliot said, 'This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but a whimper.'"

author: blueartemis07, category: five, type: fic

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