FIC: Together At Hogwarts (PG-13)

Jan 20, 2022 08:15

Title: Together at Hogwarts
Type: Fic
Age-Range Category: Two
Characters: Severus Snape & Lily Evans
Author: articcat621
Beta(s): gaeilgerua
Rating: PG-13
Note(s): I hope everyone enjoys.
Summary: Lily and Severus spend their first Christmas at Hogwarts.

"Hi, Severus, I figured I'd find you here," Lily said, announcing her presence as she slipped into the armchair opposite him.

Severus marked his page and closed the book he was currently reading. Then, looking up at Lily, he offered her a small smile.

"I swear, you're in the library more than anyone else I know," she teased.

"Books aren't judgemental," he said dryly, looking at the one in his lap.

Lily frowned. "I'm sorry, Sev… I know it's hard, especially since everyone's so mean… But you can't let them get you down!" she tried to cheer him up.

Severus shrugged. "It's okay, Lil, you don't have to try and cheer me up."

She frowned. "You're my best friend, Sev. I hate seeing you so sad."

He gave her a fake smile.

"You know that's now what I want to see," she laughed, shaking her head. "What are you reading?"

"Hogwarts, A History," he muttered.

"Such a bookworm," she teased. "But, I came to find you because I wanted to ask if you were going home for Christmas."

Severus shook his head. "I already wrote to my Mum saying I didn't want to come home. She's sad, but she understands why not."

"I'm sorry your father is such… trash." Lily huffed angrily. After the stories Severus had shared with her, she hated him almost as much as he did.

"But we've agreed to just mail each other our gifts," he finished. "What about you?"

Lily bit her lower lip. "Well, it depended on what you were doing."

Severus gave her a look. "Lily, you don't have to stay here because I'm staying here."

"I want to!" she pressed. "I don't want you to be alone on Christmas, Sev. My parents will understand." She paused. "You could always come home and stay with me."

He shook his head. "And deal with Petunia? No thanks," he scoffed. Petunia hated him… And she made that very clear every time they were around each other. Lily's parents were nice enough, though.

"Then it's settled. I'm staying here with you." Lily reached out and took his hand. "Our first Christmas at Hogwarts, and we'll be together."

Severus felt his cheeks warm as he squeezed her hand in return. When Lily made up her mind, he knew that she was hard to deter.

It looked like they were spending Christmas together - something that he wasn't unhappy about at all.

Christmas morning came quickly, and after opening a few presents from his Mum and one from an older Slytherin, Lucius, he slipped from the Slytherin Common Room.

He and Lily had agreed to meet in their spot in the library to exchange their Christmas gifts. Looking at the small box in his hands, he hoped that Lily would like it. Worry began to niggle at his mind. She'd probably hate it… It was so cliche.

"Happy Christmas, Sev!" Lily cried, surprising him with a hug from behind. She squeezed him tightly before letting go and stepping around. She smiled up at him. "I hope Father Christmas was good to you."

"Yeah, got a few things from my Mum, and then something from Lucius."

Lily made a face. "I don't like him."

Severus laughed. "I know, but what about you?"

"Lots of goodies from my family, and then I actually got something from James Potter. He sent me chocolates that I promptly dumped into the trash." She laughed as she shook her head. "I don't know why he doesn't get the hint. He's soooo not my type."

Severus resisted the urge to scowl. He hated James Potter, but he didn't like bringing it up to Lily. Besides, she was able to handle it on her own.

"Let's exchange gifts!" Lily said in excitement. With a grin on her face, she handed Severus the package that she had.

He accepted the gift and then handed Lily the one he got for her. He held his breath, watching as she opened the gift.

"Oooo, Severus," Lily murmured softly, taking the necklace out. "This is so beautiful."

It was a simple necklace with a silver lily as the pendant. His stomach was in knots. "Do you like it?" he asked, swallowing the lump in his throat.

"Like it? Severus, this is beautiful," she murmured. She held out the necklace for him. "Put it on me?"

His hands shook slightly as he clasped the necklace around her neck. "All set," he announced when it was finished.

She smiled warmly at him. "I love it, Sev," she repeated.

He grinned. "I'm glad you like it."

"Now open yours!" Lily said, smiling at him warmly. She gestured to the gift that he had put down.

Picking up the gift, Severus slowly unwrapped it. He smiled, eyes wide when he saw what was inside. There was a moleskin journal and an engraved quill that said Future Potions Master.

"Do you like it?" she asked. "I know you love potions!"

"This is nice, Lily, thank you." He offered her a smile. While he had never explicitly said he wanted to be a potions master, knowing that Lily picked up on his desire and ambitions warmed his heart.

"I wanted to get you something that you would actually use," she offered.

"This is good," he said. "Thank you, Lily."

She took his hand and squeezed it. "Why don't we head down to the Great Hall for breakfast? I know the tables have all been pushed together since there's not a lot of us here for the holidays." She stood and made to move, but Severus took her hand again and stopped her.

"Lily, thank you again for staying at Hogwarts for Christmas with me." He looked at her, hoping she could hear the sincerity in his voice.

Lily smiled at him warmly. "Severus, you don't have to thank me. That's what friends are for."

Severus returned her smile. Following Lily to the Great Hall, he was thankful to have Lily as his best friend.

author: articcat621, category: two, type: fic

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