Title: Unexpected Meetings
Type: Fic
Age-Range Category: Three
Characters: Severus Snape, Lily Potter, Harry Potter
goddess47Rating: G
Summary: He almost didn't notice the woman but the red hair brought back memories. He looked again…
Unexpected Meetings )
Comments 9
I do believe that Lily Evans was not particularly nice. But this was a nice little snippet. Nicely done.
Oh, I loved this vignette! How I wish it were canon! That they had a chance to meet once more as adults, that Severus had a chance to meet little Harry! This was utterly unanticipated and has made my day. All my gratitude, MA!
An unexpected meeting, indeed! A what-could've been. Their old friendship is still there, buried as it is. And baby Harry! This dialogue cut deep - I suspect Harry will always receive an abundance of birthday presents. Thanks for sharing. <3
A serendipitous meeting leaving Severus feeling a bit hopeful. I could only glance toward what the next year will bring to get a twist of pain in my gut for all of them. Well done :)
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